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  • Teo's Dojo
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    A young boy walked pasted the school doors and headed to his locker. As he walked he noticed that the halls seemed empty, if not completely. A few students here and there but there faces were blank...All blank, he shivered, it somewhat scared him.

    He got to his locker and started twisting in the combination, 24, 13, 47. When he opened it he saw the regular, his favorite and probably best drawing of himself, his books and some hooks near the top for his backpack. He started putting everything into his locker and getting out his books for first and second period when he heard a chilling voice. "Togo.....Teooooo....." whispered the raspy voice. The boy froze hearing his name. As he turned slowly around a fear striking sight met his eyes, standing there was some kind of a beast made out of shadows and it was staring hungrily at Teo. Suddenly, it striked.

    “AAHHHHH"!!!!!!!!!!!!” Teo sat up in bed and started taking in rasping breaths, breathing slowly he looked around his dark room. He went downstairs and got a glass of cold water then went back to his room. To took a few sips and then went back into his bed, the water didn't help he was still sweating crazy and he couldn't get to sleep. Teo lay there the whole night and when the sun came up he took sip of his now warm water and went to brush his teeth, the nightmare still freaking him out.

    "Wow, it's interesting to see you up early" Teo's mom said as she sleepily walked past the bathroom. Actually looking at her sons face she knew what was wrong instantly “are you having those dreams still?" she whispered "no mom..." he replied after he spat into the sink and then swished some Listerine around his mouth and washing it out. “You sure?” She persisted. “Yes I'm sure mom” he said as he went to his room to get his backpack. “Yes you are” she persisted again. “No I'm not MOM” he said trying to keep his voice low for those still asleep. “Yes you are or else you would have remembered its Saturday today” Teo's Mom said as she grinned widely. "Aaaaaaaargh" Teo wailed as he went to put his backpack back into his room and then he went to go on the computer. He was talking to his best friend on MSN about his dream when there was a knock on the door. Since his mom was in the shower he went to go get it and was surprised to see who it was. "Hi" Rachael said casually as she walked into his house, "did Rachael just walk into MY house? MY House?!?!" Thought Teo. Of course she didn't ignore him at school, kind of the opposite they were good friends but she was never in HIS house, he didn't even know she knew where he lived. "Uh...Hi" he sheepishly said after he got over the silent excitement. “What’s up?" she asked with that sweet sparkle in her eye that he loved so much. "Nothing, you?" he said in a more normal voice. "Nothing much, my parents are going out of town and they want me to stay in-town so I was wondering if I can stay here? I’m not allowed home alone even though I'm 18" she said all this fast yet cheerfully.

    "Umm...I'll go ask my mom you can go downstairs if you want” Teo suggested as he heard the noisy shower turn off. “Ok” Rachael walked down the stairs and sat down in the couch while Teo admired her...then remembering why she was here he went to the bathroom and asked his mom if she could stay. “Sure, she can sleep in the tent Jake set up, you should thank him.” She answered briefly then went to her room. Teo went downstairs mentally thanking for his brother’s stupidity of setting up a tent for his gerbil as a home and then his mom for losing the rat while transporting it from his cage to the tent. “You can stay in the tent outside" said Teo as he came downstairs then noticed Rachael wasn't on the couch but on the computer reviewing the conversation he was having with his friend. “Uh...My mom said you can sleep in the green tent outside” responded Teo, getting more nervous by the second. “Good" she said then got off the computer "how big is it? Continued Rachael “quite big I can stand up in it and four people can sleep side by side in it” he said hoping she didn't read a certain part of the conversation. “Are you going to be sleeping in it too?” She asked shyly. “I might because my uncle is coming into town with his girlfriend and might need my room.” He said also shyly. “Ok" was all she replied.

    Teo and Rachael then went downstairs and got some sleeping bags and extra pillows then went outside to the tent. “Thanks Teo, are you going to get your own pillows?” Rachael asked as they set up the sleeping bags. “I'll be right back” he replied and then headed for his room. When Teo got there he saw his computer on and a dragon flying in an immortal circle on the screen. “what the...?" he questioned for he was the only one who knew how to turn on HIS computer, of course they could turn on the one downstairs but he had protected it with invisible key and he was sure he hadn't used it in a month so why was it on now? And that dragon looked so real....Suddenly the computer tower blew up and the monitor turned off yet the dragon kept flying around in a circle. Now forming in the middle of the dragon circle was a flame that was crimson red and black then completely red, Teo walked forward and saw that the dragon and the flame weren't on the screen but in his room! He reached out a hand and was about to touch it when..."TEO!!!!!" screamed Rachael from the tent. He snapped out of some trance and the dragon disappeared but not the flame, it grew and grew. The flame was now the size and shape of a sword then disappeared. Teo got his pillows and headed back to the tent.

    When he got back to the tent he found hat Rachael was huddling in a corner inside and on the other side was a daddy-long-legs. “Thank god you're here Teo; it was going to eat me!” Rachael half screamed and pulled her body closer around her. Teo sighed and went over to the spider. As it tried to scuttle away Teo got a leaf and made it crawl onto the leaf then dropped it by the bush. “There, better?” asked Teo when he returned. “Much" she said as she got up "what took you so long to get your pillows?" she continued eyeing him. "I don't know I thought I saw something." as Teo said that eyes were watching him closely.

    “You sure this is the boy?” Asked a deep raw voice. “Yes, master he has already seen the future, I am sorry..."said a more squeaky and afraid voice. “Sorry? SORRY?" yelled the deep voice how do you think the Malkonias will think of this mistake?" the man's voice suddenly became silent “who is this girl next to him, Hadrian?" he asked amused. “She is probably one of his accomplices if not more why master?” said Hadrian. "She may used to be his accomplice but she is now the bait we have, send out 5 of my best men to capture her” He replied happily, thanks to this poor soul he will stay alive. The mysterious man walked down the hall and came to a door then stopped. "Let me in, I have business with Jaolyk" the man said to the door as if speaking to someone. Out of nowhere two creatures that looked like a mix between a bug and a bird came out of nowhere and parted away from the door to let the man in. "thanks" he said as he entered the palace room. "Hmmm...The Malkonias are good miners" the man thought as he looked around at all the gold and diamonds encrusted into the walls and ceiling. "Welcome Claren, what is this business you speak of?" a dark black Malkonia sitting in a throne comfortably. "Teo has received the message sire, I am very sorry, it is my entire fault..."Claren whispered weakly. WHAT???????" the Malkonia king raged "HOW DID THIS HAPPEN???? Wait sire, I have a plan to make him sacrifice the power" Claren said instantly. "It involves an easy target sire. Good, good....."Jaolyk replied thoughtfully.

    Claren Walked slowly out of the palace room and thought to himself "I hope I am doing the right thing...I know what will happen if this plan goes through but if I hadn't told him about the girl I would have faced a more gruesome fate then her. I wonder if I can save them both and get away from Jaolyk too. I just hope that it turns out well in the end. Only Teo can save us

    "TEOOOooooOOOO" Rachael greeted as she came up to him while Teo was getting his books. "Yes?" he replied. "Do you know what is for dinner tonight?" she questioned as she leaned against the locker next to his." nope, why?" replied Teo, finished getting all his books. "Jus' wondering" Rachael smiled and walked away. "What was all that ‘do you know what we are having for dinner tonight?’ stuff?" asked one of his best friends, Brody. "Oh nothing, Rachael is just staying at my house while her parents are away for a month or two." Teo replied casually waiting for Brody's response and closing his locker. "WHAT?!?" Teo knew that was how Brody would respond." why would she go to your house?" he said in a mocking voice "she would be more at home in my house, I'll go tell her" he finished and pretended to run after Rachael while Teo played along and chased after him. Right as he hit the entranceway to homeroom he stopped and he dropped, his eyes gone completely blank and they lost their color. His body was still there, but his soul wasn't.....

    “Yes we have done what is needed” said a man staring into a black pond that seemed to be showing Teo on the floor of his classroom, with people surrounding his limp body. A girl stepped up and slightly pushed him. “Are you sure this is necessary Kritain?” Said a new voice as he came into the eerie glow of the black pond. “Yes, unfortunately it is. Let’s go meet his soul in the jail cell” Kritain said as the two men leave the black pond and head to the jail cell. “Where is Efryanda?” Asked one of the men. “I think she is at the sanctuary Nyokato, why?” Replied Kritain. “Just haven’t seen her around lately.” Answered Nyokato. As the neared up to the Prison cell a beautiful girl caught up with them. “Hey! Whatcha guys up to?” Asked the girl very happily. “We are going to meet Teo.” Kritain grimly answered knowing what Efryanda’s response would be. “Oh...ok...well...I'll...come...” Efryanda replied quietly “I am not completely sure but, nothing serious could happen to him? Could it?” She continued “well not by transfer but his spirit controls him, it dies. He dies.” Nyokato replied also quietly. They could all tell that this was a serious matter.

    They entered the jail room to find it occupied by a very confused boy. As they watched him they noticed he didn’t know they were here, lost in his confusion. “This is not good. Were did everybody go?” Teo was looking around the room when he saw the three people watching him in his little prison. “Who are you guys and why am I here?” Teo questioned accusingly. “I am Kritain he is Nyokato and she is-“ replied Kritain before Efryanda interrupted "My name is Efryanda” she said with a big smile. “Yes and you are Teo, am I correct?" finished Kritain. “Yes. Why?” Replied Teo looking over the three people strangely. “Hmmm...I feel as if I know these people...strange" thought Teo as the responded. "Well how should I tell"Started Kritain before Efryanda interrupted him again “you are the one who will save the true world from annihilation!!” She yelled then got very quiet as Kritain glared at her.” Me? Save the world?” was all Teo replied with. “Yes now we must go train. I have temporarily stopped time in your world so you won’t be gone for more than half an hour in your world. Now come” was all that was said as Kritain and the others left with Teo "Teo?!TEO?!" Rachael was beside the body of Teo pushing him, trying to wake him up. To her, it was only her and the lifeless body beside her. everybody else was just air....they didn't matter, only finding a way to snap Teo out of whatever he was in......

