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Hogwarts Marauders- Then and Now

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Hogwarts Marauders- Then and Now By Clare Levijoki a.k.a. Remus Lupin “I can’t believe Snape gave us detention again.” complained Ron loudy, scrubbing the desk in front of him. “We didn’t even do anything!" “Other than get caught sneaking around with Harry’s invisibility cloak in the middle of the night.” Hermione reminded him as she scrubbed her own desk. “Yeah,” agreed Ron, “but we still didn’t actually do anything....” “Of course you know Snape, he’ll use any excuse to get us in trouble” sighed Harry “At least it’s only cleaning, not like Umbridge.” “Hey guys come look at this,” called Ron from behind Snape’s desk, “What d’you reckon it is?” “Ron I don’t think you should touch that,” remarked Hermione sharply, looking warily at the metallic device Ron was tinkering with. “We’re in enough trouble already.” “You know,” said Harry, inspecting the strange object “it kind of looks like a clock.” “Yeah that’s it!” Ron said excitedly, opening a panel on the back of the device and peering inside. “Oh come on Hermione, how dangerous can this thing– oops!” Ron cried as the clock slipped from his grip and crashed to the floor. As it hit the ground there was a flash of light. “Ron, I told you to leave that thing alone!” Hissed Hermione, throwing a terrified glance at the door, as though expecting Snape to come through it at any minute. “But- but I-” Ron stuttered. “Guys,” said Harry suddenly in a strangely quiet voice, “this doesn’t look like Snape’s classroom.” Ron and Hermione stopped and looked up. Sure enough, though it was most definitely the same dingy room, the furnishings were unfamiliar, and the desks in the class seemed to have rearranged themselves while the students were inspecting the broken clock. Suddenly the door of the classroom creaked. All three threw themselves on the floor behind the desk, wishing they had Harry’s invisibility cloak with them. To their surprise, the footsteps that entered headed toward a cabinet in the back of the classroom. Harry cautiously poked his head up to see who was there. Four students of about Harry’s age were crowded around the cabinet. Harry moved to try to get a better view, knocking a flask off the desk in the process. He winced as it clattered to the floor. One of the four, a boy with long black hair, turned around and addressed the shortest of the bunch, who had been glancing around nervously. “Keep it quiet back there Peter! You want to get caught?” “It wasn’t me Sirius,” whispered Peter “It came from over there.” Harry ducked down behind the desk. “Sirius?!” Hermione gasped “but how—?” “I think that thing that Ron was messing with must taken us back in time or something.” Harry replied in a whisper “Sirius is there, and so are Peter Pettigrew, professor Lupin, and my dad.” Ron peered over the desk. “But Harry,” he said looking puzzled, “those guys are our age.” “They’re over here!” Harry, Ron, and Hermione jumped back and looked up to see a fifteen-year-old James Potter staring at them with his wand raised. Sirius, Lupin, and Pettigrew appeared behind him. “Okay, James demanded, lowering his wand, “who are you and what are you doing here?” “We’re um, er—“ Harry stammered. “We’re sixth years.” Hermione interrupted him, thinking quickly. “We were doing detention.” Sirius looked skeptical. “Then why were you hiding back here?” Hermione grinned sheepishly and pointed to the shattered remains of the clock. “We kind of accidentally broke that. We hoped professor Snape wouldn’t get back until we’d cleaned it up.” Sirius looked startled. “Professor who?!” “She said Snape!” Pettigrew squeaked. “I knew they weren’t from around here!” “That’s ridiculous,” snapped James “where else would they be from?” “I’m not sure,” said Lupin frowning, “but I don’t think I’ve seen any of them before.” James turned to face Lupin. “Get the map out Remus.” Lupin dug through the pockets of his robes and pulled out a blank piece of parchment. He took out his wand and tapped it. “I solemnly swear I am up to no good.” He whispered. Instantly a map of Hogwarts appeared, with everyone inside the castle showing up as a moving dot, labeled with their name. A moment later, Lupin gasped. “James, his name is Harry Potter!” Lupin said pointing to Harry. “And this one’s a Weasley!” Harry and Ron looked at each other. “Are you two cousins or something?” Sirius asked, looking from James to Harry. “You look an awful lot alike.” James shook his head, looking bewildered. “I don’t think so. I’ve never seen him before.” “I suggest we continue this discussion later.” Said Lupin, rolling, up the map. “Filch is heading this way.” James nodded. All seven students filed out and tiptoed down the corridor. Harry, Ron, and