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Ringnet Your Lord Of The Rings Source!


Welcome to my Lord Of The Rings website! I discovered LOTR in September of 2002, where I was forced to watch it, but eventually became very obsessed, probably like you. So, this site is dedicated to Lord Of The Rings, and I'm going to keep adding more and more, so check back often. There might be something worthwhile.

Want to warn ppl. This isn't a lovey-dovey website. It will have language, just so ya know

I'm updating, isn't it amazing. Well, this may be my last update for a long time. I've been working on a new website called Icon Inventory Check it out

I'm in also, the process of making a icons gallery. Since I'm obsessed with icons nowadays. Here is a short page with all the icons i've made so far

Picture of the Moment

OMG, what a beast. This pic is newly discovered. Rawr

Website, ya, it's slow. But it's hard work. Especially when Angelfire won't work with you.

Days till Return of the King!

Days till The Two Towers comes out on video!

Questions, Comments,Suggestions, Problems