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Huzzah & Welcome! I am Ariana McDonnough and welcome to my Ren Faire Travels site. This is where I have put up some pics from different ren faires that I've attended in the past few years. I hope that you will enjoy them! Please be sure to sign my guestbook below. Thank you!!

Ariana McDonnough
IWG #2094 ~ Local #24/Ren Merc #607
Pinned Ren Geek
Scrummilicious Wench**
FoB Wench and Proud!
Battle Bytch of Broadfoot
Lance Goodthrust's Spicy Wench
A Wench Of All Trades....Almost
"With a name like tasty wench, it has to be good!"
(Thanks to Lord Diodato from AFR!)

I am also known as:
Captain Goldie Hawkins
Privateer #359
Captain of The Kindred Beauty
High Seas Opportunist
Mistress of the Quarterstaff & Sword
Villages Plundered, Ships Looted, & Bootys Shakin'
"I said, 'Great shot', not grape shot!"
If the Captain's cabin is rockin', go on shore and drink at the tavern!

**What is "scrummilicious"?

Scrummilicious" is 3 words combined: scrumptious, yummy, & delicious. A charming rogue named Amergin de la Barracuda came up with this etymology about my word:

"The definition of "Scrummilicious" would look somthing like this:

Pronunciation: skruh-mill-lish-us
Function: Adjective, Adverb form-"Scrummiliciously"
Etymology: came from a Wench, 'nuff said.
Date: How bout next Thursday?
1 scrummilicious: A level of deliciouness that leaves the perceiver with the feeling of having been hit with a tight formation of rugby players, and struggling for possession of any self-control.
2 The description of a well-endowed bodice containing a tight formation of forward parts that drive onlookers to the MADHOUSE"

Thank you, dearest Amergin!!

Below are the links to different faires from 2002 by their name:

Festival of the Lion Faire 2002

Tux Faire 2002

Robin Hood Faire 2002

Park City Faire 2002

Prince William's Faire 2002

Stockwood Faire 2002

Below are the shameless, links to the web sites of other rennies, performers, and merchants. Tell them that Ariana McDonnough sent ya:

Vince Conaway - musical performer (He's awesome!)

The Crimson Pirates - musical group (They're awesome, too!)

Another Tyme Garb & Accessories ~ my friend, Samantha's site

Renaissance Village Square for Garb & Accessories ~ my friend, Erika's site

Eeldrytch Armouree

Potted Fox Leather Goods

Silvermane, LTD.

La Wren's Nest

International Wenches Guild

International Brotherhood of Rogues, Scoundrels, and Cads Guild

International Fellowship of Royal Privateers Guild