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"All hope abandon, ye who enter here!"
- Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy -

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17/10/03 Busy weekend ahead!

Saturday's program:

15.30 Dunaujvarosi AC - Olimpija Ljubljana : 1 - 1
19.00 Torpedo Kazan - Alba Volán FeVita : 2 - 2

A great match with beutiful actions. The guys gave everything, Kozlov just wasn't drunk enough. He even scored a goal. We needed all our Russian knowledge to decipher the Kazahstani names, believe me, it wasn't an easy task. And , by the way, Kozlov received a bit of a standing ovation at the beginning from the crowd. Hopefully, this match receives a better press then the last one, which was told to be boring. I haven't noticed that, though...

Goals by: Fodor Szabolcs, Tőkési Lajos and Kozlov, Semenov



17.30 Alba Volán FeVita - Olimpija Ljubljana : - (M2 - 17.55)
21.00 Torpedo Kazan - Dunaujvarosi AC : -

Friday results:

16.30 Olimpija Ljubljana - Torpedo Kazan : 1 - 6
20.00 Alba Volán FeVita - Dunaujvarosi AC : 5 - 1

A great match with beautiful goals and a very entertaining style of the players guaranteed a marvellous evening in the icehall.

Goals by: Gröschl (2) (already in the first minute and, by the way, a beautiful one), Rajz, Kangyal, Simon and Horváth (on the other side).

Chapters in the Hockey diary

  • Volán and DAC both continue their bad series in the Interleague
  • Alba Volán FeVita - UTE : 11 - 2
  • Weekend: Volán Continental Cup in Székesfehérvár
More about them later.

14/10/03 I'm getting old - school reunion time!

Allright. I don't want to talk about that, otherwise I fear I should need councelling. As it turned out, however far I got in recent years, I'm still lightyears from my all economist and lawyer - or both - classmates. Life is hard, and my fist even harder. Am I aggressive? Be honest with me. But if you say yes, I might beat the sh*t out of you and "use your ribcage as a hat" (Buffy). Just joking.

What a turbulent weekend. I went for another theatre performance - just watching, don't worry - then the reunion, and waking up early to see that loonatic win another championship. As I said: life is hard... And the tyger puzzle is still not finished. That was my weekend in a nutshell. Now I go over to other people's weekend.

Formula 1

I did not have the mental and physical strength to wake up for the qualifying, but I saw everything in the afternoon. It was a perfect start for a perfect race on Sunday during which Kimi would win the Championship. It turned out differently. Sh*t happens, as I would say. Kimi was extremely frustrated on Sunday, me too, and honestly, I don't like Barichello at all. Now a big break comes for the drivers to relax and enjoy the winter season, and hopefully next year we'll be able to see a brand new and fully competitive McLaren Mercedes with our favourite drivers in them.

Fotex beating Szarajevo heavily in an Icehall

Don't worry. You did not miss anything. We don't have a new icehockey team. It was handball, but the guys of Fotex Veszprém did play in an icehall that was built for the Olympics a few years ago. It was nice though. Veszprém was missing some of its players due to injury, but still managed to rule the place. They scored beautiful goals, and Sterbik stood in the goal as a rock in the heavily waving ocean. He had a great day and saved almost everything. Good job!

Moya loosing in the final in Vienna

I was fortunate enough to see it - I never thought I would - on TV, but the match was a disaster for Moya. Our handsome guy did everything he shouldn't have done and did not do anything he should have done. Comprendes? I don't know what was wrong with him, lack of concentration, physical weekness, or whatever, but he clearly had some problems. Of course he looked as hot as ever, so it did not really matter for me at the end that he lost the match, I still had plenty of time to drool on my bedsheets. On the other hand - seeing, or better to say not seeing, Safin loosing all the time, nowadays - I would really like to see one of my favourites win in these days. Come on guys, what's wrong with all of you?