    "Teo?" Efryanda was walking beside Teo and watching him. "yeah?" he replied looking worried but still letting his eyes wander around the hall they were walking in. it was long and some-what narrow. The walls were lined with historical looking drawings and signs he knew of as Japanese. It all seemed so familiar to him, everything..."why you so glum?" Efryanda questioned while trying to walk straight." well...all this seems so......I don't know.....familiar and I am worried about my home...""You mean earth?" Efryanda cut in "yeah...could you explain a few things? Like why this seems familiar and what's going to happen to my body and.....about this whole saving universe thing" Teo replied awkwardly. " body will be transported into our realm when we reach the chamber and about the "universe saving thing" and the whole familiarity of things will be explained when we reach the chamber, ok?" she answered happily. "Thanks..." Teo thought about this "chamber" what was it like?

    Teo, along with the others, entered "the chamber" Teo said in awe. He looked around and triple the glory he had imagined of the chamber met his eyes. The walls were lined with paintings of old wars, on the roof were what looked like an upside down fountain and right in the middle was a black pot that had some kind of water in the middle. Teo went around the room and took close looks at the paintings. In each of the paintings there seemed to be the same people even though they were dated about 100 years apart. He looked at the people and noticed that they looked familiar but he couldn’t quite pin who it was

    “Teo” called Kritain who was over by the black chalice. “Coming” he replied and took one last look at the picture then half-ran to the giant chalice. “Ok, now everybody concentrate.” Ordered Kritain after Teo reached them. “Now look into the Black Crystal” ordered Kritain again and Kritain, Nyokato and Efryanda looked into the black liquid and then seeing where they were looking also looked. In the Black Crystal he saw himself on the floor of his class, Joanna snapping at Brody to stop him from poking Teo’s Body. Kritain started to talk in some different language that sounded like a buzz and a hiss mixed together to form some type of words. “Lioan thycinq kurookooo shantuojan MAKILAMO!” at the end of Kritain’s last word Teo was blasted back and fell into a heap on the floor. “Ow…my head…” Teo got up and started to walk back to the Black Crystal when he noticed that the others were staring at him funny. “What?” he questioned looking back at them. “Where am I?” Teo looked around to see Brody and Rachael laying a few feet back from where Teo had landed. “Teo? TEO!” Rachael jumped up and almost tackled Teo in a hug. “Okay, now after the happy reunion I ask again, where are we?” Brody had gotten up and walked over to Teo. “I would like to know that too.” Replied Teo and they looked toward the Black Crystal and the others

    "well...I don't know why those two are here but we just transferred your body here, that was the blast you felt Teo and now we are heading to the training land." answered Kritain "uh...that doesn't really help us two but I guess that doesn't matter to you guys" Brody replied not even trying to mask the sarcasm in his last eight words. Kritain didn't take notice but just left with Nyokato at his side and Efryanda a little bit behind. "I guess we should follow" suggested Teo. Teo, Rachael and Brody followed behind and then started to talk about what happened after Teo's spirit left his body, First Teo's version then Rachael and Brody's side. "You’re wondering the same thing I am?" Nyokato asked Kritain and then looked behind him to make sure no one was listening. Teo, Brody and Rachael were still exchanging stories and Efryanda was trying to eavesdrop on them without them noticing it. "Yes...only those we want can come through the black crystal, or someone with an elemental. What do you think?" he replied also checking behind him. "Well, I think they do have an elemental but haven't received the calling yet." Nyokato answered.

    When they reached the training grounds they saw a room that seemed to be consisted of light. As Kritain, Nyokato and Efryanda went off to do something, Teo and the others just gaped open mouthed at the room they were in. All the room seemed to be was light, the walls, the roof, even the floor. They started to follow Kritain and his group but they couldn’t see where they had gone. They came back a few minutes later and they got into talking about the training room. “This…” Kritain explained as he spread his arms “is the training room. Where all the warriors of the …war… were trained”. “You are here to train your body and soul.” Nyokato continued “you two which have came threw unneeded can wait in the next room”. “I guess that means we gotta go” Brody suggested and then left into the next room at the other end of the door. Rachael looked at Teo, hesitated then followed Brody. “Now, we train…” said Kritain as Rachael left the light room.

    “Drake!” ordered the Malkonia king. “Yes sire?” answered a thin frame of a man that seemed to be made of shadow. “How are the plans of capturing the girl?” Jaolyk questioned. “Unknown sire, the men have left but not returned.” Drake replied. “Is that so?” he questioned, rage building. “Yes, unfortunately sire” Drake replied. If you could see his face you would be aware of how scared he is, although he sounded calm and steady inside he was ready to run for his life. “Bring Claren here!” Jaolyk raged. Drake left to get Claren. “Claren….I hope he doesn’t disappoint me, he is a good warrior, don’t want to see him die.” Jaolyk said quietly… “Claren!” shouted Drake as a greeting when he came into view. “Yes?” Claren answered who was looking into a pond. His reflection came back to him as usual but no matter how many times he looked at it, it still seemed like he was looking at someone else. His calm yet strong face, his black hair and green eyes, the way his face always looked serious. He was half disgusted by it, not at all like how he was before he joined the Malkonia Empire to save his hometown and his family. Before he was happy and energetic. Always helping around the town and defending the townspeople from savage monsters. He splashed the water and looked at Drake. “Yes” he questioned in his now usual serious voice. “Jaolyk wants to talk to you, about capture of the girl.” Drake replied. “I sent my top five best men to capture her. They haven’t returned yet?!” he questioned, a tiny prickle of sweat starting on his cheek. “Yes, come out alive…for your men and your family” Drake answered and the disappeared. Claren smile for once, Drake was a good friend of his and he understood him. Claren left and then thinking about where he was going made him lose his smile.

    “Teo, I want you to come over here.” Kritain ordered and Teo walked over. “Now, tell me, do you know any legends?” he questioned in his still rugged voice. “Yeah, why?” Teo questioned back. “Do you know the one of The Eight Realm Warriors?” “I think so, want to recap my memory?” Teo replied. “Sure” answered Kritain “this story is based on this world just to tell you. Long ago, when the beasts roamed freely and almost everyone was happy” “Almost?” Teo questioned interrupting Kritain. “Yes, almost, now don’t interrupt anymore. Those were the Malkonians, they started to grow in strength numbers and hate for the other races. A huge battle broke out between the Malkonians and the other races. The races that became extinct were many but after the smaller races died the real battle began. The Elves, Humans, Techogos and eight other races joined together to fight the Malkonians. In the end four of the races died, but not in vain. They had found something that helped greatly to eventually destroy the Malkonians even though the seven remaining races were huge the Malkonians were still a huge race in strength and numbers. The deceased races found out that there were eight elemental powers that could be harnessed, only by those of the strongest out of all but none-the-less could be harnessed. The Malkonian Kingdom had one element but the other seven were still out there. The seven races took their strongest warriors each to search out those seven elements. The found them and were granted magical powers and a creature to aid them. They went to war and won in a bloody confrontation. Some Malkonians survived but the warriors disappeared afterwards. It is not a rumor that they died while winning back their races freedom but that is not completely true. How I would know that is simple. I am one of those warriors and you are the inheritor of the Flame Element.”

    Rachael was sitting on a stone bench in a corner of the room while Brody was over by the door listening to the story being told. “Stop that! It is a private conversation” she scolded. “Oh, powder your nose or something!” Brody shouted and went back to listening. Rachael glared at him but felt her chap lips and took out some chap stick a mirror popped out too and she took a look at it. She saw her Brown hair and hazel eyes. She took a look at it closely and she imagined she could see herself and Teo sitting on that cold stone bench. She sighed and thought about Teo “He’s so different since that day I appeared at his house. Of course at the beginning it seamed strange but this was demented! Teo’s body limp on the floor and then being transported here into a world I don’t know of and being unwelcome at that too then learning that Teo was an inheritor of some fire magic. So I overheard Kritain talking to Teo, Brody did it purposely, I didn’t! Now I am talking to myself! I am going crazy just being in this world!” Rachael just put the mirror along with the Chap Stick and just sat quietly.

    “Yes Sire?” Claren was inside of the palace room and facing a very angry Malkonian King. “The men you sent out, have they returned?” Jaolyk’s response sounded so innocent it completely scared Claren. “I am sorry sire, no they haven’t, I am unaware of their standings” Claren shakily answered. “Claren, although you were partially forced to be a warrior, you are one great man, you would give your life for others and that is what I like about you. Guards! Leave at once, I have completely private business to talk to Claren about.” Around sixteen guards came out of nowhere and then left through the doors. This just made Claren more scared. “Claren, I have not forgotten your oath that you will fight to the death just so you’re family and town will survive. I honor you for that and have kept my side, which is also why I instantly promoted you to master officer. Although indeed it was rough, Hadrian told me of your help to him and so I give you another chance. At least bring your men hear and the oath stays along with your and Hadrian’s lives.” Jaolyk answered then dismissed Claren.

    Teo took it all in and then blinked a few times. He then stared at Kritain in a completely un-hidden awe. It seemed impossible for a guy about twenty to have been in a war that was said to be long ago. “Teo…you have seen the dragon and flame have you not?” questioned Kritain. “Yes I have, that would mean?” Teo questioned back. “That is what heirs get when they have reached a level of power, soul and mind. That proves you are the Fire Element’s true heir.” Kritain replied and than walked over to Nyokato leaving Teo to think this over.

