Self Hypnosis Reviews
We review the best Self Hypnosis Cds, Self Hypnosis MP3 & Self Hypnosis Downloads!
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In The Beginning
My story and yours may not be the same but I'm sure you are very much like me in many ways to a greater or lesser degree. I was born into an average family. I had a stay-at-home mother and hard working father. My parents did the best they could with what they had but my early life was less than happy. My father brought home enough money to ensure we had a very comfortable life and we wanted for nothing in the physical sense. However, my father suffered from alcoholism and my mother’s actions were often driven by her negative emotional state. Our family home was chaotic to say the least. Although the environment in which I grew up appeared to the outside world to be normal it lacked any real feelings of compassion, understanding or warmth. Early life, for me, was difficult but then things took a turn for the worse!My father lost his business due to his alcoholism and became unemployed. This drove my mother’s emotional state into an ever decreasing sense of frustration and hopelessness which often manifested itself, in what can only be described, as fury. Although we were never short of food or shelter my teenage years were blighted by financial lack and a total loss of the feelings of order, stability and safety. This had a profound effect on my view of the world, how I saw my place in it and what I thought I deserved from it.
I was already affected in my early years and had a very disjointed and negative view about family, friendships and relationships. Then going from a young boy who had four times as much pocket money as his friends to an impoverished child, and later teenager, greatly affected how I viewed wealth and prosperity. By the age of 15 an inner yearning had begun to stir that would launch me on a long and arduous path to self improvement.
Self Hypnosis

After years of trial and error, and worsening financial, relationship and health issues I became disillusioned with self hypnosis as a means for improving my life. I had spent thousands of dollars of my hard earned money on self hypnosis products and courses that promised the earth but only delivered dirt! My life seemed to be getting worse instead of better.
Although I was fortunate enough to have one true friend, who has remained by bedrock to this day, my social circle consisted of only acquaintances. My romantic relationships lasted only a few months at best or a few days at worst. I had no confidence in myself or my abilities and was painfully shy and introverted. I worked at a job I hated under very emotionally unstable people who were constantly on a power-trip. I was at the point of bankruptcy about to lose my home and had been suffering for several years from a severely debilitating stomach problem that, although not life threatening, was life altering.
My life was a mess!
I was constantly feeling frustrated and this lead to an extremely short-temper as my feelings of desperation mounted with each passing day. I knew I needed a way out before I drove myself to an early grave and spent my remaining years alone, unfulfilled and emotionally damaged.
I believe that when you have a dream, no matter how far reaching or unattainable it may seem, if you hold true to that dream then life will find a way to bring it to!
The Power of The Mind
It was during this particularly negative stage in my life, at the age of 29, that I encountered a very powerful self improvement technique known as The Sedona Method. This is a technique which allows you to remove negative emotions, thoughts and beliefs within a few minutes and was the most powerful tool I had ever encountered in all my years of self improvement. What does this have to do with self hypnosis you may be asking?Well it was through using this powerful technique that I realised why so many self hypnosis approaches did not work! These recordings and courses failed to factor into their sessions the removal of the internal obstacles to reaching the objective for which they were created. Let me explain.
A self hypnosis MP3 designed to create financial abundance, for example, will have clever post hypnotic suggestions that attempt to alter your behaviour and thoughts to reflect a wealth consciousness. However, if the self hypnosis session does not first remove your poverty consciousness then the post hypnotic suggestions just won’t work! In fact your subconscious mind will rebel against the new programming with such force that your life very often gets worse! This is precisely the very thing that I was experiencing!
With my new found knowledge about how the mind really works I started to look for self hypnosis recordings that reflected the sedona method approach. I wanted hypnotic sessions that not only reprogrammed my mind for success but eliminated the patterns of thought and behaviour that created failure!
After much research and testing I was able to tell the good products from the bad ones. I decided to test my new approach on my confidence issues. The results were astounding!
However, it was to take me several years before I realised that self confidence and self esteem may be interconnected but they are very different things. So I enlisted the help of self hypnosis once again to alter my self image and build my self esteem.
Years of testing have proved to me that for a self hypnosis recording to be effective it must address keys issues that are connected to its aim. One is removing the negative mental blocks that would cause the subconscious to rebel against the new programming. Another importaqnt aspect that must be covered in the recording is the building of self confidence and self esteem about the issue. And lastly the self hypnosis session must then reprogram new thoughts , feelings and behaviours that reflect the thoughts, feelings and bahaviours of people who already have what you now want. Now if I use a self hypnosis recording it must incorporate all these approaches or I will just not use it. This is due to the fact that a self hypnosis recording that meets all these criteria will always work! Unfortunately these type of recordings are often very hard to find.
What We Offer
I have drawn on my 25 years of experience with self improvement and self hypnosis to create this site. I offer you that experience in the form of product reviews. I try my best to give the pros and cons of each product so that you have a good overview and understanding of it. I have also enlisted the help of other self hypnosis users who have a variety of social, ethnic and religious backgrounds, all with their own personal stories so we can ensure the products work for everyone and not just a certain demographic.We have tried hundreds of different self hypnosis & hypnotherapy products and we bring you reviews of the best. We only review products that work! We don’t sell any products we only review them. We are very interested in feedback from others who use self hypnosis and have a story to tell.
Our first concern when adding a review is - does the product work? If the answer is yes then we consider adding the review. The depth of trance and the length of time needed to produce results are also taken into account as are the actual tangible results that are received.
Next we look at the quality of the hypnotic recording. If it offers value for money then it is worth reviewing. Does it create the change or produce the results that it says it will?
Then we look at the range of titles that the supplier offers. Some producers only offer the standard sessions while others offer

We have therefore added reviews of only those hypnotic recordings that produced real measurable changes, producing the results that are expected and have also tried to give the reader a good choice from the many self hypnosis suppliers we encounter.
Therefore, as well as standard titles, we have also reviewed several self hypnosis sessions that offer more obscure, or even esoteric results, for the more adventurous of you.
I should also add that some product reviews have been removed due to negative feedback from this site’s visitors and elsewhere. This feedback has always been in connection with customer support! Although a product may be one of the best on the market if the company that sells it does not have a good support system we will remove the review because it is my sincerest wish that you find products that will work for you and save you many years of trial and error. It is my hope that you soon start to benefit from the true power of good self hypnosis recordings!