Hermione followed the other four. “This is really strange.” Ron whispered to Harry. “I wonder where they’re taking us. Do you know?” Ron and Hermione both looked at Harry, who shook his head. Ron’s question was soon answered as they rounded a corner and came upon a familiar statue of a humpbacked witch. Sirius tapped the hump with his wand and whispered dissendium. The hump opened, just in time. A few seconds later footsteps echoed down the corridor. Suddenly, the footsteps changed to a run. “Hey! What’s going on down there?!” The voice belonged to a younger, but quite recognizable Filch. Hermione, the last one to scramble into the secret passage, breathed a sigh of relief as the hump closed. “That was too close.” She whispered. “Yeah,” agreed Ron. “That’s all we need. More detention.” James crossed his arms and looked at Harry, Ron and Hermione in turn. “Okay, now you tell us who you really are.” The three looked at each other. “Should we tell them?” Asked Hermione quietly. “I don’t think we have a choice.” Replied Ron, glancing at Sirius, who looked thoroughly annoyed. “I think we should tell them,” announced Harry, “maybe then they can help us get back.” “Tell us what?!” demanded Sirius, “and help you get back to where?!” Harry looked around. “Well, the truth is that we’re from the future.” The announcement was greeted by silence. After a moment, Pettigrew squeaked, “That’s not possible! Nobody can travel back in time!” “Yes they can,” said Hermione quickly, thinking of her time-turner, “But no one’s supposed to know except the Ministry of Magic.” James smirked. “Then what did you do? Sneak into the Ministry and go through a portal that just happened to come out in our potions classroom?” “Not exactly,” Hermione said, glaring at Ron, “we found this thing the classroom when we were doing detention. It got dropped and—“ “That would be what was lying all over the floor.” Muttered Pettigrew. “Yeah,” she continued, “anyway, when it fell there was this flash of light, and next thing you know we look up and realize we’re not in the same classroom. Then you showed up.” “Hang on”, said Lupin suddenly. “Who did you say was the professor that gave you detention?” “Snape” said Harry apprehensively, remembering the scene from the pensieve “Severus Snape.” The reaction was much as Harry had expected. “You mean to tell me that Snivellus is a professor!?” Snarled Sirius, “How far in the future are we talking about anyway? Ten years? Twenty?” Harry thought for a moment. “If you guys are our age, then it’s about twenty-five years from now.” James spoke up then. “If you’re from then, maybe we are related.” Harry looked at him. “We are.” He said softly. “You’re my dad.” James gasped, Lupin and Sirius looked shocked, and Pettigrew let out a little squeal. “But if I’m your dad,” said James slowly after a moment's pause, “then who’s your mother?” Harry hesitated for a moment. “Well... Lily is.” James somehow managed to look surprised, terrified and overjoyed at the same time. “L-Lily?!” he stuttered “Lily Evans?!” Harry nodded. “That’s her.” Sirius and Lupin looked at each other and suddenly burst out laughing. James turned red. “If James is his dad”, gasped Sirius when he had recovered, turning to Ron “Then who’s yours? Arthur Weasley?” Ron blushed. “Actually he is.” Lupin looked at Hermione. “Who’re your parents?” he asked curiously, “Would we know them?” Hermione shook her head. “I don’t think so. They’re both muggles. Dentists actually.” Lupin looked at her blankly. “What’s a dentist?” He asked. “Never mind that,” said Hermione quickly. “We were kind of hoping you’d be able to help us get back to our own time.” Lupin frowned. “Well we’d like to, but the thing is that we haven’t the faintest idea how.” “I’ll bet we could do it.” Said James suddenly. “I mean, we were Animagi in third year, and that’s supposed to be practically impossible. I’ll bet we could get these three back to the future.” Sirius grinned. “This looks like a job for the Marauders.” He announced. “That’s great and all,” said Lupin cautiously “but where are they going to stay until we get it figured out? It’s gonna take more than a couple hours, you know.” “Hey,” said Harry thoughtfully, “what about the Shrieking Shack? No one ever goes there.” Lupin paled. “That wouldn’t work.” Said Sirius quickly “tomorrow’s a full moon and—“ “Don’t worry,” said Harry glancing at Lupin, “we know about the werewolf.” “I’ve got it!” Exclaimed James suddenly. “You know that little hut down by the Forbidden Forest? The one the old Herbology teacher stayed in?” “Yeah,” Sirius agreed. “No one’s allowed to go there, so it should be safe.” Hermione turned to Harry and Ron suddenly “I think they’re talking about Hagrid’s hut.” Sirius looked at her. “Who’s hut?” “Hagrid. He’s our Care of Magical Creatures