    “Nyokato, he has indeed received the calling, this may not be very good…” greeted Kritain as he left Teo to himself. “He has?” replied Nyokato with a tinge of fear in his voice. “Yes, we have to warn master, he might need to…” Kritain trailed off. “I will go, you stay calm and just…bring his friends out to relax and Efryanda can talk and explain things to them. She doesn’t know, right?” Nyokato finished. “No, but when you leave don’t sneak out, she has good eyes and ears, say you are going to get something.” Kritain suggested and went off to tell Teo he can get his friends out of the room. Nyokato did as planned and said he was going to get something and then watched as Kritain opened the door to have Brody spill out of his peeping spot and then left the room. Once the door was shut behind him he muttered some unknown words and then disappeared in a starry black flash.

    Rachael was sitting on the bench when she saw a yellow light emitting by Brody. She was staring at it when she saw a light in front of herself. It was completely white but seemed to be the same light as the one emitting by Brody. She stared at it then saw that what looked like a cat was circling it over and over in a dizzying fashion. All of a sudden the light was gone and so was the cat. She looked over at Brody and saw the yellow light and a tiny monkey circling it just like the cat. It eventually disappeared and the room went back to its normal partly dark self. Rachael just stared at Brody and he stared back. Brody eventually went back to snooping and Joanna started to think.

    The door started to creak open and Brody jumped back as to make it look like he wasn’t snooping while Rachael went over to the door and was greeted by the confused face of Teo. They both walked out and Efryanda walked over who was staring at them and the room they had just come from. “What?” Brody asked when she reached Teo. “I saw a bright yellow light and a slightly faint white light coming from that room, that’s what.” Efryanda replied. “Do you know what that was?” questioned Brody. “Did you see an animal flying around that light?” questioned Efryanda Back. “Yes, that would mean?” asked Rachael. “It would mean you two are also Elementals. Fighters of the elements” the way Efryanda said this Rachael and Brody thought they were somewhat important but how Teo responded made them sure this was important. “They are too? THIS IS DEMENTED! Me and my two friends are all Elementals!” “Can you help me out on this?” Brody asked as now he and Rachael was completely confused. “Okay I’ll explain everything” Efryanda said as she led them all over to a corner of the room which had four seats.

    “okay, from what you told me” Brody Pointed at Efryanda “I know that there was an epic battle a long time ago, about 20,000 years ago, where the seven elementals fought against the Malkonian King and his warriors. There were some battles before but in the end the powerful flying Malkonians died and the seven elemental warriors were said to have also died in the bloody confrontation except for Kritain. Now the elementals have gone through a life of hardships finally getting a new chance by coming into mine, Rachael’s and Teo’s bodies making it four out of eight elementals plus the Malkonian King’s makes five out of eight known elementals. Right?” “Yes” Efryanda Replied “and now I will tell you about the animals. Teo has the all powerful Flying Dragon, Rachael the Holy Cat, Brody the Thunder Monkey, Nyokato the Star bat, Kritain the Shadow Wolf and Jaolyk, the Malkonian King, has the Stone Ogre. All of these animals reflect their power and each has a hidden secret. It is prophesized that the war will completely and forever end when “The dragon merges with body and soul.” So Jaolyk is afraid because since your animal is the dragon Teo, it is obvious you might finish the war. We all have faith in you” Efryanda explained. “Wow…where did this prophecy come from?” asked Teo. “Follow me…” answered Efryanda as she walked toward the dark room.

    Efryanda and the others entered the dark room and Efryanda leaded them to the very back of the room where there was a very demented looking wall. On it was carvings of different creatures. Each drawing had a symbol below it and in the very center were some inscriptions in different languages. Efryanda explained “this is the Wall of Hope, where each of the battling species is indicated of its role. As you can see, the prophecy is in different languages. Only one of each species could read a part of the prophecy. So far we have been able to translate three parts.” “Three parts? Wouldn’t that mean you would need more than one species to do so?” Brody interrupted. “Yes, it would. There is Kritain who is a Vaguel, a species that gains energy by the moon. Nyokato is an Elf, the big eared archers and me who is a Techogo, the human lizard species.” Teo looked closely at Efryanda’s eyes and saw that they were like a lizard’s. “You said in you story that the 7 biggest surviving species got a warrior each, how do you explain that me, Brody and Teo are humans?” questioned Joanna. “Easy, the three species that you came from all were like me, they had a rough look as humans but weren’t. Brody is the only actual human here. You, Rachael are a Nymph the flying creatures that inhibits the Earth. Teo is a Draygona, kinda like me but has different powers.” Efryanda took a deep breath and then smiled “now about the prophecy.” “Now, like I said the prophecy is in different languages but I can tell you what I know. At the very bottom it says the chosen one can read this whole thing. Around the middle of the top it says that the Malkonians will start a war. Near the end of the middle it says the dragon will fuse with power, body and soul. That is a sum of all we know.” Efryanda finished. “Ugh…”Teo fell to the floor.

    Teo woke up on a hill of a meadow. He looked around and somehow he felt at home. He looked at his clothes and noticed that instead of his t-shirt and pants he was wearing a Red and Black robe and he had a sword beside him, glinting fiercely in the sunlight’s glare. “Jake? Where are you Jake?” a woman was calling a man from somewhere. Teo thought he recognized the voice but couldn’t guess who it was. He looked over the concealment of the ridge above him and saw a woman searching the hills. She looked familiar and she was wearing basically the same clothes as Teo except hers were lighter and it looked more like a dress. She spotted him Teo and ran over. “Jake! Where have you been? The Elders are having a meeting and want you to join them!” she exclaimed and then started pulling Teo in a certain direction with him stuttering and trying to hold back. She finally got to the top of the hill and when Teo looked down into the valley he saw a huge village in the middle. There were many houses and in the middle was a castle that looked like a dragon looking into the heavens. As Teo Drew nearer he noticed that was where they were heading and the castle looked to be made of nothing but stone. Except for the eyes of the dragon, they looked completely alive. The women brought Teo along one of the castles corridors that seemed to be endless. The women gave another pull and Teo found himself in front of a mirror. Although he knew he was looking into the mirror he saw someone else. In front of him was the surprised yet rigid face of a man. His red eyes were peaceful yet they somewhat scared Teo. The man looked closely familiar. The women gave another tug and Teo began to walk again. Teo finally entered a room and when he got to the doorway he saw the body he was in keep going and he was left behind. “You wanted to speak with me?” the man questioned. “Yes I do Jake, thanks for bringing him here, Ann you can leave now.” Hearing those two names by the man that was standing in the back made Teo’s brain click. Teo took a good look at Ann’s face as she left and then a look at Jake’s and he was certain. They were his parents. Teo couldn’t believe it. He walked up to his dad and stared him in the face. Jake didn’t take notice of him and kept talking with the other seven in the room. Teo was confused but just went to the side of the room and listened to there conversation. “As you may know Jake, we had started out with eleven races. Then unfortunately four died.” At this everyone bowed their heads for a few seconds “but not in vain.” He finished in a quiet voice. “Yes, what you may not know…Jake” stumbled one of the other elders. He looked different than the first elder but only a little. “Is that the Malkonians are using a force known as an elemental. An element brought into the soul of a creature can give it great power. The Malkonians have the Earth elemental but there are still 7 elements left. Only the strongest of warriors can harness these powers. That is why we have brought you here today.” Jake looked stunned but he suddenly became very stern “I have been chosen to harness an element. I will not fail you Elder.” At this Jake left. When he was outside the doorway the elders began to discuss other matters. Te was beginning to walk towards the door when everything just went black.

    “Aw….don’t you think he is a strong boy Jenny?” Teo opened his eyes and he saw three women standing over him. “Look! He’s awake!” another woman stated. Teo looked at the three ladies and noticed that one was his mom and the other two he didn’t recognize. His mom picked him up and started to rock him in her arms. Teo knew he was having another flashback that he was part of. This time he was his self, just younger. Way younger. His mom kept rocking him and the other two ladies kept admiring him. “He is strong. Strong like his father…” mentioned his mother and the other two ladies just stared at her. “Jake? He was a coward and ran away from the war, HE ALMOST MADE US LOSE THE WAR!” raged the one Teo guessed was Jenny. “Jenny is right Ann, Jake abandoned us. I hate to admit it myself but Jake was a coward and he died a coward.” Confessed the other woman. “you are wrong, Jake is alive and he did not run away!” at this Teo’s mom held Teo close and dragon-like wings exploded from her back and she flew out of his house and away. Far away.

    “We have to do something! I don’t think YOU know what’s wrong with him.” Teo opened his eyes slightly and the blaring light of the training room made him instantly close them again. He slowly got up listening to Rachael argue with Kritain and started to rub his head. Efryanda noticed Teo and Jumped up from her crouched position and ran over to him. Brody saw her move then also noticed Teo and joined Efryanda in meeting him. “What happened to me?” Teo asked. “You just blacked out for an hour or something.” answered Brody. “Kritain and Rachael have been arguing ever since.” continued Efryanda. “Why did you black out?” questioned Brody. “I don’t know. I went through some type of flashback. First with my father and then when I was a baby.” Was all Teo could think of. “But Teo, you’re dad died before you were born” was the quiet response of his friend. “I know, but…” Teo was cut-off when the door opened and Nyokato walked in. he took one look around the place and his face grew very stern. “Great…Kritain, you have just been bickering with that girl while Teo is just standing around doing nothing. He should be training.” Joanna looked over to Teo and ran then ran over to him and then hugged him basically choking him. “You’re back…shall we train him?” replied Kritain and then they both looked at Teo. “Wait! Kritain, what do you know about my father?”

