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Nelly is featured in this month's Rolling Stone special issue, dedicated to women in rock! You can read the article HERE!



Hello to all my fans! Nelly, here. I am currently working on my new studio album with track and field. I am working hard trying to come up with the perfect musical stew. Thank you for all of your support and love.

My time in-between records has definitely enabled me to come up with fresh, new inspiration. When it comes to creation, there is no match for life experience. One needs time to absorb life and the world around you. There is so much to discover.

I can't wait to get on the road, reconnect with all of you and share all these new songs!!

Stay tuned for a brand new, revamped website coming at ya' some time in the fall. Part two is just around the corner...I can smell it!!!!!!!!!!!

Peace and blessings,

this is the girl of my dreams........

                                                                                 alexander cairo.