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Welcome to the lands of Magick

'Good Day, the name is long and involved,
but you can call me either Luna, Grey, or Ada.

Within these pages you will find many things of many ideas....
I want everyone that steps within these walls to feel welcome
and to enjoy their stay here, so please show simple kindness
and respect. If you have found your way here and feel that
it is not a place where you can follow these simple rules then
by all means PLEASE hit the back button and exit the way you
came in.

I hold my dreams close to my heart, and each day I am glad
for the time I get to spend with those I love. My only prayer is
that someday soon I will find my love once again.

I am very fond of Faeries and the like, dragons are a part of my heart
always remember the line... "Do not medle in the affairs of Dragons,
for you are crunchy and good with katchup."