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Harry Potter OotP Quiz! You are:

Delores Umbridge
Sadly, you are probably the most hated professor that Hogwarts has ever had. Well, you can rival Snape! Umbridge was the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher in Harry's fifth year, and she is a greedy person. She works for the Minister of Magic. She is an annoying person. If you are Umbridge, you may not have all of the same tendencies, but that does not stop you from having enemies! Umbridge is VERY afraid of Centaurs now, and is fond of Slytherins. If you are Umbridge you are a tricky person, and possibly, like people that don't obey your wishes suffering. You have the capabilities of being either a good person, or a bad person; in the books, Umbridge decided to take the latter path. Umbridge has it out for people against the Ministry, and does not like Dumbledore. She does not like people she thinks incompetent, and is very prissy. Many of these things may not be what you're like, but it is possible. Try to resist the urge to torture those who disobey you.