    Kritain just looked at Teo with a concerned face. He shook his head and then spoke with a pain of memory. “Your dad, Teo…Your dad was a great warrior. He would’ve been a great hero.” Teo was about to interrupt him but thought second of it. “He led us all till we had completely harnessed the powers of the Elementals. He was a great leader and an even better friend. Unfortunately, he fled us and was later killed by the Malkonian Elemental warrior. Thankfully the Malkonian warriors were distracted and were easy to attack. Still, it was a hard fight and we barely won.” Kritain finished and then looked right into Teo’s eyes. Teo stared back momentarily and then left the room. Rachael and Brody glared at Kritain and then went after Teo. They eventually found him in The Chamber looking at the paintings. “I knew it…” Teo muttered then went to another painting. “Teo?” Rachael questioned as she and Brody joined Teo. “Look closely at these paintings you guys.” Teo imposed as he pointed at the paintings along the walls. Joanna and Brody each picked a painting each and started to observe it closely. “WHAT THE?” Brody exclaimed loudly. “What?” questioned Rachael as Teo went to the next painting and started observing. “It’s me!” Brody half-shouted as Rachael rushed over. Facing a strange creature was a warrior in an interesting outfit with lightning bolts emitting from his hands. Joanna looked closely and saw that the warrior had a close resemblance to Brody. Rachael went back to her painting and looked closely at it. She saw a man fending off a creature with a girl wearing a white robe trying to escape the battlefield. She took a close look at the girl and noticed the likeness between herself and the girl. Teo came over to the Chalice and leaned on it. Rachael and Brody went over to join him. “Kritain isn’t right…my father may not be in any of these war paintings, especially the big battle one but that doesn’t mean anything.” Responded Teo forcefully. “Teo, you never knew your father at all until a few minutes ago and now you know that he could harness an element. If I had a father like yours, I would be shooting fireballs at Zack and having fun.” Teo smiled and lifted his head. Hearing Brody’s stupid jokes while insulting a classroom idiot made him feel like he was back at home. “Thanks guys” at these words Efryanda came into The Chamber and motioned them to come.

    Instead of leading them back to the training room, Efryanda led them through a wall and a secret passage to another room. Teo looked around at the room he was in and was amazed at how comfy it felt. The walls were a light brown and highlighted by the fire on one side of the room. There were two beds opposing the fire and a table in-between them. She led them to one of the beds and took a seat at the table facing them. Efryanda just stared at them for a while and then took a deeps sigh. “It’s hard to believe that when we brought one soul here we got three body’s more…” she trailed off and then got up and went off to do something in the room hidden behind what looked like a painting of the wars. “Just wait there for a while; I’ll be done in a minute.” She announced from the room and Teo and his friends started to relax. Teo went over to the fire to feed it with some of the logs beside the fireplace when Efryanda quietly slipped in. Teo was handling the log carefully into the fire when Efryanda cleared her throat. Teo dropped the log resulting in a piece of coal being thrown at Teo’s bare hands. He shouted as he caught it in his hands and was about to throw it back in when he noticed his hand didn’t burn, in fact it felt quite good. He tossed the Piece of coal from hand to hand and then lightly put it back in. Rachael and Brody stared at Teo but Teo was just enjoying himself with the ember. Efryanda smiled and gave Rachael a dead flower and Brody some type of water. Rachael and Brody looked at each other and their Item then looked at Efryanda. “As Teo has demonstrated, an Elemental Warrior can control his element. Rachael, as you may know flowers need light and Brody may know that water produces electricity. I want you two to think carefully of your element; Rachael Light; Brody Thunder and try to bring the flower back to life and turn the water into a bolt of lightening”. Rachael and Brody closed their eyes and concentrated hard while Teo took another ember from the fire and began to play with it. After about ten minutes Teo felt a power residing in him purge up through his heart. He looked at his friends and saw what he would later describe as a miracle. Rachael began to glow with light and the flower began to bloom while Brody glew a bright Yellow and the water twisted up and became a broken amount of static electricity. Rachael and Brody opened their eyes to see what was happening. Brody saw the wild sparks in the bowl and scooped it up into his hands and began to press it inside his hands. When he opened them he saw a lightening bolt lying in his palm. “Cool” He responded as he started to play with it a little. Rachael placed the flower on the center of the table and then sat back down on the bed. “You guys can stay here tonight” Efryanda mentioned then went to the other room. Teo found another room with another bed and a couch and found some blankets in the closet. He set up at the couch thinking the bed was Efryanda’s and then went back to the fire where Brody was playing with his lightening bolt and sat down staring at the fire.

    Claren exited his room and looked at the vast land facing him. He thought of how such a once beautiful place can become like the stranger’s heart. He sighed and leaned on the edge of his balcony staring at the land he now owned. “CLAREN!” Claren looked behind him and saw Drake gliding towards him. “Yes?” he questioned when Drake was beside him. “I was visiting with Jaolyk and the Stranger came and announced that Teo has indeed received the calling. He has also brought news that Teo brought two other Elemental warriors with him. That makes them with three elementals. Jaolyk orders your help!” Claren looked surprised at this information but hurried off to the Kings chamber. “I have been going in and out of here all day!” Claren thought as he reached the doors. The doors opened just as he walked through and a new voice reached his ears making him shudder. “Hello Claren” it was Jane. Claren just stared at the beautiful girl in front of him. He looked her over and almost fainted with happiness. “JANE?” he looked her over again and then received the hug she gave him. “Why are you he…Jaolyk?” Claren looked over at Jaolyk and waited for an answer. “Clare, you are one of my most treasured men and I don’t want to see you as sad as you are so I brought someone from your town here. Claren knew that he couldn’t leave the castle’s grounds so this was a great gift. “Thank you sire is this all you needed for me or can I head out with Jane?” “There is one more thing, about the stranger…I am not sure if Drake told you but the enemy has 3 elemental warriors now and we have a problem.” Jaolyk said the last part in a playful voice but it wasn’t a joke. ”I understand and will start working on a plan soon.” Claren reassured Jaolyk and then took his leave with Jane.

    It seemed that Teo was the last one awake when he heard it. It came from the room behind the painting and Teo couldn’t resist venturing from his fireplace viewing spot to check it out. When he entered the room he was amused at what he saw. There was a table and a kitchen in the corner. But what amused him was an area to the side which looked as if it was completely artifacts. Teo went over and was about to start examining them when he heard it again. Clearer but still somewhat faint. Teo went to the other side of the room and saw there was a book there. It was titled “The Great War’s Mystery” and Teo couldn’t help opening it. On the very first page was a picture of a man’s back. Teo flipped to the Prologue and started to read. In the time of the Battles there where little secrets. But now, in the days of peace there are many. This book has many tales but one mystery that confuses every species, how the war was won. In the next pages you will find the story and descriptions of the warriors. Then you will find the tale of how it was thought to have been won and the actual way the Race Combination triumphed…

    Teo kept reading on and on all night. He was half way finished when Efryanda walked in. “Hello Teo! Just to tell you that book doesn’t have the answers. It is only an artifact that I recovered when Kritain showed me the battlefield. The answer is ripped out.” Teo closed the book and then decided to see if Joanna or Brody was awake.

    Teo walked back into the main room and saw Brody asleep with his bolt in hand and a poking stick in the other while Rachael was just lying on the couch staring at the roof. Teo looked up and was amazed to see there was no roof but that the room just reached to the heavens. He went to the fire and scooped up some of it in his hands and began to push and pull it till he had a dragon shape formed out of the fire. He opened his palm and watched in glee as the flames twirled and twined making his creature look real. He set it down on the brick mantle and sat down beside the couch and laid back to stare at the beautiful stars.

    Claren and Jane were walking down the hall to Clare’s room when Jane noticed something. “Claren, is someone watching us?” Jane took a quick glance behind her just in case. “They’re thousands of Malkonian guards all over this castle hidden in invisibility. Jane looked behind her again and could barely make out the shape of the Malkonian guards through the demented shaping that invisibility gave out to its surrounding. She huddled closer to Claren and continued walking down the vast corridor.

    Teo was nodding off when he heard Efryanda shout breakfast from the other room. He and Brody snapped open their eyes and got up instantly. They rushed to the other room with while Joanna walked behind them. When she entered the room Teo and Brody were already at the table and Efryanda was at the sink making something. She took her seat as Efryanda turned around with a tray in hand. She set it on the table and sat across from Joanna and smiled and announced they could start. Brody and Teo looked greedily at the food but had the manners to let the girls pick first from the tasty choices. There was sparkly water and some pancakes along with waffles and some porridge. Joanna took two pancakes and began to dress them in butter and syrup and Efryanda just took a waffle and did the same. The boys asked if that was all and after being reassured, split the rest between them and chowed down. Brody just kept on filling his mouth, chewing then swallowing while Teo chose one thing and took some-what delightful bites as he devoured it in little time. Joanna and Efryanda talked most of the time. “This water, it has a strange taste to it…like pop.” Joanna mentioned. Efryanda smiled “pop…that was good stuff, too bad we ran out of it a year ago. The water is for rejuvenation so it doesn’t taste like normal water.” She answered. They continued talking until Brody and Teo were done and hiccupping. “You are a great cook Efryanda” commented Teo as he patted his belly. They soon all got up and went off to Kritain and Novato’s quarters.

