Alright, we are going to use the tower for a bit to get this worked out.

Here is an e-mail I sent to Morin this afternoon, let me know what you guys think:

I was thinking about a mix of OSS and TLW. Really a wierd guild but oh well :) We would have a Grand Master (Guild Leader), then second in command would be the Seneschal. After that we would have a council of sorts, each member would be an officer and called a Turcoplier (I am good at stealing names from ancient socities, Turcoplier is from the Knights Templar) The council would not be large, maybe 3 members to start. All the officers would vote in a situation and the majority would win. Nothing fancy, just simple voting. Any member of the guild, officer or no, can propose an ammendment to the charter. Also, every appointment, and advancement in rank would have to be apporved with a majority in the council. Each member would be called a Knight. (Once again from the Knights Templar, let me know if you have any more ideas :) ) They would have all rights, etc. And all applicants would be called ________ (I don't know yet heheh) All hopeful applicants have to have two members in good standing sponser them. The Grand Master then either accepts the applicant or refuses him/her admitance into the guild.

Alright, here is what I was thinking. The GM would be leader of the guild and leader of the officers. He would tell them what to do in a situation should it arise and deal with all issues in game. The council, which would meet once every other week would then vote on any issues. If someone believes that the GM did something wrong, it would be discussed and then decided upon. Mostly the council will deal with larger issues, but some times the smaller ones arise and they will evaulate the GM/Seconds/officers response to it if it was controversial.

sorry its in white, but oh well

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