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Chapter Guide to Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter Book Info Centre

Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Below is PoA all for you. What happens in each chapter so you can see how wonderdul it is. The movie is due out June 2004 and even though Oliver Wood has been cut, Chris Columbus is not directing and John Williams isn't doing the music it still should be good.

Chapter One: Owl Post

The book starts off with Harry doing his homework in secret. He ended up sneaking his stuff from the locked cupboard and hiding it beneath his bed. Hedwig has been missing for two weeks and Harry is starting to worry. Uncle Vernon has been treating Harry even worse this year, espically after receving a first ever phone call from Ron Weasley. Since Ron's never used a phone before, he ends up shouting through it and making Uncle Vernon quite angry with Harry. He tells him off for giving out the phone number to "those people." As Harry does his homework by flashlight on his 13th birthday, he gets presents from his friends at Hogwarts, and learns of the Weasley's luck. The Weasley's have won 700 Galleons and are taking a vacation in Egypt. He recieves presents and is curious to see why Hagrid sent him a biting book. He comes to the conclusion that this is the best birthday he has ever had.

Chapter Two: Uncle Marge's Big Mistake

Harry gets his worst present ever. Uncle Vernon's sister Marge is coming to visit and Harry has a hate-hate relationship with her. Harry is told to act well behaved, and he is forced to if Uncle Vernon is to sign the permission form for Hogsmeade. Almost making it through the week long nightmare, on the very last night Harry totally loses it, (after all being insulted again and again) and inflates Aunt Marge. Harry freaks and decides to leave the Dursley's. He takes off into the night with his stuff.*Note* I found two things wrong with this chapter-first it goes on to say he "blew up" his aunt, which if this was true she'd be dead, after all we learn Harry's own parents were "blown up" and died in the first book. Second Aunt Marge can be quoted as saying "If there's something wrong with the bitch, there will be something wrong with the pup." Now I am not saying that kids don't know what that word means, but it's funny to see it in a kids book. Not that I care or anything, just a humble opinion. ;)

Chapter Three: The Knight Bus

As he gets further away from the Durselys, he stops to rest and notices something dark hiding in the bushes. Hw wonders what he will do next, as he comes to terms with the fact that he is now expelled. He figures it can't hurt to do a little more magic, but doesn't get the chance. Somehow he ends up calling for the Knight Bus, where he tells the people on board his name is Neville Logbottom.(Sniggers) The conductor Stan is talking about the escape of murderer Sirius Black, and Harry learns juts how dangerous he is. Siruis killed 13 people with a single curse 12 years ago, just after the defeat of his master Voldemort. When he gets to the Leaky Cauldron he runs smack dab into Fudge, head of the Ministry of Magic. (Oops!)He does not get in trouble however and ends up staying at the Leaky Cauldron,with the promise of not heading back to the Muggle World. Harry wonders why he was not expelled from Hogwarts or even sent away to Azkaban himself.

Chapter Four: The Leaky Cauldron

As Harry adjusts to freedom, he discovers the latest broom to hit the market. The Firebolt. He buys all his things for the next year, which includes new robes and books. He sees Hermonie and Ron and is glad to see them, after another long summer. Percy has been made head boy and of course Mrs. Weasley is beaming. Hermonie decides to buy a cat, which nearly kills Ron's rat while in the shop. After dinner, Harry over hears the Weasley's arguing about sometime. He learns that Sirius Black is after him, and that Mr. Weasley wants to tell Harry, but Mrs. Weasley said he shouldn't know. Harry doesn't believe that he will be killed by Sirius as he falls asleep.

Chapter Five: The Dementor

Under the protective eye of Mr. Weasley, Harry and his friends leave for Kings Cross. Mr. Weasley takes Harry aside to talk to him, Harry tells him he is already aware that Sirius Black is after him, and Mr. Weasley promises not to go looking for black. The only place left to sit is where Professor R. J. Lupin is, and the three friebds learn that he is the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. As the train gets closer to Hogwarts, it slows down as Dementors board the train, looking for Black. Harry faints and learns after coming to learns that the Dementors of Azkaban will be at the school. Chocolate is the remedy for a dementors attack. Malfoy learns of this and tanuts him. As Harry reaches his room he is glad to be back at the place he calls home.

