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Subject: Extreme Priority – A bottle of water Objet: Priorité Extrême – une bouteille de l’eau URL: (ENCODED - different - THE BEST WAY TO UNDERSTAND IF I CHANGE THE FILES WITHIN THE ZIP FILE OR ADD NEW ONES IS TO DOWNLOAD IT EVERY TIME AND COMPARE IT WITH THE PREVIOUS ZIP’S SIZE) ****FOR SOMETHING THAT IS SUPPOSED TO BE OF CONCERN FOR A RELATIVELY MORE DISTANT PERIOD OF FUTURE, I WANT TO DECLARE THAT THE LIST IS CLOSED AND ONLY THOSE THAT ARE PICKED UP IN THE LIST WILL BE CORRESPONDED FOR MY GENERATION OF ASSETS IF THERE WILL BE AN INSIGHT TO BACK MY CHOSEN ONE AND BE IN EQUAL TERMS AND EQUAL RIGHTS SUCH AS SOCIAL SECURITY AND PROTECTION, SINCE THIS WASN’T A DREAM LIST, THE FEASIBILITY REQUIRES THE NUMBER TO BE LIMITED WITH PRIORITY TO BE ALONGSIDE WILL BE FOR ONLY THOSE THAT WILL BE TOUCHED FOR THE FIRST TIME, AS THE OTHERS WILL BACK THEM WHEN THE PERMANENT ONES WILL HAVE A CERTAIN WARD CONSEQUENCE; I DECIDED TO MAKE THIS EXPRESSION BECAUSE NOBODY REGARDS THE SITTING DUCKS VERY CONVENTIENT FIGURES TO IMITATE IN TERMS OF A RUSH FOR A SOLUTION TO BE EXPECTED; HOWEVER THE INTENT NEVER HAS TO DO WITH SETTING UP AN ORDER LIKE A RELIGIOUS ONE AND USE AND DUMP THEM; SINCE PRIORITY WILL BELONG TO THE CHOSEN ONE, THE FIRST LADY, WHICH I HAVE DECIDED TO BE THE OLDEST DAUGHTER OF MY NEIGHBOR, WHO SEEMS TO BE WORKING ON TO FILL QUALIFICATIONS NECESSARY ON THE EVE OF A LONG HOPED EXODUS. MEANWHILE, IF WE ARE TO FOCUS ON THE SHORT TERM, WITHIN LESS THAN A FORTNIGHT I WILL HAVE TO STAND ON TRIAL FOR VIOLATING THE PUBLIC ORDER AND IN DIRECT PROPORTION A CERTAIN RETRIAL, THEIR ENEMY NUMBER ONE SHOULD STAND ON TRIAL STARTING BY THE LATEST JUNE 8TH (UNLESS WE ARE USING DIFFERENT CALENDARS THERE CAN BE A MISUNDERSTANDING BECAUSE TODAY IS May 25, 2005) AND AS MY DADDY TAUGHT ME TO NEVER PLACE MY ENTIRE EGGS IN THE SAME BASKET, I AM ALSO WORKING CLOSELY TO INCLUDE SOME SHADOW FIGURES LIKELY TO TAKE OVER IN SOME FRIENDLY NATION BY THIS FALL, WHO DO NOT QUITE WELCOME THE PEOPLE OF HERE AS EQUALS AND I WILL GET THEM PRESS FOR RETRIAL AS WELL, AND WILL MAKE THE GUEST WORKERS RUN THE GAUNTLET EVERYDAY. I ALSO HAVEN’T RECEIVED A SUFFICIENT RESPONSE FOR AN AFFIRMATION OF THE HAZARD OF A REPEATED MILITARY DRAFT STATUS, EITHER, WHICH IS TO THE DISADVANTAGE OF THOSE HARBORING MY CAPTORS AND MAKING THEIR LAWS COUNT ONLY AGAINST ME AND NOT AGAINST THEM AT ALL. **** In such a state of mind, it’s very natural for me to keep my mental balance at balance and never give up and go mad, so I wish to talk about this mental balance and health issue for a brief run, talking about what causes imbalance and how the issue of self-satisfaction can be a shameful factor with the feeling of guilt and humiliation and making you feel relieved for a temporary while such as swallowing your own saliva while you need a bottle of water in the middle of an endless desert. If the needs of body are to be obstructed, we cannot mention about a healthy state of mind either and since there is a perfect sense of knowledge among those I have applied to live in or those I regard as my homeland rather than depending on the former land, whose idea is to benefit from me as much as they can and maintain the current status quo, rather than showing a relish to alter things for good, to an alluring status; thus I believe the nations that reject the call, are not supposed to get away with it. There is an obsession about me to be shown as if I am a prophet incarnate, isn’t there? So I wish to ask you: What difference is there between the tribes or nations mentioned in Holy Books condemned for disobedience, cruelty and how they perished with God’s will? While some towns that harbor refugees and accept their will or while we can talk about the Samaritans referring to the same Holy Texts, where should we place my latter life (at least biological) mother’s country, the alternative land or territories close to home where there is no sound coming out; as the latter may always blame the former land