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The Adventures of Masters Samwise & Frodo


  Frodo Sam
Full Name Frodo Baggins Samwise Gamgee
Likes people, television, Pierce Pettis, armpits, hanging out Beethoven, clean litter boxes, Pierce Pettis, feet, Cat Dancer, climbing trees
Dislikes Britney Spears, Pastor Ray, Swirling Eddies the color orange, Pastor Steve, Swirling Eddies
Color light gray with brown/black stripes light orange with brown/black stripes
Breed Domestic Shorthair
Mother Daphne Ingle
Birthday 26 December 2001
Birthplace Fort Worth, Texas


Like hobbits, Samwise and Frodo don't care for travel, but they find themselves on jolly adventures anyway! Here's some of the ways we've gotten around:

Places We Have Lived

Our Family

Sam and Frodo have three siblings: Bilbo Baggins, Peregrin Took (Pippin), and Meriadoc Brandybuck (Merry). Bilbo lives with his mother and Zachary and Jemima Ingle in Greensboro, South Carolina. Pippin moved in with their friend Delayne in Waco, Texas. Merry lives with Joshua Wirtz of Fort Worth, Texas.

Frodo had six children in 2003 and five children in 2007. We're all very proud! Best wishes and fond farewells to Arkenstone, Elessar, My Precious, Narya, Nenya, Vilya, Angel, Starr, Joseph, Merry (Jr.), and Chris.

Sam and Frodo sell angels on the internet at Feel free to check it out.