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The Muppet show proudly presents

The Wally Buizer Homepage


Hi my name is Kermitt The Frog and today on the Muppet show we are going to learn all about are special Guest Mr.Buizer.


Well Mr. Buizer's an excellent learner and loves to learn about everything from the past to the comtemporary.

He reads on the internet about subjects regular students don't even know about like metaphysics or the laws of thermodynamics. Recently because of the movie "A beautiful Mind", he has become interested in governing dynamics. He also likes the fuedal warrior classes in all civilizations.

In his spare time he enjoys a good Movie or strategy/adventure game, RPG, and millitary tactics simulator on a gaming console(playstion 2, PC, Nintendo).

His hero is this man Ben Stein, but the man he looks up to is Plato

He would like to do something so great that the whole world will know his name and teach about his accomplishments, or in other word be in the history books.

He has found a new Career Goal Canadian Sercurity Intelligence Service