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This file will show you examples of the styles defined in the style sheet that is applied to every page of the newspaper site.
It will also help you understand how to easily format the text on your pages for size, color, background, etc.


There are several standard styles:

The general style of text in the body of the document will look like this, font face: arial, color: black.

The paragraph style will justify your text. This is very useful for articles displayed in columns.

This is the H1 Header style

This is the H2 Header style

This is the H3 Header style

This is the H4 Header style

This is the generic link style

Then there are the custom styles. Custom styles affect various parts of the page: tables, text, backgrounds.

The topborder style puts a 1px width solid border of a certain color along the top of any table cell

The fullborder style puts a 1px width solid border of a certain color all the way around any table

The sideheadl style puts a 1px width solid border of a certain color all the way around any table cell, and sets the font to 12px bold of a certain color aligned to the left

The sideheadr style puts a 1px width solid border of a certain color all the way around any table cell, and sets the font to 12px bold of a certain color aligned to the right

The mainhead style is 18px bold smallcaps text of this color

The subhead style is 14px bold text of this color

The dropcap style floats a large, bold, italic letter at the beginning of the first line of a story.

The maintext style is 12px bold text the same color as the page background color. It is not usually on a black background, but is here so that it is visible.

The whitetext style is 9px white text. It is not usually on a black background but is here so it is visible.

The greentext style is 12px italic text of this color.

The whiteback style adds a white background behind any text. No text formatting is specified with this style.

The greenback style adds this color background behind any text. No text formatting is specified with this style.

The blackback style adds a black background behind any text. No text formatting is specified with this style but this text is white so it is legible

How to apply these styles to your pages:

A style can be added to almost any html tag by inserting a class property in the following manner
<td class="stylename">

In addition, there are other tags you can use that allow you to insert styles when you wouldn't otherwise use an html in the middle of a paragraph, or inside a table cell, or on a segment of text.

The first one is the <div> tag. The div tag can be used to add paragraph type formatting to a block of text or inside of a paragraph, etc. You can use the div tag to change alignment, margins, background color and other things.

The other one is the <span> tag. You can use this tag to insert text formatting wherever you need it. You can change font color, size, alignment, as well as other things.

For more detailed information on style sheets, visit the website's HTML Help page. There you will also find links to other in-depth style sheet instructions.