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Dobby and Winky's Web Chamber

Thanks to my friend Diana for the above image

Welcome to Dobby and Winky's Web Chamber a Harry Potter fansite! Im your host Mary and I know it doesnt seem like much so far but Im on it! Please sign the guest book on the way out or drop me a email!

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is approaching! June 4th! Pictures are now up.

Show your support for house elves by joining S.P.E.W. today!

The Cast
Meet the cast of Harry Potter

Movie Pictures
Pictures from the movie

I just couldnt resist adopting these magical creatures or HP sprites. They are just too cute!

Owl Post Message Board
Talk about Harry Potter: The books, the movie, the actors, etc

Favorite Harry Potter Book
Whats your favorite Harry Potter Book so far?

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Since Sepetember 4th 2002


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