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17 December 2010
One Week Until Christmas Eve!
Mood:  cool
Sorry it's been a while.  The end of the semester sure was busy and I'm still tired from everything.

My classes all ended well.  I had my presentation in Life Drawing for Motion and everyone liked my self portraits.  Someone said that the drawings seemed to portray me as a bit rebellious and as if I did not care what others thought about me.  That may be a bit true.  The other projects were good as well.  One student made characters from rock, paper, and scissors.  She made up the world they live in, government type structures, and warriors for each.  It was cool.

My number theory test went a lot better then I expected.  I studied so much that I had practically every definition memorized.  The good thing was that the definitions I was iffy about, weren't on the test!  I really lucked out.  The calculations went well too.  I knew hat I was doing.  I think I got an A.  The final grade isn't online yet.

Pre-capstone class also ended well.  We got free bagels with cream cheese!  I was so happy to eat a delicious bagel.  It made my jaw hurt though, silly TMJ disorder.  But anyway, I presented my animatic, people liked my story, and that was it.  Now I have to work on the backgrounds and finish the introduction sequence before next semester begins.

Next semester I have only three classes.  They are capstone, integrated science, and statistics.  I also have Monday and Fridays off.  More time to do capstone!  I have so much work to do for capstone :(

I have to add the descriptions of my art work to my site.  Maybe I'll do that this weekend.

Christmas is soon!  I can't wait.  I decorated the other house with my sister a bit today.

I'm going to the city tomorrow to see my boyfriend!  I haven't seen him for a few weeks because of school.  I was so busy.  I hope it's not too crowded trying to get there.

Today's Fortune Cooke:
In great attempts it is glorious even to fail.  Lucky Numbers:  55, 15, 52, 10, 51, 38.

I guess as long as you do your best and try as hard as you can, even if you fail you still did good?  i don't know.  Just do the best you can.  The lucky numbers contain three numbers in the fifties.  Wow.

Posted by Carrie at 6:04 PM EST
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