on the status quo introduced to me, with former land fighter jets are mentioned to get 50 miles inside the common border, they may have a reason for not letting me in but how about those well off, and how about the country I mentioned going before alternative land, who provided just a limited territory just in the covert control of the former land, some town that is as much their own as their capital city? These are not the famous Samaritans and if we don’t see any Samaritans among the well off, praising about merits of helping poor countries and erasing their debts, how can we define the document I had to get showing me as a poor man in official terms risking getting out of here because of debts here since I wasn’t re-employed when I was dismissed years ago with my only crime being applying for my freedom of expression, a natal right? Those are poor to be saved but my assets are important for some world countries, such as the former land, on who if a Holy Book should have been handed to humanity (we know there won’t be another but if it should), would there be remarks in it praising the existence of the former land within? For example, would the current chair of the former land be the pharaoh mentioned or somebody else? We know he wasn’t a Samaritan, ordering his undercover to crush me and hush me. Is his place the heaven or hell, if you believe it’s hell, then pressure on his rule to give them the hell on earth in order to make them resent for keeping me inside as if I committed a crime. They hide behind a shallow remark like waiting and being on hold to save my family, my marriage of then in order to endure duration of my assets? But unfortunately, saving that marriage risks my children and if wife is the family, aren’t the children? There is an ambiguous move here. Now, I have thirsted and I demand I quench, demanding also shift in place and heading somewhere where I will never live poor, as a banished figure no different than a dissident and finally I demand being the nationals of a continent where I spent more than five decades back then, but of where I feel home, not north, and not former land at all and I be of the alternative land. I now hush and let others do the talking, who want to bring me on trial again and if I will not abide be brought by use of force, which will not be as easy as how the family members where I reside collaborated; that’s why I want my own home but without figures I distrust inside my home, as I can choose who can be at my home unlike the streets. The tape for today starts. This was recorded from a call made about at least 24 hours ago, with no information specific on the lines were spotted because the lines in this five minute call always changed places, shifting to different locations of the world. 1: We still haven’t been able to preserve the situation we have established about a few weeks ago; things could have grown more silent and she could have shut up, but the little girl keeps talking. Even worse is that we are unwanted there and she will get out and we will be screwed. 2: In such cases, it’s important to be patient and calm. We are not like the little girl that wants urgent solutions. She has only one brain and we have thousands. If we lose our calm things will be really out of order. Now we will keep calm and find another way to get her done. I want a team of formal policemen to get to her home right now. They will wait there and when she will enter from the gate they will get her and she will not resist; then an hour later the journalists will come and during that confusion she will find out that she is being looked for helping some wanted guys. 1: It has to have legal basis. 2: What legal basis are you talking about? All the efforts have turned against us; there should be an effective way to shut her up immediately. 1: Okay, if you have a plan… 2: I have a plan that I do not regard it right to talk about here. 1: Alright then, we will talk about it later. 2: I’ll find you. Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!
