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Temple Isis

My Favorite things about Angelfire.

My Favorite Web Sites

Return to Ancient Doors website.
Largest PaganBookstore-Free Email &Witchcraft and Pagan supplies
White witch services-Training Course,Free spell,ritual downloads.
Website for Wicca,witchcraft,Pagan mythology
TV Charmed and The Book of Shadows
Your guide to The TV Charmed Book of Shadows spells.
Free book of Shadows on CD Rom.
Awakening the god within.Knowledge for those seeking mastery of this physical plane.
Website of the International Sathya Sai Baba Organization.
Vedhik learning.The Manthra,The Yanthra,The Thanthra
Spiritual Minds.(see below.)Online community to the New age,Metaphysics,Paths of Enlightenment,

'The way to wisdom,is knowledge'.My website is for the purpose to provide opportunities to come into contact with sites that provide knowledge to give oneself the opportunity and to better oneself through ancient sciences that are practiced by many people. Included in this site are links to provide the tools and services to assist you along your way. This is an amazing time in the human evolution, and this site is my way to promote these sciences.Enjoy my poems also.Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again! Remember,the way to wisdom,is knowledge.