teacher.” James frowned. “I remember a Hagrid.” He said thoughtfully. “That half-giant kid that got expelled a few years back.” “Yeah, that’d be him.” Said Harry. “So can we get down there tonight?” Sirius and James looked at each other. “Follow us.” They chorused. The other five did follow, as they lead them into parts of the secret passage that not even Fred and George could have known about. After what seemed an endless maze of twists and turns, they came out right behind Hagrid’s hut. The moon was bright, and only a sliver away from full. Harry saw Lupin shiver when he saw it. The seven went around to the front of the hut. Sirius tapped the doorknob and whispered alohomora. The door creaked open and everyone filed in. “Lumos.” muttered James. One by one, the others lit there wands The inside of the hut was dark, dusty, and bare, lighted only by the wands, and not at all as it had been when Hagrid lived there. “Well,” said Harry, walking into the middle of the cabin. “Looks like we’ll be staying here for a while.” James nodded. “We probably won’t be able to get much done tomorrow. Since there’s a full moon and everything....” Hermione nodded. “Do you think we’d be noticed if we spent some time in the library? I mean, would anyone get suspicious?” Lupin thought for a moment. “I don’t think you’d have to worry about the students, except maybe the Slytherins. Stay away from Filch and the professors too.” “Yeah,” Sirius agreed, “and make sure no one sees you coming to or from the hut. You might want to wait until dark in the secret passage.” James glanced at the moon. “It’s getting pretty late, so we’d best get back to our dormitory before anyone realizes we’re gone. We’ll try to get down here during class tomorrow.” The marauders disappeared back into the passage, leaving Harry, Ron, and Hermione alone in the hut. Hermione found several blankets in a cupboard, and the three prepared to stay the night. “So how long do you think we’ll be here?” Ron asked as they settled down. Harry shook his head. “I don’t know. Time travel isn’t something I have a lot of experience with, you know.” Hermione looked concerned. “Well the only method I’ve ever used was my time-turner, and that only takes you back in time. “Yeah,” agreed Ron. “Besides, I don’t think it’d take us twenty-five years either way, considering we’d have to turn it for every hour.” Harry and Ron slept late the next day, and awoke to find Sirius and James knocking on the door of the hut. “Hey, where’s Hermione?” asked Ron, looking around the hut and suddenly realizing that she was nowhere to be seen. “She’s in the library,” James told him, “Remus and Peter went to help her look through books.” “So has anyone had any ideas?” asked Sirius, looking from Harry to Ron. Harry shook his head. “We were kind of hoping you guys had.” “Let’s go help Remus and your friend then.” Said James, “The library ought to be pretty packed today, with O.W.L.s coming up.” The four set off through the secret passage. James checked the Marauder’s map before opening the witch’s hump, to make sure no one was in the area to see them come out. “Uh-oh,” he said, frowning at the map. “What is it?” asked Ron anxiously. He didn’t like the prospect of being stuck in the dark tunnel longer than was necessary. “Remus and your friend aren’t in the library,” answered James, looking concerned, “In fact they’re.... uh-oh.” “They’re what?!” Harry grabbed the map from him. His face fell when he saw the map. Sure enough, Lupin and Hermione were in a corridor near the library. Clustered around them were a number of dots, including three labeled Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle. Ron moaned “Oh wonderful! Now we get to deal with their dads!” James looked at him strangely. “So their kids go to Hogwarts too?” “Yeah,” said Ron, “I just hope their parents aren’t as bad as they are.” “I’m afraid you might be disappointed.” Sirius remarked dryly. When the map indicated that the coast was clear, the four sprinted out of the passage and toward the corridor where Lupin and Hermione were. When they arrived, a crowd of students, mostly Slytherins according to Sirius and James, had Hermione and Lupin cornered against a wall. “So, Remus, Severus tells me he had a little encounter with you at the Shrieking Shack a few weeks back.” The speaker was a boy with long, blonde, hair, who looked disturbingly like Draco Malfoy. He was talking cooly to Lupin, while two large, familiar looking boys glared threateningly at him and Hermione. “Those two have got to be Crabbe and Goyle.” Ron whispered to Harry as he, James, and Sirius tried to maneuver themselves into a position to back up their friends. Hermione was glaring at the Slytherins around reaching into her robes for her wand, and Lupin looked pale but composed. “You’d better let us pass, Malfoy,” he said quietly “Or need I remind you that I’m a prefect?” Malfoy smiled “I’m quite aware of that, Remus, and I’m equally aware that you are a werewolf.” At that moment the corridor erupted. Spells flew from the wands of Sirius, James, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Lupin, and were countered by curses from Slytherins on all sides. When the dust cleared, Hermione lay on the floor, apparently unconscious, Lupin lay near her, conscious but completely paralyzed, and Ron was sitting on the floor, apparently unable to stand up. The Slytherins, however, seemed to have suffered equally. Either Crabbe or Goyle was laughing uncontrollably, probably the victim of a tickling charm, Malfoy was attempting to speak, but appeared unable to make any sound, another Slytherin had tentacles sprouting out of his face, and a fourth’s legs seemed to be dancing out of her control. “FINITEM INCANTEM!” Instantly the curses were lifted. Hermione sat up and looked around, bewildered, Lupin sat up and rubbed his head, and Ron’s legs suddenly regained their ability to move. A guilty silence settled over the hall as all the students turned to see a young, crimson-haired Dumbledore observing the scene with his wand raised. “May I ask who is responsible for this?” He said in a calm voice. Instantly more than half the students in the hall pointed towards Harry, Ron, James, and their friends. Dumbledore’s eyes traveled to the accused students. “And what exactly provoked you to do this?” Before anyone could speak, a dark-haired girl, clutching her burned arm dramatically cried “We didn’t do anything! They were teasing Malfoy. We tried to stop them and they just sort of attacked!” “What?!” Sirius interrupted “You were—“ He and the girl started to argue. “That is quite enough!” Said Dumbledore commandingly. “And Bellatrix, I’d suggest you head down to the hospital wing for those burns.” Bellatrix stalked off, glaring at Sirius. Harry realized with a thrill of fear that the girl who had just argued with Sirius was the same one who would kill him twenty-five years in the future. Before he could continue that gloomy line of thought any longer, Dumbledore spoke up again. “The rest of you, come with me.” He turned and started down the corridor. The remaining students followed him silently. Harry half expected him to turn and head toward the headmaster’s office, but instead he lead them into the Defense Against the Dark Arts office. Once in the office, Dumbledore turned first to Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle. “Now then, please give me your account of what happened a few minutes ago.” “Well professor,” Malfoy began, “We were on our way to the library, when we encountered Remus and that girl.” Malfoy gestured toward Hermione. “They cornered us, and threatened to curse us if we told anyone about a certain prank that their friend Sirius here played on Severus a few weeks ago.” Hermione opened her mouth to protest, but Lupin signaled her to be quiet. “At about this time several of our friends arrived and began attempting to force them to leave us alone. Then those five showed up,” He jerked his thumb toward, Harry, James, and the others “They started the fight.” Dumbledore considered this for a moment. Then he turned to Lupin and Hermione. “And your account of the event?” Lupin began. “We were on our way to the library, when Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle stopped us, and told us they were going to get back at us for Sirius’ little prank. A few minutes later, several others showed up and they all started to gang up on us. Then Sirius, James, and the others arrived and tried to get them to stop. Next thing we knew, jinxes were flying everywhere.” Dumbledore looked from Lupin to Malfoy. “You three may go. Ten points from Slytherin for this.” Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle turned toward the door. “Everyone else, stay.” Malfoy sneered at Lupin as he left. Dumbeldore looked at Lupin, Sirius, and James. “First of all, may I ask exactly what this ‘little prank’ of Sirius’ was?” Sirius grinned guiltily. “I let Snape overhear me talking about sneaking out to the Shrieking Shack on the night of a full moon. Of course, he went out there to catch me, and kind of.... ran into Remus.” At this Dumbledore looked mildly alarmed. “I take it he wasn’t injured?” “Nah,” Sirius responded, “James found out and went to rescue him. Anyway, when we found Malfoy and company ganging up on Remus and Hermione, Remus threatened to land him in detention, so he told everyone that he knows Remus is a werewolf. That’s when we— er.... stepped in.” Dumbledore nodded. “I see. I’m afraid I’ll have to deduct ten points from Gryfindorr. And Sirius, You’ll have a week’s detention with Filch. Severus could have been seriously