    Jane and Claren entered his room just as Jane got the urge for a drink. Claren went off and got her a drink while she waited in the main room. She took a momentary stroll around the room and then sat down on the comfortable couch. She waited and amused herself at the thought of being back with her best friend. Jane wished it was more than just friendship but she was glad that if she did have what she wanted then she wouldn’t be hearing “let’s be friends” later on in her life. Claren came back with two drinks and sat down beside Jane. They stroke up a conversation starting with Jane’s journey to the castle was, start to end.

    In the middle of their talk Jane thought of something. “Claren, are there guards in here too?” she questioned embarrassingly. “No, why?” he said as he took a look around to assure both of them. “Oh. No reason. Just wondering how much privacy you can get in here...” she trailed off wonderingly. The continued talking then when it got dark Jane went off to her guest room. Claren just lay back on his couch and laid his head back to relax. He stayed there for ten minutes then got up and went to his study. There he took a book of the shelf and laid it one his desk by his quill and ink then started to write in it. At sunrise he closed the book, put it on the shelf and walked to his room for a sleep recovery spell.

    A man walked outside his cave and saw the ever familiar view of the Malkonian Castle. He leaned sideways against the cliff and stared at the beautiful arrangements of Red and Orange that made the setting sun. He went down the path and took his axe out of the tree and began to chop away at the remains of the tree. When he had some logs he loaded them onto his back and headed for his cave. He laid them down next to a circle of stones and had a roaring fire in seconds. He warmed up to it and took a piece of paper and a pencil and began to draw.

    He finished a while later and left his cave for a walk. He ventured by the Cliffside until he appeared on the other side. He then left away from the cliff in a north eastern direction at a comfortable pace. After about three hours of traveling he stopped. “He’s here.” Were the man’s two words before he disappeared. His foot prints were laid out in the sand for a few moments before a gust of wind instantly blew them away.

    “TEO!” Kritain commanded as he motioned to follow. Teo was in the hallways on his way to another room in the vast building he was in. he had stopped to look at a painting on the wall but was now jogging back to them as they continued walking down the hall. They entered a room that gave Teo a welcoming feeling and made him like he was at home. He took a seat on one of the wooden chairs and relaxed. Kritain walked over to the door on facing the entrance while Efryanda and Teo’s friends joined him on the wooden chairs. Nyokato guarded the entrance and Kritain came back a while later with a pouch containing something. He gave it to Teo and then told them some thing that wasn’t exactly good news. “I am going to send you to live in the Deep Forest for a while” Kritain announced. “The Deep Forest?” the cheerful girl that was Efryanda had lost her smile. “Yes, now I give you two days food and a bow with three arrows so you can hunt. Bye” and with that Teo and company were swallowed up in darkness and disappeared.

    A girl was swimming in the ocean as she followed her dolphin friends. She continued until she hit an island and dived under the gleaming salt water. She continued on, the salt water seemingly not stinging her eyes as it streamed pass her as she continued under the island. She swam up into a cavern and was greeted by a man. “Hello Krysty” the man greeted. “Why are you here?” she responded as she dried out her hair and went into another room to change. “He is here” the man responded. The sound of something being dropped sounded from the other room. “He is?” Krysty’s head appeared around the corner. “Yes now get ready, we must leave.” Krysty went back to her room, hurriedly got changed and a few moments later the chamber was empty.

    “Aaaaah!!!!!!” Teo dropped from the air with his friends and a second later hit the mossy bottom of a forest. “Where are we?” questioned Brody as he lifted his head and began to rub. “YOU are on top of me!” shouted Rachael from below and pushed Brody away. “We are in the Deep Forest” Announced Efryanda quietly as she got herself up then took the pack of food and the bow off the ground. “The place with no known physical entrance or exit, making the only one entrance, magic transportation. A place full of dreadful and murderous creatures. A place full of death.” “She really doesn’t take things lightly does she?” whispered Brody into the listening ears of Rachael and Teo. “Come, we must move fast, what we search for is somewhere up ahead.” And with that she set off, Teo and company slowly following behind.

    They ventured through the forest till they hit a huge clearing with a clear lake in the center and a tree standing nearby. Efryanda went to get some wood for a fire while the three friends were left with the job of assembling a place to sleep. “Hmmm…I know what we COULD do but it will be hard to go through with” suggested Brody. “Well, it’s worth a shot since me and Teo are pretty much stumped.” Pointed out Rachael. Brody ordered Teo to get some leafy branches and Joanna to find some more wood. They cam back with their stuff soon and they began to put the items together. They used the wood as a frame and put the leafy branches around for cover and insulation was lots of leaves and mud that Brody had gotten. It was big enough to house 6 people so the four travelers would be comfortable. Efryanda came back a while later with tons of wood and she began to set up the firewood while the others got rocks to make the fire pit. By the time all this was done it was nearly night time so Efryanda turned to Teo. “This is where you learn how to make fire.” She explained. Teo looked surprised at this but understood and faced the wood. He closed his eyes and concentrated. Moment’s later fire sprung from the ground of the pit and when it fell the sight of wood burning met their eyes. Rachael cheered and clapped while Efryanda got out the pack and started to cook some of the food.

    Krysty and the man entered a house and took a seat. They stroke up a conversation about the war and other things as if this house were theirs. While they were talking a woman entered the house and looked them. Without a word she went into the kitchen and brought out a new batch of cookies. She greeted them and then Sat down. After giving her their thanks and taking a cookie she spoke. “So why have my friends come to visit me?” she questioned. “Well Amy, I would like to finish off another one of your delicious cookies before I go.” Said the man as he reached for another cookie. “He’s here” announced Krysty as she polished off her third cookie. Amy looked stunned at this but regaining her happy giving self she went back into the kitchen and came back out with a brown bag and slipped the cookies inside. Moments later the room was empty but the scent of cookies still lingered in the air.

    As Rachael, Brody and Efryanda lay in their beds Teo was watching the fire closely. He was amazed at how it looked and the texture of something he basically created. He kept looking at it till something happened in the darkest time of the night. The moon shone down and the fire roared higher. As Teo watched the Fire got bigger and bigger until it seemed to tower the tallest oak. Then it died down to its original glow. Teo was still staring at the sky however since It looked like a part of that enormous flame had stayed with the stars. It slowly descended and was soon face to face with Teo. The fire seemed to be shaped like a sword and it looked strangely familiar. Teo remembered seeing this in his room and just as he realized that he saw the same dragon appeared out of nowhere and began flying around it. Teo grabbed the flame and held it firm. As he marveled at how flame could be solid the flame died down and revealed a sword that looked like it was the flame itself. While Teo was examining it three shadows rode across the moon.

    By the time Rachael and Brody got up Efryanda was already cooking breakfast and Teo was nowhere in sight. Rachael got out of the wooden tent first and sat down on a log by the roasting fire. Brody came out and yawned. He spotted Rachael and Efryanda and stated what was on everyone’s mind. “Where’s Teo?” “I don’t know” responded Efryanda as she flipped the meat. “Hmm” was all Brody responded as he sat next to Rachael. Off in the distance Teo was in the woods practicing with his new sword. He kept swinging and swinging at the tree trunks and each time he retracted the sword, the hole the sword made burned with a hot fire. He kept hitting and hitting until the tree began to fall. He got out of the way and shouted a cheery timber then grabbed the rope he brought and began to slowly carry it back to camp.

    As they flew over the Deep Forest Amy momentarily stopped as she spotted something in a clearing. She hovered for a few moments, her beautiful wings gleaming in the moonlight, and then she dived down towards a huge oak. As she stared at the four travelers, Krysty and their male companion flew in beside her. “Krysty, do you know who that is??” Amy questioned eying the teenager warming up by the fire. “It is Teo” the man said shortly while trying to usher the girls back on their journey. “That’s Teo?” half-shouted Krysty. “What’s that thing he’s holding?” Amy questioned not noticing the man and Krysty fighting behind her. Teo got up and gripped his sword in both hands and went over to a nearby tree and faced it as if it were his enemy. He took the sword and thrust his sword into the trunk. Pulling it out with ease he took a swing at the side, then another and another until he lost his breath and sat down and admired the deep gnashes in the tree he had made. “Come on, we must gather everyone else quickly!” finally convincing them, the man led the two girls onwards on their journey.

    Teo slowly walked into camp trailing the tree along with his sword which had been thrust into the tree to give him two arms to tug at the rope. As he reached the fire and his wide-eyed friends he calmly dropped the rope and said: “got firewood” and then he easily pulled out his sword and began to cut off the branches. ”Teo…where’d you get the sword… and how did you manage pull that huge tree?” questioned Rachael while body just stared at the sword admiring the metalwork. “He’s found his elemental spirit and it fused with him.” Said Efryanda calmly as if she wasn’t surprised by how he carried a log that must’ve weighed about 15 hundred pounds. “And the sword?” Brody asked “will I get a sword when I fuse with my spirit?” “No, well you might but it really depends on the element” responded as she grabbed the branches Teo handed her and placed them in the cooking fire. “Man, am I ever hungry, what’s for breakfast Efryanda?” questioned Teo as he finished skinning off enough branches for a while. He sat down on his log and started examining his sword for scratches. “Oatmeal, Teo.” Responded Efryanda as she stirred the contents within the pot. “You know, I had the strangest dream last night. I was back at home and there five people standing on my roof. They looked kinda familiar but I didn’t get a good look at them. They pulled out these weapons and suddenly wings sprouted from their backs and they flew towards your house, Teo” mentioned Rachael as she grabbed the oatmeal handed to her. “I wonder if it meant anything…” she brought the spoon to her lips but right before it reached her lips she pulled it back, the hot steam rising to her eyes and beyond. It wasn’t a dream.