I don't have to save for a Portugal trip - noone has to

Another chance thrown away. This is Hungarian football right now. Each time they go and say things like "we'll win against everyone" and then come home with a defeat. And then, of course, nobody is responsible for it. Great. This way, we'll never enter an international championsip or other tournament. They are absolutely out of order, but noone realises it. Hopefully this defeat will finally silence those who wanted to see football matches on TV. I mean, I like football - don't get me wrong - I want to see football matches as well, but seems that Hungarian players play something else than football. And that rules them out. Sorry guys, learn to play first and then you'll be allowed on TV. Till then, I'm more than happy about being able to watch waterpolo, handball, icehockey and basketball. Those guys at least know what they are doing.

Kásás starts his home season in bed

I don't know that much concrete about waterpolo in these days - sorry - but I have seen that Vasas is playing all the time somewhere in international tournaments and with great results. The only thing I miss in these reports is the name of Tamás Kásás. As I have read a few days before he has been ill for some time and he did not play all the time. Get well soon!

10/10/03 Updating the update!

I know, I left out some of the news from last week due to time shortage. Sorry. Now here you have a short summary of what I intended to write:

  • Moya out in Bangkok: as usual, "I would be insanely happy" to comfort him. He had just won the Davis Cup semi final with his Spanish Armada a week before and then lost in Bangkok. Never mind, honey. We still love you.

    Since then Moya is playing in Vienna and he is already in the second round. Go Moya!

  • Safin announced comeback at the Kremlin Cup: some good news about him after a serious of ankle, shoulder and wrist injuries that held him back from matches since this year's season start. He also said that he doesn't like to play in front of a home audience, nevertheless, this tournament provides a perfect opportunity to make a glorious comeback.

    Since then it turned out that my keeping all fingers cross did not help at all and he lost again. It also turned out that his injury is not yet gone for good. And he tried his luck again in Lyon but the result is the same. Shall I repeat myself? You know, about this comforting thing...

    Safin's Comeback Falters Again in Lyon First Round Santoro brings down struggling Safin
    Tue Oct 7, 5:53 PM ET Tue Oct 7, 6:18 PM ET
    By Eric Saillot
    LYON, France (Reuters) - Marat Safin was frustrated in his comeback attempt for the second consecutive tournament when he lost 6-1, 6-4, to France's Fabrice Santoro Tuesday in the first round of the Lyon Grand Prix.
    Beaten in the Kremlin Cup first round last week on his return from a series of injuries, the Russian seventh seed found Santoro too clever once again -- the Frenchman has now beaten him seven times in eight matches.
    Safin was leading 4-2 in the second set and had three points for 5-2, but he could not make his advantage count. Santoro, however, took little satisfaction from his victory.
    "Marat is very far from his best. It hurts me to see him like that. I think he will need a long time to get back to the top," he told reporters.
    Safin, ranked third in the world at the end of 2002, had played only once since April before the Kremlin Cup. "From now until the end of the year I would like to eke out one victory, that's my short term aim," said Safin. "I am sure I can be competitive in 2004. Tennis is like riding a bike, you never forget how to do it."
    LYON, France (AFP) - Fabrice Santoro scored a popular win over Russian number seven Marat Safin in the Grand Prix de Lyon.
    Safin, the former US Open champion who has been out with a wrist injury in recent months, has now gone over five months without a match victory, with his last win coming in the semi-finals of the Barcelona event in April.
    "That's not the real Marat out there. He's been hurt and is lacking in confidence," Santoro admitted after his 6-1, 6-4 first round victory.
    Safin said he was setting modest goals.
    "My wrist is getting better and better. To win one match in the rest of the year would be good. I need to start from somewhere."

  • Dunaferr advances to the second round of the Continental Cup: They played against Levski Sofia on Friday and against the Izraeli Maalot Maccabi on Saturday giving each a hell of a time and stuffing them with 18 and 25 goals. Zagreb came on sunday with a stronger team but could not stop the Hungarians so in the next round in Székesfehérvár two Hungarian teams will compete for getting into the next round.
    Another piece of news about Dunaferr: they continue to play under the name of DAC = Dunaújvárosi Atlétikai Club.

    In the meantime, DAC played two matches in the Interleague and lost both, while Alba Volán FeVita played only one with the same result, loosing to the polish National Champion Oswiecim to 1:4 at home. More about that later. With these results the Hungarian teams proudly occupy the last two positions of the Interleague statistics. Congratulations and as some nice guy said: Get well soon!

  • Fotex beating Szeged - Buday scoring almost a dozen goals to former team: I was fortunate enough to see - even if only on TV - the match between top teams Fotex Veszprém and Pick Szeged. And by the way, I ate Pick salami last week - shame on me. Any handball fans could have a wonderful time watching this excellent match - except for Szeged fans - because this match contained everything possible. Red cards and faces, wonderful goals and bodies..., great saves from Sterbik, mistakes by referees, etc.

    Apart from the usual drooling, I had to admit that Buday Dani looked extremely hot and again, I would have been absolutely ready to comfort Habu. Slowley but surely I have to hand out numbers and set up a waitning room somewhere for patients to be comforted. Well, none of them knocked on my door, so I went to the bathroom to drown my sadness in a tub full of scented water. I also read another Harlequin romance, probably the gazillionth one. (And I cannot even say that I was curious how it would end...)

    Shall I write 'since then'? Perez tore all the ligaments in his ankle, which one? I don't know, but he'll be out of action for a very ong time. Unfortunately. Diaz broke something in himself - I scare myself with both my factual and English knowlegde - and he'll be out for about three weeks as well. Well, well... To both of them: GET WELL SOON!!!

  • Formula 1 - season to be finished very soon: last week's Indianpolis Grand Prix proveded itself an interesting race. I sat down full of hope that I would see a good race. It was a good one, indeed, with the only mistake that Schumi won it. It doesn't mean anything good, Kimi is the only driver out of the field who can still beat him and be champion, but it seems pretty hopeless. And if Schumi wins his 6th WC title - no toilet room, be aware, although he would deserve that much more - his face grows so big he wouldn't fit in his car anymore. Or the aerodinamics of the Ferrari would not match any longer. Is that the only way to keep him away from his car?!?!

    No new news till the end of the Japan GP.

Coming back to Hockey

So, the season kicked off on Thuesday with Alba Volán playing against Oswiecim. Volán lost the game. Shame on them.

Frankie isn't herer anymore, but we still love him.
Image taken from the Official Alba Volán FeVita website. All rights reserved.

It was a good match though. And of course it was also good to see the guys at last. The best of this was actually not the match but the small article in Hírlap afterwords:

Jeges poénok

Kezdő szurkolók az Alba Volán - Dwory SA Unia (Oswiecim - ed.) jégkorongmérkőzésen: - Melyikek vagyunk mi? - Hát a fehér - kékek (érdemes tudni, hogy mindegyik az...). - Nézd azt a fehér sisakost, milyen durva! (az előző zárójeles megjegyzés ide is átmásolandó). Kicsit később: - Te, észrevetted, hogy egyik számot sem adják le végig? (szabálytalankodáskor ugyanis beadnak mindig valami zenét, de ha folytatódik a meccs, természetesen abbahagyják). Másik: - Már gondolkodom egy ideje, hogy mindegyik lengyel játékost Dwory SA-nak hívnak-e, mert a felirat az ő hátukon pont ott van, ahol a mieinknek a neve szokott lenni. De aztán rájottem, hogy ez a csapat neve...
A mérkőzés vége felé, amikor már szinte biztos volt, hogy kikapunk, a konverzációt így fejezték be: - Azt hiszem, kezd ellaposodni a buli, lépjünk.

No comment.

Angel new season kicked off on Wednesday

First of all, with a WB party, then with the first episode of the 5th? 6th? season, I don't know anymore. A few pictures from the party:

02/10/03 Update!

So, as I have promised, I'm back with more interesting news from around the world. I do not like to repeat myself over and over again, but since I would like to continue the topic of Lucky Vanous I thought you might need to refresh your knowledge about him. So I left it here on this page. If you remember every single letter of it - I wonder why you would do so? - then simply click and continue reading here.

His name is Lucky Vanous - not suggesting any good, I know - and it is his real name, not the one he uses in the Showbiz life. I mean, he uses this in showbiz, but it is not his fault, his name comes from his daddy. You might remember him from 1994, he appeared in that famous Coca Cola Light spot as the desire of women. He was the construction worker.

The construction worker women just wanted to make love with

Nowadays he is working on a series since his other series - 18 Wheels of Justice, nowadays on RTL2 on Sundays - has been cancelled.

Height: 6' 4" (1.93 m)

Biography: (with special attention to his military experience)

Born and raised in Lincoln, Nebraska (11.04.62.), Lucky joined the Army at 18 and was selected to join the 1st Ranger Battalion (Black Berets), the elite anti-terrorist and anti-guerilla response team. In the Rangers he traveled extensively and was trained in many military skills including demolitions, scuba diving and low level parachuting. After completing his duty with the Rangers he attended the University of Nebraska at Lincoln. While vacationing in New York with a friend, Lucky was spotted by an agent for the prestigious Elite Modeling Agency, who signed him on the spot. His first assignment found him being shot for GQ MAGAZINE by internationally renowned photographer Francesco Scavullo. During the next five years he traveled and lived throughout Europe and Asia, hiked the Himalayas and made 12 remote excursions into Alaska. Lucky continued his studies at NYU and Fordham University, studying political science and history, but soon found his academic career put on hold when he landed a role as a construction worker in a Diet Coke commercial. The spot became one of Coca-Cola's most successful commercial campaigns, which led to appearances successfully promoting Diet Coke throughout the United States and Europe. Once he made the decision to pursue an acting career, Lucky sought out the best available training - Alan Savage in NY, Howard Fine (Advanced scene study), Groundlings and Jessica Drake (speech) in Los Angeles. He completed his first starring role in the feature film "Chapter Perfect" (Spring 1995), guest starred on the NBC comedy "WINGS" and with Carol Burnett on "ALL MY CHILDREN" anniversary special for ABC, and was selected to co-host part of the 1994 CLIO Awards with Kelsey Grammer. In 1997 Lucky starred in Aaron Spelling's "PACIFIC PALISADES", which aired on Fox and in 1998, starred in feature film, JACK OF HEARTS (1999 release) and guest starred on one episode of PENSACOLA WINGS OF GOLD (aired in January of 1999). In February of 1999 he was featured in HANGING UP, directed by Diane Keaton. He resides in Los Angeles.


  • 1995 - Lucky and trainer Kacey Duke co-star in an exercise video.
  • 1995 - Lucky has his own calendar. 1995 - Lucky stated in an interview with Entertainment Tonight that he would like to have 5 children.
  • His 1994 Diet Coke commercial in which he is ogled by female office workers as he strips to the waist and drinks cola was widely spoofed and even sparked a national debate about the sexual objectification of men.
  • The name Vanous is of Czech origin, and the actor is mostly English and part Czech in ancestry. Lucky's father, then a nightclub owner and gambler, gave him his first name when he was born in Lincoln, Nebraska.
  • Enlisting after high school, Lucky worked his way up to become a member of the elite First Airborne Ranger Battalion, earning the right to wear the black beret. He served on the demolition squad, learned how to seize hostile airstrips and military facilities, specializing in low level parachuting and attending military schools including Special Forces Underwater Diving. "It was the greatest experience of my life," he says. "It helped me grow up." Lucky's character in 18 Wheels of Justice shares the actor's military background, which he finds a useful point of reference in playing the role.
  • When Lucky was still an infant, his family moved to Los Angeles where his father found work on television crews, first as an electrician, then working up to camera operator on shows such as Petticoat Junction, Green Acres, The Beverly Hillbillies and The Addams Family. "I remember being chased around a set by Cousin Itt when I was about three or four," Vanous says, suspecting that working in the industry has been unconsciously part of his plan ever since.
  • People magazine chose him as one of the 50 Most Beautiful People. [1994]
  • Has appeared in more than 45 national and international commercials.

