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Sean at the Chamber Of Secrets Premiere in Lancaster Square. Wearing a kilt!

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Sean at the Chamber Of Secrets Premiere. This time he's NOT wearing a kilt :'( put your kilt back on! lol

Oliver watches Harry wack a bludger through the gap in a statue appearantly very pleased with him when he does.

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Hermione sees Harry for the first time all summer. cute pic of her.

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"Harry Hagrid!" "Hello Hermione", "Oh it's so good to see you!" "It's great to see you too!" Aww!

Emma signing autographs for her fans at the CoS premiere in Lancaster Square.

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Rupert with his pet rat scabbers which turns out to be an animagus by the name of Peter Pettigrew.

Rupert at the Premiere of CoS. handsome guy heeheehee.

"I Wouldn't expect YOU to know ME...." Ron meeting Moaning Myrtle. lol

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"Harry, It's Hermione!" --Neville Longbottom.

*Cries happy tears* awww sweet touching scene rigth there*

SOOO sweet! Go Emma! we knew you had it in you.

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Trio doofing off during break, yep that pretty much sums it up...the trio doing what they do best.

"Raise the Roof!!" No that's not what they're

Sweet pic of the trio during the london premiere of CoS.. awww.

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A good pic of Harry that comes out of the CoS Calendarbook .

Danny being Danny. heehee. there isn't another way to describe it.

Daniel the amazing Rope guy! lol.
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