Chapter Six: Talons and Tea Leaves

As the students begin their studies of a new year, the three friends are intoduced to the somewhat foolish Sir Cadogan on the way to Divination. This character from a painting is somewhat of a idiot. Harry learns in Divination after having his tea leaves read he has the grim, and for the first time ever Hermonie talks back to the teacher.Harry and Ron find the class funny at firs, and Hermonie down right hates it. Harry and Ron first learn that Hermonie is studying several subjects at the same time, and they sit through Hagrid's first class. Harry bravely handles the Hippogriff, however Malfoy is attacked by one after insulting it(which they were told not to do). After the class Harry, Hermonie and Ron find Hagrid drunk in his cabin, and later on yells at Harry for being out after dark.

Chapter Seven: The Boggart in the Wardrobe

Malfoy returns to classes, milking his so called injury and forces Ron and Harry to help him in Potions. Malfoy asks Harry if he is going to look for black seeking revenge, and Harry wonders what he is talking about. Neville has serious problems, and Snape picks on him. Hermonie helps him in secret and in anger that Neville's potion works, takes five points from Griffyndor. In Defense against the Dark Arts, Prof. Lupin takes them to the staff room, where they learn to defend themselves against a Boggart. As people come up and face him, Harry wonders what the Boggart will turn in to for him. Harry and Hermonie never get a chance to face it however, and Hermonie is upset about this.

Chapter Eight: Flight of the Fat Lady

As most of the school heads off for a Hogsmeade visit, Harry is left alone at the school. He goes to visit Prof. Lupin and while there gets a surprise visit from Snape who gives Lupin a potion which he drinks. (Note from self Lupin is NUTS!!!!) When Harry's friends get back from Hogsmeade he tells them about Lupin and what happenened. After the feast that night, the Griffyndors return to the tower to discover the fat ladys picture slashed and her gone. Peeves who is hanging around tells Dumbledore that Sirius Black has quite the temper.

Chapter Nine: Grim Defeat

After the whole school spends the night in the dinning hall, Harry learns that Slytherin has backed out of the next Quidditch match, and that they'll be playing Hufflepuff instead. The team is angry at this, but know there is nothing that can be done about it. The fat lady's painting is taken down and replaced with that idiot Sir. Cadogan. No one is happy about this, but no one else wanted the job. When it is time for the match, there appears to be a thunderstorm brewing and it will make it much more difficult. When the rain begins to interfer with Harry's sight a time out is called and Hermonie steps in to help. The dementors show up and then Harry passes out and wakes up in the hospital ward, learning that his broomstick has been destroyed by the Willow and that they lost. Most of the school thought he had died, and that Dumbledore became quite angry with the dementors for coming on school property.

Chapter Ten: The Marauder's Map

On the next Hogsmeade visit, Harry prepares to be bored yet again. However to his surprise he is summoned by the Weasley Twins and given a map. It shows where key people are in the school at the present time and shows secret tunnels to Hogsmeade. Harry follows the tunnel and sneak to Hogsmeade where he surprises Ron and Hermonie who are shopping in Honeydukes. They then head for Three Broomsticks to have some Butterbeer. Teachers from the school walk in, and Harry is stuffed under the table, free from view. He overhears the teachers talking about his fathers past and how he was at Hogwarts. He also learns that Siruis Black was his parents secret-keeper. Harry now knows what Malfoy was talking about in revenge, since Black basically killed his parents. After the teahers leave, Harry is in shock.

