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Welcome to the Palantír, a website dedicated to Fictional People Slash pertaining to the the works by J. R. R. Tolkien. Born from the free storage (and time) of the webmistress, as well as her love for slash and the characters, it houses fiction, artwork and miscelanea concerning our Middle-Earth adorably slashable people.

Submissions are very much welcome, be them fiction, art, icons, wallpapers, link suggestions. E-mail Lorielen at

Also, this is the place that will in a near future house everything related to the Horn Kink. But that's just me and my warped mind playing with the Horn of Gondor...

Enjoy your stay.

Disclaimer: None of the yummy dirty men from Middle-Earth belongs to me. All and everything related to the Middle-Earth belongs to J. R. R. Tolkien, who blessed us with a world of fantasy, wonder, elves and Gondor and its captains.