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This layout is best viewed in an IE5.5+ browser with 800x600 and above screen resolutions. Also looks normal on an Opera 7 browser. Can't say what it looks like in Mozilla because I don't have that one O.o...
Font for the title is called HanHans and can be downloaded at There's pretty much a large space to type on and the fonts are big enough to read in higher resolutions. I actually have NO clue as to where I got the pictures for this. I've been into the Gundam Wing fandom for a little over 3 years and I've had the pictures on my harddrive about that same amount of time. The pictures feature Heero Yuy and Duo Maxwell from the anime Gundam Wing. I made a set of Angel Wings for the icon up's something I associate with Heero. The lyrics and title come from the song "Solitude" by Evanescence. The layout was made in Paint Shop Pro 7.

Test Results

This site contains shounen-ai and yaoi-related material, focusing exclusively on Heero and Duo from Gundam Wing.


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Site is owned by Buttered Toast for Brains!.
Layout by Kassie of Dx3.