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Ouch!  Hot! That burns!
Neve's Dungeon Office
Standing in the shadows...who could that be?

"This is the office of Professor Neve. In other words..."
A cold hand comes down hard upon your shoulder, the fingers tighten their grip painfully. " territory. Just what do you think you're doing here?"
The woman looks you over with a chilling, calculating scowl as if summing you up, then sneers.
"Maybe you'll prove to be of some use afterall, even though you don't appear to be worth that skinsuit of yours. This way."
Without waiting she grips your arm like a vice, shoves you forward uncerimoniously and walks behind you.
"My assistant is away for the moment and this office, as you can see, needs to be tidied up a bit."
She hands you a toothbrush and empty bucket.
"I expect to see my reflection by the time you're done, and while you're at it, I believe we should set a few ground rules as to the expected conduct in my office."
After positioning herself on the edge of her desk she crosses her legs and leans back, watching you work tirelessly with a cruel smirk on her face.

The following is a list of rules and regulations that must be followed and under no circumstances should they be broken. If anyone has a problem with obeying this order of conduct, they will face immediate punishment/banishment** for it.

The rules to follow include both ic (in character) and ooc (out of character) ones. For the few that may be harder to differentiate I'll include, in brackets, ic or ooc at the end of them. Rules will be added as they're thought of.

1. No one may enter the office without permission. First you must knock, then you must wait for Professor Neve to either physically answer the door, or to verbally invite you in. The only exceptions to this are: Professor Neve, Sulia Veridian, Zilandra Arden and Regulus Archangel.
2. Everyone present in the office must show respect and courtesy to others also in the office. Especially to Neve herself since it's her office.
3. Students who wish to come to Neve's office should have good reason for being there as it's uncommon for anyone to 'visit' a Professor in their office unless they've been specifically requested. If you're attendance is due to homework, missed classes, etc. then you will not be permitted to enter. If, however, you are seeking a specific potion to be made, then you will be allowed in.

**By punishment/banishment I mean you'll be ignored both as a player and as a character. I'm not being in any way rude, but games simply aren't as much fun if there aren't any rules to follow so that everyone knows where they stand.

"Since you've finished your work, as pitiful as it might be...
... it's no wonder I have an assistant when the students can't even get cleaning right ...
... you might as well state your business. Stand right over there and tell me what you want."
A brief glance at your feet and a cold sneer clarify that she isn't making a suggestion.
"Take one step to your left."
A scowl.
"Your other left."
Her eyes follow your movements. When she's satisfied she nods once.
"Yes, right there. Enjoy your trip."
Before you can run you look down to notice a small 'x' carved into the floor on the very tile where you stand, and suddenly the floor gives way beneath you, hurling you into darkness.
