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Name: Sunny Tutone

Nickname: Good Times

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 238 pounds

Gender: Male

Finisher: Wipeout (Gutwrench into a backbreaker submission, he then runs and powerslams his opponent, face first, into the mat)

Hometown: San Diego, California

Entrance Music: My Name Is by Eminem

Ring Attire: Long blue and white checkered tights, white wrestling boots with white laces, dark blue kneepads, and one elbow pad on his right elbow

Backround: Sonny Tutone lived the first 20 years of his life in San Diego. His parents, Kevin and Skye, never really returned from the sixties, if you know what I mean. They taught their only child themselves, insisting that public schools were to rigid with their grading policies. As a teenager, his daily regiment consisted of excersize, weight lifting, and laying around on the beach. His love of wrestling started when he was 12, helping his uncle, Barry, out at his TV repair shop. When wrestling came on the tube, Barry would stop everything and sit down next to the closest working television. Sonny would pull up a stool and absorb all these flamboyent personalities into his mind. At the age of 18, Mr. Tutone enrolled at a local wrestling academy and also joined the amateur wrestling club at the YMCA to help hone his mat abilities. His good nature carefree attitude earned Sonny the moniker "Good Times" from his classmates at the academy. Two years after entering wrestling school, Sonny Tutone feels he is ready to start making a name for himself. This technician/high flyer is looking to Wipeout any obsticles that might prevent him from doing so.