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August 21, 2001

The big news is, for those that have somehow missed it, is that:

Kim is pregnant!

She's in her tenth week right now and her due date is March 11, 2001. Right now we have no idea what our plans are for the next eight months or so. We are waiting until the first trimester is over to make it official as far as the CDC is concerned. We will be coming back to the States for the last trimester (some time around the end of January), but we are not yet sure where exactly we will be going in the States. The best first guess is Atlanta, so Kim can do some work at CDC headquarters leading up to the delivery. The second best guess is that we might be coming back to Ann Arbor. Right now we just don't know....

Prior to finding out that Kim was pregnant, I had decided that I wanted to finally go back to school and finish up my degree. I planned take some mix of on-line courses and regular courses over the next couple of years to finish up. The baby has really only changed the possible location of the school. It actually works out very nicely, since Kim has to go back anyway, I might pick up a full semester of live courses. Currently, I'm taking a couple of on-line courses at Washtenaw Community College: English Composition and an E-Commerce class. I've already turned in my first assignment....

Meanwhile back here in Kisumu, the job wait may or may not be over! I have an meeting with the Kisumu International School tomorrow. They don't know about this little complication yet. I hope we can work something out...

(Updated August 30th: I am now the computer/P.E. teacher and librarian for Kisumu International School! I will only work 15 hours a week with students. The last week and a half have been very busy. More Later!)

We've gone on a couple of trips since we've been back. Kim and I went on a little weekend camping trip to one of my favorite spots, Hell's Gate. It was a good opportunity to try out some of our new camping equipment, enjoy our newish car and get reacquainted after not seeing each other since our "Honeymoon".

And just this weekend we went to back to the Aberdares. The Aberdares, if you don't remember, is a forested game park near Mt. Kenya that we visited once very unsuccessfully (Pictures). This time we went out on our own instead of with that terrible Ark place and had a much better time. We stayed high up in the moorlands in an old fishing lodge that had been restored very nicely. We arrived late at the gate to the park just as the sun was setting and found out that the cabin was a full hour and a half away. We drove like mad through the dark encountering random buffalo, exceptionally dumb rabbit and a herd of elephant. Coming around a corner into a herd of elephant in the pitch black is definitely an experience. Fortunately, they were walking away from us instead of towards us. Only the one closest to us made any threatening moves while the rest just slowly moved out of our way.

When we arrived at the lodge it was late and very cold. Cold is something that you don't normally associate Africa, but I'm here to tell you it was freezing! O.K. it wasn't literally freezing, but it was close, 41º F / 5º C. Me and the fellas, Dan, Romy, Sander and Eigil, took a walk after dinner, and I'm convinced that it was snowing! Not very hard, but snowing! I swear! Of course, they didn't agree with me, but I'm sure of it!

Anyway, we had a very nice, if frozen, weekend and made it back to Kisumu in time for Ultimate Frisbee. Right now membership is a bit low, we could definitely use a couple more people. If you're in the area, feel free to stop by....

So that's about it from Kisumu. As they say here, "Things are just O.K."

As you may have noticed, there are new pictures up:

Pictures of our wedding

I've tinkered with how the pictures work for the wedding. You can go back and forth between the pictures by using the arrows at the bottom. To return to the Index page press the button with the little squares. To go back to the Home page use the Red Nav Bar on the Left.

Pictures from Mexico and Guatemala are forthcoming....

Until Next time....