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Rebelious Rogue

welcome to the site im the webmaster Yoshi now known as Rebelious Rouge.

lot of tough times roll around and we are all faced with them.

now dont get me wrong this site is not a deication to any confilct now in session.

this deicated to the Gamers who just dont give a FUCK.

Dear reader,

Just exactly who is Rebelious Rogue? well once known as yoshi then latter became thunder yoshi which than latter became luminous than which latter became back to yoshi reach for the roots of all problems and where the mess took place. since then i have acquired a new policy dealing with assholes and little bitches you just wanna smack. its called the dont give a fuck policy. and this is where rebelious rogue came to life. rebelious for the policy of dealing with people because it is usually off the wall and feelings get hurt. and rogue because i fly solo and have no need for others when push comes to shove. now that anwsered i must fix the rest of the shitty site AHHHHH.




Email me at RebeliousRogue