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Students of the Round Table


Home Page

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Welcome, students of the round table!

Come, come, relax, and enjoy your visit to the court of Camelot!  Never was this court graced by such a distinguished guest such as yourself.  There's a king's ransom of information to be had within these walls.  Feel free to wander the castle and see what it has to offer you, but beware, do not enter the dungeon, for in that lair lies the most foul and gruesome creatures you did ever lay your eyes upon!


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Visit your class page to find out about homework assignments and to find out your grade so far this semester.  Grades are updated once a week.  Don't forget to check out the school calendar for school events and (even more importantly) days off.  Have you excelled this month?  If so, you might want to check out the Student of the Month and see if you are the best student in your class for the month.  Are you still one of the survivors, or has your absences voted you off the island?  Check the Survivor page each week to see if you still have a chance at those bonus points!  Remember, do not go into the dungeon!




Quote of the Month

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"This above all else, to thine own self  be true, and it must follow, as the night to the day, thou canst not then be false to any man."

-William Shakespeare   


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Brit. Lit I ] Shakespeare ] Literature in Film ] Expo. Writing ] School Calendar ] Dungeon ] Student of the Month ] Survivor ]