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SeXxXy J's Page



Hello all, thanks for stopping by.... Enjoy your stay!     



First and foremost, I'd like to give a shout out to all my fellow 

's's. Also a shout out to my fellow Italians. (you gotta luv us!)

Love and respect to my Wolfenstein family!!!!! Ha! Bet you didn't guess I was all up in Wolfenstein like that!!!!!! Medic!!!

Everything you read on this page is all me, no fronts. Whoever doesn't like it, GET THE HELL OUT! 

Now, for all of you who've stayed you're in for a treat. A rare glimpse into my mind and life.

A little about SeXxXy J 

Sign: Virgo             Age:22

Fav movie: Pearl Harbor

My trademark: The dragon

Fav game: Wolfenstein baby!!!!!!

Skills: Singing, cooking, poetry, drawing Japanese anime, any type of arts and crafts. (I swear, I can make anything out of anything lol) Dancing 

Pets: Marlo (the cat)      Nico (the pooch)


Fav pastime: Smokin' dat ish


That's right I smoke those la's


One of the most important things to me is love. I don't mean romance, I mean love from your family. I had a rough childhood. My grandmother took me in when I was 5 , and by doing so, saved my life. 

When I was very young, my parents split up. I was kidnapped back and forth by both of them. Neither of them could offer me a secure future, so my grandmother stepped in. My mother was in and out of my life, always making sure to stop by and screw it up once in a while. To this day I do my best to avoid her at all costs. 

My father and I were really close, but he left me when I was 7 yrs. old, and I haven't seen or heard from him since. 

What makes a man leave his daughter that he "loved" so intensely?  I ask myself that question almost every day. I would like to find him one day, but for some reason, I  don't feel ready yet. Maybe I'm afraid of what he's going to say. Guys, if you have kids running around out there, be there for them. It is not cute to have 5 kids from different women. Your kids need you more than anyone will ever need you.   

Now I have a small, but close little family. My mom, (grandmother), Uncle Jay, who is a complete genius and taught me virtually everything I know, Uncle Ray and his wife Sharon, (Currently arguing with them, but I still luv 'em!) and their kids, Erica, Jessica and Nick. Those kids are my heart. They are three of the brightest, most loving and beautiful kids on the planet! Watching them grow up has filled a part of my heart that was so empty and cold. 

Last but certainly not least, my great-grandmother.

We call her "ma". I have a hard time communicating with her because she only speaks very little english, and vice versa for me.

She's a sweetheart, and a fighter just like me. 96 years young!! She started all this------!

My point is, if you don't have some kind of "family love" , life is damn near impossible. Both of my parents are out of my life, but I grabbed on tight to the family I have left. Even if you have no family at all, a good friend you can call "brother" or "sister" is close enough. And let them know that you love and appreciate them, because life is fleeting. Before you know it, your loved ones are gone, and life changes on you all over again. Case in point :





My creations






Other Graphics



Well, that's it for now, there will be more added later. Hope you enjoyed your stay, and if ya did, feel free to let me know!