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Status Character Scroll This script scrolls a message from right to left one character at a time in your status bar.

I made these siggies for people I know on a site called

Adeline.. Cash.. This was made for my sister ..Teresa.. Sebastian

As you can see, I can do any name, and do many different styles and sizes too, and thankfully it doesn't take me too long.. Heh! I also make avatars too, and just recently I've even been known to make an animated one! *insert gasp here* But... I'm not good enough to show THEM here yet lol!

Frosty Jenni.. 'L' Avvy.. S.D love avvy

I can do them any size too, but if you're wanting them for board, they're usually that size shown, or a tad smaller, therefore long names, - ok mainly all names are hard to put in unless I have them really small. That's why I usually use initials. I guess I could they could also be used as buttons *shrugs* I have been making banners too, but they're still work in progress.

Liked what you saw? Want one for yourself? Ah! Well all you have to do is email me, telling me what it is you want (siggi button, avatar...), what colours (background and foreground), what kind of font (fun, chunky, smooth, elegant or a specific name), size and more importantly, what you want it to say!

Please don't steal anything from this page. If you want one making, email me. Everything is copyrighted to me and has 'ŠJenni'on each image.