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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ GOD'S ~

~ K. J. V. ~

~ ~ ~ THE TRUE WORD OF GOD ~ ~ ~


JAMES 1:5 " If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. "
NOTE: Remember that when you are talking to the " SON " you must remain connected to His word.
EXAMPLE : The light bulb on the cord when it's plugged into the outlet.

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GENESIS 1:1 " IN the beginning God Created the heaven and earth. "
ISAIAH 45:18 " For thus saith the Lord that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the Lord; and there is none else. "

     ~ HEBREWS 13:8 ~
If the Bible is GOD'S INFALLIBLE WORD, as we know and believe it to be, and since God is a all knowing God, he then knew from the beginning that He was going to use the Bible for. It was to be for the instructions to man and the main instrument in his redemption, so why should it be so difficult to believe that God himself, co-equal with His creation of man, that he gave to man the germ and nucleus of the HOLY WRITTEN WORD ? That would set the example to follow, of man's life as he lives it here on earth and also how and where he will eternity !

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( Verse 1 )
In the beginning was the Word
And the Word was with God.
In the beginning was the Word
Now He dwells within my heart.

( Chorus 1 )
And the Word came down as flesh.
Taking form in lowly birth.
He's the very Son of God
Who created heaven and earth.

( Verse 2 )
In the beginning was the Word
And the Word Himself was God.
In the beginning was the Word
Now He dwells within my heart.

( Chorus 2 - hold " And " for two beats )
And in the Word is Life
Which became the Light of men
That the world can't overcome;
In His life, we live again !

( Bridge )
To all who will receive the Word,
To those believing in His Name,
He empowers to be sons of God.....

( Repeat chorus 1 )
And the Word came down as flesh.
Taking form in lowly birth.
He's the very Son of God
Who created heaven and earth.

( Repeat chorus 2 )
And in the Word is Life
Which became the Light of men
That the world can't overcome;
In His life, we live again!

( Repeat chorus 1 and 2 again )

( Ending )
In the beginning was the Word,
Now He dwells within my heart.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~



Unless you are of a strong conviction of the truth, as it is written in God's word, then reading the following excerpt's could be very dangerous to your spiritual health and welfare.



Most scientists agree that the universe began some 12 to 20 billion years ago in what has come to be known as the Big Bang ( a term coined by the English astrophysicist Fred Hoyle in 1950. Hoyle, who championed a rival cosmological theory, meant the " Big Bang " to be a term of derision, but the name was so catchy that it stuck. ) Though the Big Bang suggests a colossal explosion, it wasn't really an " explosion " in the sense that we understand it. Space itself exploded.

At the instant of the Big Bang, the universe was infinitely dense and unimaginably hot. Cosmologists believe that all forms of matter and energy, as well as space and time itself, were formed at this instant. Since " before " is a temporal concept, one cannot ask what came before the Big Bang and therefore " caused " it, at least not within the context of any known physics. ( At least one cosmological theory, however, predicts that our universe's Big Bang is part of a chain reaction in which the demise of one universe spawns the birth of many, parallel, universes. According to this scenario, our universe may simply be part of a huge, infinitely growing fractal. )

Science tells us nothing about the way space, time and matter behaved in our universe's earliest instant, from the time of the Big Bang to 10^-43 seconds later. Space was certainly expanding--violently--and from this expansion of space was formed a highly energetic soup of particles and antiparticles.

The energy was so great during the this so-calledGrand Unification Epoch--a fine-sounding name for the period from 10^-43 to 10^-35 seconds after the Big Bang--that all matter and energy was essentially interchangeable and in equilibrium. What's more, electromagnetism and the two nuclear forces were as one ( gravity, the fourth and weakest force, had separated from the other three at the beginning of the Grand Unification Epoch. )

~ ~ ~ A Burst of Inflation ~ ~ ~

As the universe expanded, it cooled down. At 10^-35 seconds, the temperature was a mere 10^27 degrees K (water boils at 373.16 K or 3.7316^2!). At this critical temperature, the universe underwent a phase transition, something like the process that happens when liquid water freezes into ice. The strong nuclear force--which acts at very short distances and holds protons and neutrons together--split off from the other forces. Physicists call this process "symmetry breaking," and it released an enormous amount of energy.

Then, in an extraordinary instant that theorists have dubbed " inflation, " the universe expanded exponentially. During this time, the universe grew by a factor of 10^50 in 10^-33 seconds. Talk about runaway inflation ! This scenario, much as it strains credulity, neatly explains several different observations made during the last 20 years--the large-scale smoothness and apparent flatness of the universe among them--that had weakened the original Big Bang theory of cosmology based on a much more leisurely period of expansion.

Things slowed up a bit after the inflationary epoch. A number of observations, well supported by theory, suggest that our universe continued to expand, albeit more slowly, and that it is expanding still.

As space expanded, it continued to cool down. Matter--at first photons, quarks,neutrinos, and electrons, and then protons and neutrons--condensed out, all less than one second after the Big Bang. It was not until one billion years later, when the universe was one-fifth the size it is today, that the matter would form the first stars and galaxies.

Then There Is That Silly Idea Called The Evolution Theory

Here Is A Silly Idea And Example, Called - The Evolution Theory

Here Is A Reality Example - Design and Creation

The Silly Computer The Real Computer
A large glob of analog and digital trash was hit by a strike of lightning in Los Angeles, CA late one afternoon and presto! the first complete PC was born with hard disk, operating system software, modem, sound card, mouse and keyboard. It even had the English letters engraved on the keys. ( Evolutionists would argue that this is not evolution because evolution must be a gradual change over much time, but to the atomic system gradual may be 1.0 seconds or 10e20 seconds) Many real analog and digital engineers with a goal and purpose designed the first PC, manufactured with real hardware parts according to an electronic design written on a schematic drawing. The Operating System was layered with a very secure core, and contained an advanced GUI system designed to be optimal with the hardware.


Where, oh where did this funny idea come from ?

Well, do you really want to know ?

Man is afraid of facing truth or reality because of possible eternal accountability. So a theory must be invented to keep any thought of eternity away.


Where, oh where did this concept come from ?

Well, do you really want to know ?

Man was created with an eternal part called his human spirit.  In man's human spirit is a conscience which testifies that the Bible is true, and that very Bible talks about an eternal purpose, a design, a Creator and a specific creation.


Now if you don't believe in " Fish Story's ! "
Here are some thoughts to ponder: