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Shawnwood Forest

Welcome to Shawnwood Forest, a web page I started 6 years ago.What with Myspace, Yahoo 360 and numerous photo-sharing sites providing instant access to my friends and family, these pages have remained unchanged.But my story up to its point has changed, and will change.But all the things that have shaped me so far are here, and if you want to get to know me, this is a great place to start.

I am still with the love of my life, Jo Perez(J.P.)I can't think of anything or anyone that has ever made my stay here more wonderful.Ever.We're coming up quickly on ten years together, and all I want is 80 more.

So look around, see what you think.I have had a pretty strange life so far...but it sure aint been boring!

Paths through the forest

Pictures of me and friends
On Magick
Odd Facts about Rainbowtoad
My tribute To Stevie Nicks
The Obligatory Gallery that every gay man puts on his web-page paying homage to his favorite male celebrities(but mine's good)
Book Of Shadows
Haunted Wichita Falls...some scary places around town
Some of my favorite links