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"What if there were a form of energy that could solve our air pollution problems, would eliminate our dependence on foreign oil, could solve our balance of payments woes, would eliminate oil spills, would create domestic jobs, and could be made from unlimited, renewable, and sustainable resources? Well, there is -- it's hydrogen!"
--Rick Smith, President, Hydrogen Energy Center, September, 1997

    Hydrogen technology is the process of using pure hydrogen to produce energy; either with a hydrogen fuel cell or by combusting the hydrogen in an engine (made for hydrogen combustion). NASA used hydrogen fuel cells to power their first flight to the moon. The fuel cells provided electricity to their spaceships and they drank the water that is the byproduct of the fuel cell.

    Hydrogen is one of the most abundant elements on earth. Unfortuneatly it is alway bound to other elements, primarily oxygen, making water. There are a number of processes in which hydrogen can be separated from oxygen, then captured and stored to be used in fuel cells or combustion engines. These processes are:
     (1) Electrolysis (sending an electric current through water). Electrolysis breaks the bond between hydrogen and oxygen and by using an anode and a cathode, the different elements separate to the different terminals.

What needs to happen for hydrogen energy to be succesful?

  • The public needs to be informed, they have to want it!
  • The technology needs to keep progressing.
  • The public needs to be informed,
    they need to understand its value and push for its implementation!!!

Hydrogen Links:

American Hydrogen Association
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Hydrogen Energy Center
Hydrogen Safety Report
REB Hydrogen Research & Consulting
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Investor
Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Letter
California Hydrogen Council
Hydrogen Library
Hydrogen Now Homepage
Airproducts (Hydrogen Retailer)
Stuart Energy
College of Technology--Hydrogen Progam
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
