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CS4900/6900 - Human Computer Interaction
Department of Computer Science
The University of Georgia, Athens
Programming Project #2
Under the guidance of Professor Dr.Eileen Kramer
Survey Builder
Design Justifications
Design Justifications of our final choice:

  • Interface friendly to naive computer users
  • Easy to-use user interface
  • Learning time is almost null
  • Intuitive interface
  • Interface guides user through various functionalities to be performed.
  • Interface posses all the basic functionalities required by the client.

  • DESIGN -I: Drag and drop interface

    Disadvantages Advantages
  • Not very intuitive for a naïve user
  • Once the user is familiar with the functionalities of the interface, usage is very easy
  • User may get frustrated if he’s unable to perform desired operation(like unable to find the option to change the type of question in the survey from radio buttons to checkbox)

  • DESIGN -II: Design as given in the ppt presentation

  • The absence of a main menu is the main disadvantage here. The users will not be aware of the functionalities available with the application.
  • The user will not be able to choose the order in which they want to perform the operation, but will be forced to go along with the flow of the program

  • Advantages:

  • The interface is intuitive to the user.
  • Guides user thru various functionalities to be performed.

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