    Teo began eating his oatmeal and savoring every single oat as he thought over what Rachael meant. He finished soon after then went to the tree, grabbed a branch, grabbed the string Efryanda found in the backpack then took it all to the lake and sat down. He began working on making a fishing rod and then got up and faced the tree. The tree was always covered in bugs, usually caterpillars. He grabbed one, tied it to the string and threw it in. he waited a while and then took the extra string and tied it to the tree. He left and started to converse with Brody and Rachael. After a while he heard the tug of the twig and ran over and pulled the stick strong enough to rip out the fish. It landed inside the tree and Teo gave another tug and the fish fell, the string still tangled in the tree. Teo held it firmly by the tail and cleaned it in the lake. He then brought it to Efryanda and she stuck a sharp stick inside through the mouth and held it over the fire. Brody looked disgustingly at the fish. “What?” Efryanda asked. “Brody has always hated fish, and almost any seafood.” Mentioned Teo as he caught another caterpillar and threw out the untangled line. Brody just went and sat on Teo’s log when they began to eat. “Fish…”

    As Teo ate he thought of something. “Hey, Efryanda, do you know a lot about our world?” he questioned as he finished his share of fish. “I know quite a lot about your world from the books I have so yes, I know quite a lot.” She responded knowledgably. “Then did Atlantis really exist? I mean I found out that there are dragons but what about the fabled Atlantis?” Responded Teo as he went to wash his hands in the lake. “Well, Atlantis does exist and so does its people. Atlantis actually Japan but in a way lower down. You see, Japan always has natural disasters like tsunamis and the country is just made up of underwater mountains. The mountains are actually the peaks of Atlantis’ highest mountains that survived a massive tsunami. The people had fled with their most precious belongings but were still hit by the wave. Unfortunately for the technology they possessed and every idea of how to create it was washed away by amnesia. When they awoke they knew little about their past civilization and went back to a primitive state, the endless Atlantean knowledge they possessed was locked deep in their minds. They son called the country Japan since when they woke up from the tsunami, they saw the sun rise, and in there language it is Japan. Eventually their language formed somewhat like their surrounding countries but still kept an Atleantean touch. Once America brought its technology to Japan a hole was poked in their Atlantean past and they are now slowly advancing back to their original heritage.” “Was the tsunami natural? I mean did an earthquake cause it or did some god cause it?” “It was sent by all of the gods, they thought that the Atlanteans might conquer their world. They sent the tsunami to hopefully destroy them. Nowadays they send earthquakes and small tsunamis to remind their subconscious mind. Some of the gods preferred fire so they made volcanoes out of some of the mountains.” “Wow” Brody responded as he entered the fishless area of people “I still don’t see how you guys can eat fish…”Teo looked out into the endless maze of towering oaks and multiple bushes that was the Deep Forest. He continued wondering about the strange sounds he had heard last night. “Efryanda, what had you meant when you said ‘we will meet our destination soon’?” Questioned Teo, his eyes still rigidly fixed on the Deep Forest. “Well, we were sent here to leave. Only reason we stay in same area is because this is the only area monsters don’t go. Now these monsters are stronger than all of us combined if were not prepared, so we must prepare to survive. Once we are prepared then we head to the temple outside of this forest. That’s all I can tell you now.” Efryanda just finished right there and Teo didn’t care to finish this conversation by the tone of her voice.

    Rachael fed the fire then continued to watch it. Teo and Brody were roasting some caribou with the moon shining on their backs and Efryanda telling ghost stories. Rachael got bored and went towards the lake. She stared endlessly at it till she felt like jumping in. she stopped herself and then headed back to the fire. It seemed lighter tonight than other nights. A reason might be because it was almost a full moon full moon. Almost. She stared at it a while then went back and joined the group again. Near the end of the fire and feasting Brody got up and sat down on the ground a small away from the fire and laid back. He stared at the cloudy sky, the clouds billowing and swirling with no wind. The clouds condensed right over Brody and he quickly got up. The clouds condensed even more into a tiny ball then shoots of lightning shot out of it. The lightning seemed to be tame since it went out only a little bit then came around to the center of the circle to create an orb like structure. The whole thing flashed and a whistling was heard. There, thrust into the earth by the fall, was a spear of unique design. Brody grasped it and then looked to the sky. The clear, starry sky Joanna had seen before met his eyes and he turned to his companions. They were all staring at him and he stared back. Brody broke out laughing and Teo joined laughing. They later sparred for a while to try out their weapons against each other then gave up and noticed the girls had fallen asleep by the fire. They put down their weapons, picked up their friends and put them into the tent. They started back the fire with the help of Teo and talked for a while before hitting the hay themselves.

    They woke up to the pleasing smell of roasting bananas and were too hungry to ask where they came from. It was later explained that they found an array of fruit trees in a clearing nearby along with some berry bushes. They had a great breakfast of cooked bananas and blueberries. Teo and Brody started sparring again and Rachael and Efryanda started talking about the Elemental Warriors before them. After a few fights Brody and Teo joined them and the conversation turned to weapons. “Efryanda, is it a coincidence that we got our weapons here or no?” questioned Brody as he cleaned his already shining spear. “Well, this ground, like I mentioned to Teo, is sacred. It is where no monsters go since this is where a demonic creature was killed. The monsters around here think that if they enter this area, the creature’s spirit will kill them. This is also the last place the warriors stayed before the war. So in a way the weapons wanted to return to a peaceful place to relax.” Rachael just stared at the fire.

    “Your element is water, right Efryanda?” questioned Brody. “Yeah, why?” she responded “where’s your weapon?” Brody looked at the lake suspiciously. “My weapon is indeed in the lake Brody; however I don’t need it right now.” “Why not” questioned Brody “what type of weapon is it?” “It’s a Blade chain.” She responded cooking another banana. “Blade Chain?” Teo questioned. “Yes, a Blade Chain, it’s like nun chucks except it is double sided blades attached to a long chain instead of wood attached to a short chain. I’m quite experienced in fighting with it.” She responded. “Cool” responded Brody thinking about it. “My weapon is still the best!” responded Brody. Teo challenged him to another fight and they spent their lunch training.

    The sun began to set and Efryanda called Brody and Teo to the fire. “Okay, after seeing you two train I’ve pretty much decided we can get set to leave now.” With that Efryanda went to the lake and dived in. Teo and the others just stood by the lake’s edge, looking into the clear waters as Efryanda swam deeper and then disappeared in an underwater cavern. She came out a few minutes later with something in hand as she gets nearer to the top Teo and friends back up to make room and Efryanda stops. She throws the chain at the tree and a blade gets deeply dug into the trunk. She pulls herself up and pulls out the blade. She heads to the fire to warm up and catch her breath while Teo and Brody fed the fire.

    “Okay, shall we go now?” she asked looking at her three friends. “Su-"Brody got cut off as an earthquake shook the campsite. Trees fell, the fire went out and waves rose from the lake. Weapons were taken in hand as a roar of fury spread over the area and the shaking became more violent. “HELP!!!” Teo watched as a gigantic hand rose from the ground, knocking over Rachael and taking a swipe at the three warriors. Teo swung his sword at the hand but was only brushed aside as if he were a leaf. He got up and regrouped with his nervous friends. The hand retracted into the earth and the group wondered if it was the end…and what that thing was. The earth shuddered again and the ground before the four rose into a small mountain. Red eyes pierced the top and stared down at the friends. They grew darker with rage and an arm raised and threw a chunk of stone at them. Each fled from their doom as the rock made a crater where they had stood. A rough body of a human bat took form as it shook off the rock covering its body, resulting in more craters. Brody took his spear and threw it at the creature’s stomach. It lunged deep into its target as Brody jumped up to retrieve it. Efryanda chucked her blade chain in a circular motion as it stabbed an arm and then the chest, attaching the two. Teo, jumping off a boulder sprang towards the creature. He brought his sword in front of him and it made contact with the beast’s abdomen. The creature let out a small groan then wiped the warriors, along with their weapons, onto the hard earth below. Rachael stared in helplessness as her friends fell to the earth and their weapons scattered far away from them. As she stared the creature set his eyes on her, a hand flew towards her ready to grasp. Just as the hand reached Joanna the creature let out a raging moan, a sword buried deep into its flesh. A spear pierced its eye and a bladed chain went into its chest. The creature fell back and the four friends joined again. They fell back to rest and take a breath and give thanks to one another. To their misfortune, the creature rose again and threw the four around by a swipe of his hand. The creature brought his attention to the unarmed Teo and threw a massive punch towards the warrior. Teo awaited his certain death while he stared transfixed by the oncoming fist. Efryanda viewed from afar, although she hoped he would be okay, she knew the horrible truth. Before it came a whistling sound came and a wave of arrows flew into the creatures arm. Taking no time to escape, Teo brought his hands beside him as fireballs appeared above his palms. He threw them at the creature and in moments it became ablaze with fire. It staggered back then disappeared in a blast of black air. Silence.

    Three figures flew by the coursing river, making no sound but the howling wind that always settled around the valley at this time of the day. They reached the end of a river, flowing into the ocean and followed the beach westward. They eventually slowed down and started to walk towards a seaside cave. As the wind howled around them, bending the thin trees and making the bushes rustle, the three travelers were watched by a gray and white Eagle parked on a ledge. They reached the entrance and the wind became suddenly more ferocious. Amy walked forward and called out. When no response came the man ventured inside, Krysty and Amy eventually following. They walked on, resisting the powerful wind as if it were a blade of grass being thrown at them. The cave got darker as the bird blocked the cave’s entrance but the travelers went on. ”Chicora?” questioned Amy “is he even here?” “He is here, he never goes anywhere without Shin” answered the man. “Ok…” they walked on until the path split into three different directions then Chicora stopped them. His Golden wings sprouted from his back and began to fly up. Amy’s white wings sprouted and followed while Krysty stayed behind for a while before her Blue wings sprouted and she hurried to catch up with her friends.

