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DCC meets Tuesdays,  6:00 PM - 11 PM
1st Avenue Presbyterian Church
120 West 1st Avenue (1st & Acoma, 1 block west of Broadway)
Denver, CO 80223

Rated games (G/90 starts at 7:00); $6 for members, $8 for non-members
More info: Visit the forum


Visitors to the Denver Chess club are very welcome, and they can do the following when they visit our Tuesday night games:

1) Walk around and watch the games being played.

2) Grab a club-supplied chess board and pieces to sit down and play a game.

3) Talk to club members or a club officer about membership or ask other questions about the club.

4) At 7:00 PM, we start a rated chess game, and courtesy requires total quiet in the club. So, only whispers after 7:00 PM.

We wish to make the public welcome. You do not have to be a member just to visit. Nothing makes us happier than to see a new friendly face; chess is a social activity.

We welcome children as much as adults. Some of the best chess talent in the United States are the children who have played during their school years at the Denver Chess Club, and who have gone on to win in national tournaments.

– Bruce Bain, President

Page created by: Corey Kesler –
Forum administrator: Dylan Lehti –
Last modified May 17, 2008