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<I>The Gold Dust Gypsy's<P>Journey To Houston

The Gold Dust Gypsy's

Journey To Houston


July 5, 2005

Countdown to my very first Stevie concert, and since I'm a poor mexican, or more PC, an under-priviledged hispanic, my last. So, I'm letting you in on my excitement!!!

This page will be full of stuff after the 16th has come and gone, and I can bet you'll be very amused.

Much Love,

Gold Dust Gypsy


July 6, 2005

I've been baking Bizcochos like there's no tomorrow (for those of you who are unfamilliar with Bizcochos, they are mexican sugar cookies, made for weddings and other big ocasions, and my mom's are the best, in fact, they're so good the ingredients are a secret) and we've been selling them five dollars a box so that I can have extra money in Houston. So far, we've made 160 dollars in written down orders alone. I've been saving and saving and saving my money for this next week. It's getting to be an agonizing wait!!!

Much Love,

Gold Dust Gypsy


July 7, 2005

Stayed up making Bizcochos again. Don't know how much money we've collected so far, but I hope it's enough for me and my mom to split. My grandma is making me a Stevie-esque shirt, and I'm still deciding wether or not I should wear a skirt. Man, I'm too giddy for this.

Much Love,

Gold Dust Gypsy

10:29am THIS JUST IN: I'm an idiot. All I had to do was wait. She's going to be in Albuquerque, three hours away from me. Impaitience is not a virtue, it's the hindering element of my ENTIRE LIFE!!!!!!!


July 13, 2005

It's just two more days till I leave to see Stevie, and I'm really happy about it. I finally got the last twenty seven boxes of bizcochos delivered to my great aunt's office, and made 135 bucks. I have more than enough money to go to Houston!!! I'm really tired, but I can't wait!!! Tonight, I try on my shirt!!! I LOVE MY GRANDMA!!!!

Much Love,

Gold Dust Gypsy


July 14, 2005

Tomorrow, we leave at 4 a.m. to get on the road. Only two of us are going, my shirt is finished, and it's BEAUTIFUL!!!! Had a strange week, and I stayed home all morning, and actually went to work the two days I HAD to this week, and I'm proud. I thought I was going to call out!!! I can't predict myself!!! Well, in a few hours, I'll be off to see Stevie.

Wish me luck!!!

Much Love,

Gold Dust Gypsy


July 18, 2005

Well, I'm home from my ordeal, driving 15 hours to Houston and 11 hours back.

My "Sisser" Nikki and I started out trying to leave Las Cruces at 4 a.m. but did not make it into El Paso until 5:30. Basically, the trip started out very promissing. Then we realized we hadn't followed the directions correctly, but it didn't matter, because we skipped a lot more headaches going the way we were going!!

Everything was great until San Antonio, which we had to go thru, or else we'd never get to Houston...OH GAWD!!!! We were way to used to the streets being small!!! We end up in the middle of rush hour on the main highway, behind a cement truck...I'm surprised we're here!!!

So, we get the HELL OUT of San Antonio, drive further and further, and still, further, until we were in HOUSTON. Then we got lost, and had to ask for directions to the Woodlands.

That was Friday.

Saturday we slept late, went to the mall, back to the hotel room and got me ready to go. I was head to toe Stevieness.

Vanessa Carlton did really good. She sang a few of her songs that I'd heard, a brand new one that's not out yet, and then messed up "A Thousand Miles", to which she said, "Oh, God, I F****D up the song!!!"

Ladies and Germs, the concert was AMAZING!!!! Just as I pictured, she was perfect, and in top form.

"Enchanted" opened up the show with much energy, and I was up on my feet, in my boots and homemade legwarmers, dancing like an IDIOT. She rocked it out from the beginning. Our Gypsy sounded so good, (I don't know if was the Humidity, but her voice was even more crisp and clean than usual).

"Stop Draggin'" was just lovely, "Outside the Rain", just amazing, "Rhiannon" was mindblowing, "Gold Dust Woman" was a treat, "Sorcerer" was just soulful and made me wanna get up and TWIRL!!! "Circle Dance" and "Has Anyone Written" had me balling like baby!!!

And of course, during "Stand Back", she was just dancing crazier than I was, and twirled while she twirled behind herself on screen. It was so cool.

"Landslide"....I wish I could have recorded it. Beautious.

"Edge of Seventeen" rocked, "Fall From Grace" had no idea I knew it so closely, and it was just high energy, including "Rock and Roll".

"Beauty and the Beast" was gorgeous, and I left that arena in a daze. I'm a bigger Stevie fan now then when I left!!!

Now, I wonder about Albuquerque....

Much Love,

Gold Dust Gypsy


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Photos by Amber

(thank you so much baby-girl!!!!)

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pick up the pieces and go home....