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Last Update:

June 1, 2002

Hello and welcome to Neptune Talisman.  This is an online fan site dedicated to Sailor Moon S, Sailor Moon SuperS, Revolutionary Girl Utena, & Fushigi Yugi:  The Mysterious Play.  Along the side, you will see a menu bar.  On that menu bar are the different anime up right now.  Maybe even later I will add other anime.  Well click the sides and have fun.

-Webmaster Ademu.

Any comments or questions, email me at

All the anime listed and presented are copyright of their respective owners.  THIS IS A FAN SITE.  I am in no offiliation with any companies producing the anime on this site. I AM NOT ANY CHARACTER FROM ANY ANIME.  (Yes I was emailed as Sailor Neptune a few times.)  Again, this is a FAN SITE, I make no profit off this site whatsoever.

-Webmaster Ademu