Chapter Eleven: The Firebolt

After returning from Hogsmeade, Harry looks at the photo album and sees Black smiling with his father on his wedding day. That night he has does not fall asleep until late and wakes up quite late the next day. The three of them head of to see Hagrid who has been found not to be responsible for the incident in his class on the first day. Hagrid says that Buckbeak could be in a lot of trouble though. Ron tells Harry not to go after Black and Harry has already decided on revenge. On Christmas morning while opening presents, Harry discovers he has been sent a Firebolt. Afterwards at dinner, there is only twelve people there, so they sit together. It seems that Prof. McGonagall and Prof. Trelawney don't see eye to eye. After dinner Hermonie tells Prof. McGonagall about the firebolt and it is quickly taken away from him.

Chapter Twelve: The Patronus

As Harry starts his anti-demetor lessons, he begins to learn that the charm is highly advanced and his first two attemps end up in failure. The third time however he is sucessful. Wood keeps insiting that his broom be given back, but keeps failing to actually get it back to him. Harry keeps bugging to get it back, but gets told off everytime. As the lessons go on, Harry gets better and better and eventually asks what is under the dementors hood. He learn and wishes he had never asked. In the end he gets his broom back, but finds out that Hermonie's cat has finally eaten scabbers.

Chapter Thirteen: Gryffindor Versus Ravenclaw

At the match Lee Jordan seems more interested in discussing the firebolt than the match, and keeps getting told off. The seeker from Ravenclaw is a girl and Harry has a slight crush on her. Three dementors show up and Harry uses the charm he was taught. He then catches the snitch and wins the game. It turns out though it was a joke-the dementors that is. They turned out to be Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle along with Flint. After the party that night, Ron wakes up claiming that Siruis Black had shown up in the dorm and tried to kill him. Percy thinking he had a nightmare tells him off, but most of the house has already woken up. When Prof. M shows up she scolds them, but asks if Sir Cadogan let a man in and he says yes. Neville left the passwords out and the castle is searched for Black once more.

Chapter Fourteen: Snape's Grudge

The aftershock of the previous nights event is rippling through the school. As yet another Hogsmeade visit comes up, Neville has been banned from knowing the passwords and going to Hogsmeade. As corners get boarded up, Harry discovers the witch statue has not. He sneaks into Hogsmeade again and hangs around with Ron, without ever leaving the safety of his fathers cloak. He sees Ron being tormented by Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle and decides to have a little fun. Throwing mud at them, making the three go crazy. Harry's face however gets reveled as one of the boys trips. Seeing Harry's floating head, the three boys take off. As Harry runs back to the castle, he runs into snape heading back to the tower and is dragged to his office. There the map is discovered and as Snape tries to read it it starts insulting him (HA HA!) Lupin is called and Snape and Lupin bicker for a bit, then Lupin escorts Harry and Ron who has just arrived out of his office. He tells them he knows it is a map and takes it away. When the boys return to the tower, they learn that Buckbeak will be killed.

Chapter Fifteen: The Quidditch Final

The time has come for the final match and it turns how to be Gryffindor against Slytherin. As Harry, Hermonie and Ron go see Hagrid. It is quite obvious that he is upset about the situation. The situation takes a turn for the worse when it turns out that Malfoy and his friends have been listening in. As Malfoy taunts Harry’s friends, Hermonie slaps him in the face. Shocked at this, Malfoy leaves with his friends and Ron and Harry stare at her with shock. Soon after Hermonie doesn’t show up for charms, which Harry finds odd because she was just right behind him. They find her sleeping later and then in Divination she walks out of the class never to return. The match turns how to be dirty as Slytherin starts to cheat and the Gryffindors retaliate. (I would strongly encourage the reading of this chapter, as it is very funny) But of course Gryffindor wins and Oliver Wood seems to be quite happy indeed.

Chapter Sixteen: Professor Trelawney’s Prediction

As exams come, it looks like people are stressing quite a bit. Just after Harry’s Divination exam, Prof. Trelawney goes all weird and comes up with a strange sounding prediction. Harry learns that Buckbeak’s appeal was lost and that the hippogriff will be executed. Harry and his friends sneak down to see Hagrid using the cloak and in his hut discover the long lost Scabbers. The three have to quickly hide under the cloak as voices approach and they can hear off in the distance the sound of a swinging axe.

