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War Against the Weak: Eugenics
Edwin Black discussed his book War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America's Campaign to Create a Master Race, published by Four Walls Eight Windows. The book discusses a large-scale eugenics movement that began in the U.S. in 1904 and that was championed by the nation's medical, political, and religious elite. Eugenics sought to eliminate social "undesirables" and was eventually copied by the Third Reich. Mr. Black responded to questions from members of the audience.
Outside the Box #90 (Transhumanism Special with guest Tom Horn)
With the issue of 911, the police state, and the surveillance society at the forefront for many activists, there is a larger mystery lurking behind the curtain. Tonight I spoke with Tom Horn, investigative journalist and webmaster of We discussed the complex issue of the 'new eugenics' AKA Transhumanism. We also talked about the current technological advances concerning the cross breeding of animal/human embryos. This program ponders the ultimate question: "What does it mean to be a human being?" This is one extremely informative edition of Outside the Box. Tags: Eugenics, Transhumanism, Beast system, 666, brain chips, cross breeding, genetic engineering, biotechnology, supermen, DARPA, verichip, hitler, sterilization, immigration, psychotronic weaponry, cloning, science, Darwin's Theory, evolution, End Times, prophecy, Revelations, The Ahriman Gate

"End Game": Eugenics and Depopulation: Exerpts from by Alex Jones
"End Game" by Alex Jones is many films in one. It is a treasure trove of information about the ultimate designs of the New World Order. The film, however, may be a little long for many. With this in mind, I have spliced together 45 minutes which concentrate on Eugenics and Global Depopulation