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July 27, 2002

I've won an Award-Thank you so much
I've added 6 Links
I've added 2 new Support Banners

July 21,2002

I've added new title history to the front page

July 20, 2002

I've won 2 AwardsThank you so much
I've added a rare picture of Christian to the Christian Gallery

July 14, 2002

I've added 1 picture to the Christian & Edge Gallery
I've added 1 picture to the Brood Gallery
I've awarded an Award - Go check out the page it is great

July 13, 2002

I've added 4 pictures to the Christian Gallery
I've added new information to the Home page
I've added 11 Links
I've added new Support Banners
I've added 1 Banner
I've added more Topsites for my page where you can vote for me
Please vote for me at the Sweet Insanity Awards & Tainted Love Awards. The banners can be found on the Home page