    When Krysty finally caught up with her friends they were in a room facing a sleeping man. Chicora sighed then began to wake him up. Amy began going around the room for a while inspecting things then passed through the animal skin that marked a doorway. Krysty hung back and let her feet droop in the hole they came through. The man woke and groggily looked around the room. He was suddenly very awake and getting his armor on. “Calm down Splendora, it is not time right now, but I have been told it is coming soon.” Chikara continued to try and calm down Shlantora while Krysty got up and went to see where Amy went off to. She found that Shlantora had seemingly hand carved his house out of this mountain. It looked like a normal house, he had stuck palm leaves to the walls as a type of cover and in the spaces that weren’t covered the rock was as smooth as a baby’s cheek. She continued exploring to find that he had two floors, a beautiful staircase connecting the two. She eventually reached a room on the second floor full of drawings, sculptures and Amy. She was reading an old book that Krysty Remembered well. “Does it say anything about us?” she questioned as Amy flipped to a page she had seen in the table of contents. “In a way…” Krysty went over and read from the paragraph Amy had pointed out. There was a heavy silence in that room as the two continued to read. Shlantora eventually called the two down to the main floor to talk. “We must go now.” Chikara announced when they arrived as his wings sprouted from his back, Amy and Krysty following. “Let me go first.” announced Shlantora as he jumped down the hole, his wings still hidden within his spirit. As he reached the bottom a streak of gray and white came across the view the hole gave and the three winged travelers followed it.

    Teo got up and looked around. Efryanda was helping Brody out of the lake while Rachael was on the edge of the forest with something shining within her hands. Teo walked over and noticed she was holding a mysteriously glowing bow. “Where’d you get that?” greeted Teo as Rachael looked up and smiled seeing he was okay. “I don’t completely know…I was staring at you being close to being killed then a beam of light came onto me and I found it in my hands. I blanked out and when I woke up I saw that…thing getting ready to kill you and I just shot some arrows that I found in this” Rachael showed Teo an empty bag that would seem to be suited for arrows. “I guess they only appear during battle…” Teo and Rachael went over and helped Efryanda in packing up all their equipment. As he sat down to relax, only one thing came to mind “the shrine… for what?” Another dry twig snapped beneath the aching feet that belonged to Rachael. For around 2 hours they had been walking through the thick underbrush that was the Deep Forest. Every once in a while they came along a red wolf or a giant bug, Teo would easily slay it and they would get a 5 minute break which Rachael spent sitting on the ground massaging her feet. Teo and Brody, no matter how tired they might be, always had the spirit to spar and have a lot of fun. Then, when Efryanda instructed them to walk again, Teo would take the lead, Brody behind, and everything went silent again. They walked for a while more before the underbrush began to thin and Efryanda called forth a halt. Everyone got rest as she called Teo away from his friends. “Continue walking towards the shrine, we will be in the town of Kenshinto.” Teo began to question where ‘Kenshinto’ was but Efryanda walked away and joined the other three. Teo didn’t want to ask so he just continued walking forward. He eventually reached the forest’s edge and looked onward into the flat plains that marked an exit to the forest. In the distance was a magnificent tower that shined like the sun. A golden dragon staring at the sky marked the top, its burning red eyes even visible with the distance between them .The Shrine.

    “Efryanda?” Rachael was walking around in the bushes then stopped “where’d Teo go?” “He left for the Draygonian Shrine. We will meet with him in Kenshinto” she responded “anyway, we need to move forward.” A beast’s cry rang through their ears. Teo attacked again, this time slicing the beast’s chest. It slashed away but with its eyes blinded by rage didn’t get close to Teo. He brought up his sword and delivered the final blow. It fell and Teo began to examine it. Although it looked nothing like a human, more to the mix of a bull and a wolf, it had a ripped cloak spread over its fur as if it was a man then was transformed into the beast. Teo took the few teeth that had fallen out and slipped them in his pocket. 3 beasts, 2 strange flowers and no sign regarding any other humans accept the shrine. Teo looked forward and began to think you couldn’t actually reach the shrine, as if it were a mirage or it could transport farther away. He didn’t know how long he was traveling but it seemed around 2 hours since he left the coolness of the jungle shade and entered the endless plains. He kept walking, not noticing the Dragon’s eyes staring at him within the shrine. Shade. The dragon’s shadow covered him from the sun and made it unbearable not to stop and relax. Teo sat down on the cool grass as an eastern wind blew over him. He picked up a mushroom and examined it. It looked edible, and Teo hadn’t eaten since his battle with the forest creature. He took a nibble and felt quite rejuvenated. He took another and felt like he could run back to the forest. Destroy that thing by him self and run back easily. He saved the rest than began to happily jog towards the entrance of the Tower. Halfway there he ran back and picked up another mushroom, leaving the rest to continually grow, than ran full speed to the doors. When he got there he noticed that the mushrooms grew crazy just around the base of the Tower. He went and inspected one when it popped out and laid itself in front of him. Teo picked it up and examined it closely, reviewing every piece of it. He pulled out his own mushroom and compared them. Other than size, they were exactly the same. He almost took a nibble of the larger one when he had a strange feeling in the back of his neck. He turned around and standing there was a wise looking old man. Teo fell back in surprise and the man walked over and helped him up. His steps were strong, fluid, as if he were a teenager like Teo. Once Teo was standing and brushing off the dirt from his shirt the man began walking around the tower in a beckoning way that Teo couldn't refuse. They reached a door and it opened before them. Standing there, holding the door open was a beast. As Teo walked by, the beast’s wolfish eyes stared him down and as he shut the door the large metallic plates that covered his body quietly clinked against each other. Teo followed the man up a row of stairs and through a door into a large chamber. In the middle was a stone dragon, staring out the wide window. The man stopped behind the dragon and began praying. The beast shoved Teo gently towards a door on the right then went ahead of him. Teo gasped when he entered the room. It was a gigantic library, connected to a room with an open door way. The beast curled up on a mat in the corner of the room and Teo began to look around at the books. He picked out a book and looked for the title. He couldn't find one so he opened it and began reading at the table in the middle. It was a book about the war, the war with the Malkonians. It told of how the 4 races were destroyed, how the Malkonians learned of and captured the earth element and how the 7 other races achieved their element. Then it stopped. Nothing about how the war was won, about the fighters. Nothing. Nothing but text and a few images. "There is no book within this library, as vast as it is, that tells anything of the final battle." Teo looked behind him to see a girl his age, holding three books, glasses covering her brown eyes and somewhat stern face, giving her the look of a librarian.

    After recovering from his initial surprise of such a beautiful girl in a world like this he responded. “There isn’t? Do you know of any place that might?” “No book recovers the time of that battle, for no one knows of it.” She motioned for him to follow and walked towards the room with the creature and disappeared when Teo got there. He sat down beside the beast and rested his hand on its head. He waited for a while, occasionally petting the creatures head until the girl returned with a guy. He looked like her brother and was carrying a staff and a book. He formally greeted himself as Nimank. He told Teo to follow and went off through a wall. Teo went up to the wall and stopped. The girl sighed and pushed him through to another room. Teo began shakily walking after Nimank. They walked through various hidden wall, along with jumping over endless pits on invisible platforms. They eventually reached a door where Nimank stopped. Teo hoped he wouldn’t turn around and say we had to go back over that long torturous path. He instead did something Teo wouldn’t like either. He punched the wall through an invisible hole to hit a switch. The floor beneath Teo dropped and he fell into cave. He got up, dusted himself off and looked towards Nimank as he floated gracefully on a tile from the room above. He walked through another wall and Teo followed. They were in another library; through a window Teo could see the other library, down a flight of nice, easy steps. He began to complain to Nimank but he silenced him and showed him a book opened to a certain page. Teo took it, thanked Nimank, and began to read it.

    As life passes and Death comes near for many, sacrifices must be made. I must say goodbye to Ann for life passes fast for others. Stone guardians keep death encompassed for some. I hope life is great.

    This was his father’s journal, the lat post dated after the great battle. He searched every page afterwards but found nothing. He thanked Nimank and headed back to the other library. He sat down at a table and began reading the rest of his father’s journal. As the mountains rose before him he noticed three figures ahead of him. He instantly darted to the side and quickly followed after them. Reaching his land he noticed the three figures stop and enter the large wooden structure that marked his house. He remembered the figures and greeted them, destroying his concealment. “Welcome Chikara. State your business here.” His voice was harsh but caring. “Kaminar, he has come” Chikara responded and then the four travelers continued their journey. As they flew, past the mountains, through the sky, reaching a floating land piece, thoughts raced beside them of what the future was to hold. Landing on the dragon shaped rock they concealed their wings within their spirits and faced the downwards entrance into the dragon’s body. They entered. Inside men in black and red robes were scattered around, talking within themselves and conquering the questions that have baffled the residents of the earth below. These were the Draygonian Mages, the most revered yet unknown race of warriors. But even these renowned mages bowed down to the warriors that passed through their fortress. As the warriors continued through the corridors, the mages got older and wiser. Eventually they reached a large room, two eyes staring ahead at the sky. Standing in the middle was a young man, wearing familiar black and red robes, with a sword glinting fiercely within his hand. He turned and greeted the travelers. “Welcome Chikara, Krysty, Amy, Shlantora, Kaminar.” He nodded to each as he said there name then continued. “He is here, isn’t he?” “Yes…” responded Chikara. “He has come, strong and wise, once again.” The man raised his hand and 6 pillars rose, bringing him and the 5 travelers upwards, to the open sky. With his back turned to the others, the young man spoke. “The time has truly come. Through decades of preparation it is finally time. I don’t know if to feel relieved or stay afraid. As this day comes to an end, time draws even closer. No time to waste…” “Kaiser, we will fight with Teo till the end!” announced Chikara, with added voice the others agreed encouragingly. “Thank you…as long as this fortress stands; you have a home within it.” Kaiser responded and the pillars sank back into the dragon’s head.