injured.” Sirius looked at the floor. Next Dumbledore looked to Harry, Ron, and Hermione. “And what house are you three in? I don’t recall seeing you in Gryfindorr.” The three looked at each other. “They’re from Ravenclaw,” James began before anyone else could speak. “They’re—“ Harry interrupted him. “It’s okay. Maybe he can help us if we tell him where we’re really from.” Dumbledore frowned at him from behind his glasses. “And where would that be?” “We’re from the future,” Harry explained, “We somehow got transported here by accident.” Dumbledore blinked. “And how far in the future are you from?” “Twenty-five years. He’s my dad,” Harry pointed to James. Dumbledore looked thoughtful. “Then I suppose you’d like to get back to your own time.” “Yeah,” said Hermione eagerly. “Can you help us?” “Perhaps, but first I’ll need to know exactly how you got here.” “Well,” Harry began, “our potions professor gave us detention, and while we were there, we found this weird device.” “Yeah,” Ron interjected “It was kind of like a clock.” “Anyway,” Harry continued, “It broke, and there was this flash of light. Then we looked up, and realized the classroom didn’t look the same.” “We were trying to help them,” Lupin explained, “that’s why we were going to the library.” Dumbledore sat back in his chair. After a moment, he spoke. “I believe I know a way to return you to your own time, but you must show me exactly where you were when you were when you traveled into ours.” Harry, Ron, and Hermione nodded. They set off for the potions classroom with Dumbledore, Sirius, and James in tow. When they arrived, the classroom was empty. They walked to the spot behind the desk where they had found the clock-like object. Ron pointed to the ground. “The clock-thingy was there, and we were all gathered around it. That was when we looked up and realized that the classroom had changed. Dumbledore surveyed the spot. He stopped, bent down, and removed something from the desk of the potions teacher. “Does this resemble the device you found?” He asked, holding it up. “Yeah, that’s it!” Ron exclaimed. “I see,” muttered Dumbledore inspecting it, “so this thing still works....” “Er.... exactly what is it?” Asked Hermione cautiously. “No one knows the exact origins of this clock,” Dumbledore explained, “It came into the possession of a Hogwarts teacher around three-hundred years ago. It has since resided in the castle. There have been various attempts to find out exactly what it was made for, but all have been rather too cautious to achieve any results.” “Why was everyone so careful?” Asked Sirius curiously. “Well, it probably had something to do with the fact that the first person to experiment with it disappeared, and was never seen again.” Hermione looked frightened. “Do- do you think that they traveled through time and came out somewhere where they couldn’t come back?” “It is quite possible, from what you have told me.” Said Dumbledore mildly. “Now let us attempt to see how this thing works.” He opened the back panel that Ron had tinkered with, and peered inside. “Interesting, very interesting.” He muttered to himself as he inspected and adjusted the parts that were behind the panel. While Dumbledore worked on the device, the six students talked. “Well,” said James slowly, “I guess this means you guys will be going home.” He sounded somewhat disappointed. Then he grinned. “It’s not every day you meet somebody from the future.” “Yeah,” agreed Sirius, winking at Harry, “especially when one of them is your best friend’s kid. I guess we’ll be seeing you in the future then.” “Yeah, I guess so.” Harry suppressed a lump in his throat when he looked at the three marauders. He knew that this was probably the last time he’d see Sirius and his father alive, but he couldn’t tell them. He saw Hermione looking at him sympathetically and knew she was thinking the same thing. “I believe it should work now.” Dumbledore announced, setting the object on the desk. He beckoned to Harry, Ron, and Hermione. “You three all hold the object, as you would a portkey. When you’re all ready, push down this lever,” he indicated a small metal bar sticking out from where the back panel had been removed, “you should find yourself back in your own time in a matter of moments.” Harry nodded. As he, Ron, and Hermione gathered around it, Sirius, James, and Lupin waved cheerfully. “Everyone ready?” Ron asked. Harry and Hermione nodded. “Okay.... one.... two.... three!” There was another flash of light, and when Harry, Ron, and Hermione looked up, they were standing in Snape’s classroom, holding the clock-like device, with the remains of the first clock on the ground near them. “POTTER!!!” Harry, Ron, and Hermione turned around to see Snape glaring at them. Harry smiled. In spite of everything, it was good to be home.