So, what do you think? I, pesonally, cannot think if I see him...

Chance from 18 Wheels of Justice

Lucky gets competition - Another Coke Man

So, you've just read about Lucky Vanous - the guy in the Coca Cola Light commercial from 1994. I was flipping old magazines the other day thinking I might come across his face in one of them. I almost did. But instead I've found another Coke man - a Diet Coke man this time - from the year 1998. The 11.30 time stayed the same, but construction work had been changed into business appointment and the guy from Lucky to Robert Merrill. 'Cause that's his name. One thing did not disapear, however, the level of hotness.

Robert Merrill have since appeared in some TV shows and sitcoms - including Charmed, 5th season "Siren Song" episode playing a 'Married man' - but he did not land any outstanding roles. What a pity. I couldn't find any other useful information on him, except for the facts that he was a model a few years ago, has stage/theatre experience and by the way graduated from law school. Not bad. You can knock on my door, honey!

Do you want some more hot guys? Then go on reading...

A stunt double breaks out

Last Saturday I saw a film. Nothing new yet, I know. It was quite late at night, the film was made according to old Hollywood receipe: take a handsome guy, give him a gun and a nice but somewhat stupid woman to fight for and a villain, spice it up with some jokes, sex and hot fight scenes and you have your Saturday entertainment.

The guy's name is Matt McColm, and according to my knowledge - the CIA doesn't know what they are missing by not having me - he is not only a leading actor - sometimes - but he also appears as a stunt double of none other than Ben Affleck in Pearl Harbor and Daredevil. I mean why not? Have a look at them:

See what I'm saying? While watching the film I was already thinking that he has Ben Affleck's chin, George Clooney's smile and a hell of a body everybody would drool for in an instance. Am I right or am I right?

The Bennifer Saga continues

Talking about Ben Affleck...

OK, a few month ago I promised not to write anything anymore about them 'cause it was getting really ridiculous. And I also thought it could not get any worse than that. I was wrong. It did. By today they wanted to wed at least three times (Valentine's Day, in September at least on every other Sunday). Then they broke up - we all took a deap breath and thanked to everyone/thing oscarwise - but now it seems they are rekindling their relationship. Hold on for a sec, I'll come back, I just need to go out and vomit. Just kidding. I have asked several times the big question: Where did Ben take his brain when he started a relationship with her? And where did he take his brain when he decided to marry her? If you know the answer, please call the following number: 0190... or let HIM know ASAP so he can put his brain back into his head and direct his blood to upper levels...

Angelus - Angelic greetings

I don't want to talk too much. Let the master's words speak for themselves. Click on the pictures to view them in bigger size.

The first, a letter from the Creator:

And finally from the Big Boss:

From one demonic dimension to another: Julian McMahon

Julian McMahon left Charmed about a year ago, but did not go on holiday, he has been working hard to gain a good reputation in Hollywood. Now, he may have that already, but the Parental Whatever Council that overviews all television shows and makes judgement over them - but it might only be a lame excuse for watching the best shows for free - have found his brand new series "Nip/Tuck" - don't ask me what it means - more than disturbing and not ideal for young viewers.

So what can it be about if it stirrs up the water this heavily? Plastic surgery. In Miami. Does it ring a bell? Of course they do not want to see themselves on TV and at the same time be mocked about. Good job, Julian.