Chapter Seventeen: Cat, Rat and Dog

Scabbers takes off and Ron goes after him. Our of the darkness comes a big black dog knocks Harry over. The dog then pulls Ron away. They find themselves at the whomping willow and find a passageway under it. The chaise him and for what seems like hours follow the tunnel. At the end they find themselves in a house which turns out to be the shrieking shack. They discover the dog is actually Black and Harry goes after him. Of course Harry is angry, but more shocked to find Prof. Lupin come in and treat Black like a friend. Hermoine gets angry and starts to says things. Harry learns that Lupin is a werewolf and Lupin admits to it. Harry learns that Scabbers is not just a rat, but Peter Pettigrew who supposedly died years ago.

Chapter Eighteen: Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs

The story about the past is told as Harry and his friends learn what happened at Hogwarts years ago. Harry learns that the map was created by four schoolboy friends, one of which being his father. Mooney, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs turn out to be Prof. Lupin, Peter, Black and Harry’s dad James. Harry learns that three of the boys became animals to be able to stay with the fully transformed Lupin. He also learns the Black tried to play a trick on young Snape by leading him to werewolf Lupin and that is when James saved his life. At the end of the chapter Snape appears out of nowhere ready to get both Black and Lupin.

Chapter Nineteen: The Servant of Lord Voldemort

This was a long chapter so I’ll keep it brief. (sniggers). Snape and Lupin argue a bit, and Snape ends up tieing up Lupin and is about to alert the dementors of Black’s location. Harry guards the door and won’ t let him leave and uses a charm on Snape, and so does Ron and Hermonie because he ends up knocked out. (Sniggers more) Peter is reveled and more talk goes on about how Peter was actually the Potter’s secret keeper and how Black and Peter hate each other. When Peter faked his death he cut his finger off to make it look more real. (ew!) Eventually they all head back for the castle with Peter, so that Black can be cleared of all charges.

Chapter Twenty: The Dementors’ Kiss

Black asks Harry if he wants to come live with him, as Black is his guardian. In the moon Lupin transforms and runs into the forest. Followed by Black as a dog. Peter escapes in the mess and the dementors begin to circle around Black, Harry and Hermonie. Doing his best he creates a patronus, but it fails as he, Black and Hermoine pass out. It appears that just before though one of the dementors has lifted his hood. (RUN!!)

Chapter twenty-one: Hermione’s Secret

Harry wakes up in the hospital wing to find that Snape is the reason he is there. (I would have rather died than have Snape rescue me, bleh!) He learns how Hermione has being doing more courses that year too. She has a time-turner, which they use to go back in time. They set Buckbeak free as well as Black. Snape discovers Black gone and blames Harry, but Harry really never left the hospital wing really. Angry about losing his order of Merlin, it appears Snape now hates him a lot more than he did before. When Harry was being surrounded by the dementors it was his patronus he saw across the lake. He broke the not be seen rule to save his life before he went back in time. (Don’t ask me read the chapter!)

Chapter twenty-two: Owl Post Again

Harry and Hermonie sneak back into the hospital wing. A bit later Snape comes in and starts blaming Harry for the escape of Black. Not being able to prove it, leaves angry. Fudge wonders why the dementors tried to give the kiss to an innocent boy. Dumbledore demands the dementors be removed from the school as well. The next day the school is on a Hogsmeade visit and they learn that Snape told all the students in his house that Snape was a werewolf and that Lupin had decided to quit. Dumbledore tells him that it was better for Peter to escape because there is a servant to Voldemort in Harry Potter’s debt. On the train back home, Harry gets a note from Black, with a permission form for Hogsmeade. The owl that brought it is given to Ron and Harry is given all the gold from Black’s safe as a gift. When he gets back to King’s Cross, it appears his uncle is still cross with him. Harry knows that this summer though will be the best yet.
Email me if you have any questions or comments ---->