    Chikara was in the library when Shlantora joined him. "Do you think they'll survive this war?" he questioned as he sat down across from Chikara. "They have a chance. The only problem is you know we can't really fight with them. It was lucky hat we survived but with the price of our power. None the less I will train them, and you will join me?" "As long as your there I feel confident. Have you seen Krysty around lately?" "I think she was up above, getting some exercise" Shlantora left and Chikara continued reading a brown book. Shlantora reached the entrance to the roof and let his wings spread. He launched up the tunnel and settled himself on the dragon's back. He looked around until he spotted Krysty and trailed behind her. He eventually caught up and they dropped onto the dragon's head. And began talking. "I was speaking with Chikara. Will you be training Efryanda?" "Shlantora, I am training Efryanda but you need to worry about-" "Krysty...Efryanda has lived almost her whole life without a mother or father. After the war she will live even longer without parents unless you do something about it. I know Kaiser told us to be cautious but have you heard Efryanda when she's alone? She’s always humming a tune, always the same tune. This is how she gets to sleep. Can you guess that tune?" Krysty made no response but just looked at the ground. She took a momentary look at Shlantora before sprouting her angelic blue wings and flying away. Shlantora stayed and, after a while, spoke out to the air "do you have any advice for me?" Kaiser appeared beside Shlantora and looked at the speck that was Krysty. "My advice to you is to teach the ways of the wind wisely. You must also remember that Krysty is aware of Efryanda and that she is concerned, but she still has a love for you." "Thanks..." and with that Shlantora flew off and back into the ship. Kaiser stayed a while then disappeared.

    Teo shivered, the movement waking him up he blinked a few times then tried to remember. He had been reading his fathers journal. He could remember reading about a line of existence separating forever and races being destroyed by elements. He flipped to the last page he could remember and began reading again. Moments later he felt the presence of someone else in the room. He looked behind him expecting to see the librarian but the library was empty excluding him. He looked around more closely and then suddenly a man entered. He looked happy, around Teo’s age and… he looked familiar, as if he were a childhood friend. He walked over to Teo and laid his hand on Teo’s shoulder. From his touch resonated the feeling of power and every element pulsing through it. It also felt cold and empty. “Teo…” hearing his name from this person filled him with a strange pride. “Do you remember your father?” “Partially… I had a dream about him where I was in his body.” Teo couldn’t believe he had told this man that, he hadn’t even told Brody or Joanna that. “Really?” the man sat down “tell me about it”. Teo hesitated then began the story. The man would nod his head and think quietly as Teo told his dream. When he was finished the man asked him about his other dream. Teo wondered how he knew since he hadn’t mentioned it but continued on the story. When he finished the man introduced himself as Kaiser than began telling him the story of himself and this flying fortress.

    “Long ago, when the Draygonian people were only apprentices to me, a warrior entered our realm. Challenging me to a fight he put my people in danger. I sensed his power as strong but not worthy to fight in risk of hurting him, let alone my people. I asked him if he wanted to stay with my people but he refused and chose to prove his worthiness. And with that he brought his weapon, a glowing sword, bright green blade with red handle and the one thing that stood out the most was a glowing stone on the hilt, a symbol of promise marked on it. Instantly I knew I was facing someone more than just a regular warrior, he had the power of gods and a beautiful queen within his strength and pride within his mind. I knew why he was here; he was traveling through realms in search of the warrior that had attacked his god. Since a warrior cynical enough to wound a mortal god wouldn’t confess to it the man just challenged the strongest warrior within the realm. I knew there was no point in trying to convince him otherwise so I fought him. Do you want to hear the battle Story?” Teo nodded his head anxiously, wanting to hear about the fight, he felt a part of it.

    “He started by talking, boasting about how many warriors had vanquished beneath his feet. I interrupted him halfway through one of his stories asking if he had ever been to a realm I know of. He said no and I responded by smiling. He took that as an offense and announced that I was not to win. He then took his sword beside him and charged at me. Dodging, I unsheathed my own sword and blocked another attack from him. It was a good thing we had strong weapons or they would’ve broke beneath the force of our swings. I jumped back and watched his movements as he charged at me. Dodging, I jumped a distance away from him and waited for him to spot me. Once he had, I flung my sword in his direction and chased after it. As it flung past my opponent, him dodging its swirling blade, I kicked him in the back stunning him. By the time he could gain his bearings, I had my sword pointed at his face. Knowing he was defeated, he dropped his sword and stood up. He then asked me if I was, or knew the man who attacked his god. I replied that I was not him, nor knew who he was but I advised the man not to go to a certain realm, or else I wouldn’t be as easy next time. He quietly agreed and then said his goodbye, leaping back into his homeland. And you know what? A while later he came back with his mother, asking for apprenticeship. It was good to see the elegant queen again, even though Julie didn’t agree with someone to compete against.” Kaiser took a deep breath and smiled. “Any questions?” “Three. First, is the warrior the king or the prince? Or just a skilled villager? Second, whatever happened to him? Where is he? And last, who’s Julie?” “The man was the prince and coincidentally, he is now my good pal, in the skies with most of the Draygonians. Julie was a girl I knew since I was a kid. Shortly after I apprenticed the prince, whose name is Chikara, I married her” Kaiser smiled again then, after saying goodbye, left.

    “When’s Teo going to get here? I’m bored…” Rachael was sitting beside Brody and Efryanda at a bar. “Calm down and have a drink, they’re free!” Brody advised as he took another drink from the bartender “why don’t you go up to the roof? The inn has a garden up there and, if you don’t like that, explore the town.” Mentioned the bartender as he filled up another drink. “What are these anyway?” asked Brody as he took one more. “They’re Bubble Tea. I can tell that you like them.” “I’ll be in our room” with that Efryanda left and went up the stairs. “I’m going to explore the town…” Rachael left the bartender and Brody to converse about the ingredients for a new flavor of Bubble Tea.

    Rachael walked out of the inn and looked around. Ahead she saw the marketplace they had passed through, she stared at it for a while then decided to look around. The bartender knew Efryanda so they got the rooms free. He even gave Rachael and Brody some spending money. She took a look at the first shop and looked through the jewelry. She asked the man behind the stand how much it cost and he responded with a cold face and a wave of his hand. Not knowing how to take this, Rachael looked around at the other shops. She bought what looked like an apple and some string made of a liquid like material. As she was looking at a picture a boy went up to her and tugged on her pants. She turned to the kid and said greeted him. “Hello! What do you want?” she asked. He just kept tugging on her pant leg. He eventually gave up and left hurriedly. As she stood up Rachael felt lighter. After checking her pockets she figured it out. The little rat had stolen her money! Looking around she tried to spot him. Running in the direction she saw him go Rachael didn’t know what to do, forgive the poor kid or smack him in the head? Not looking where she was going, she bumped into a man and fell back. Helping her up, the man asked her something. “Hello, is this the kid that stole your money?” he brought from behind him the little boy that had stolen Rachael’s money. “Yes! It is! Thank you so much! What’s your name?” the man looked troubled at the question but then just gave the pouch of gold to Rachael and left. Rachael just stood there staring at his back, trying to memorize everything about him to ask the bartender. His red armor and black pants, his strong muscles and black hair, it seemed familiar. She broke out of her trance and headed back to the inn

    Teo sat at the table a while before getting up and looking around the tower. Exploring it he found many secret and hidden rooms. Most of them were storages for food and weapons; others were passages leading back to the entrance. He found about twenty other people scattered around the lower part of the tower. With each level he rose to, the lighter it was and the stronger he felt. He was about halfway when he noticed Nimank talking to a wall. Guessing the other person was just in some hidden passage Teo passed it off as nothing till he heard the topic “…you know that once the war starts, you will lose your powers, and you won’t be able to fight him.” Teo looked for a place to hide while he continued to listen to the one-sided conversation “calm down, it doesn’t matter if you fight him before the war, he is getting stronger by the day and fighting him will only start the war faster. And don’t think of betraying me, I know every one of your tricks and schemes. You should be happy I am letting you live.” Teo’s eyes twitched. He thought he saw something. “Well, that’s all fine and dandy but it makes no difference. I have to go now, you should be glad you’re not here or else I would have killed you" Teo watched as Nimank walked away and then he inspected the wall. Nothing, no secrets, no portals or something. nothing. "Weird...." Teo decided to keep it to himself and just keep exploring.

    Asleep. Teo lay in a bed he had found on one of the floors. Just looking at it he couldn’t resist sleeping. It felt so good to sneak underneath the covers and relax. Instantly falling asleep he dreamt of home and the carelessness he once shared with his friends. He dreamed on and on, never caring for time or the area around him. He woke up. Looking around he was in some kind of bedroom fit for a king. Once he got out of bed though, the place tore itself up, and shadowy figures rushed across the room. Suddenly, it was quiet. Teo looked around to find that everything had been broken or torn. He looked around for a while till he felt a strange feeling in his chest. The world exploded. Teo jumped up, the bed’s covers wrapping around him. He looked around to find the chamber he had gone to sleep in. as he got out of bed he felt a pain in his chest. Taking off his shirt he noticed a scar on his chest. On a closer look he noticed it was in the familiar shape of his sword. Which reminded him, where was it? Looking around he found it standing against the wall. Picking it up, he left the room.