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Welcome to the Lady Star's Domain!

Home Again

     I'm kinda home from college now. I technically have not graduated yet, although they let me participate in my college's graduation ceremony. I have 2 classes left to take, I think. They are both spanish classes, because I failed the ones I took at UCSD. The way they teach it there just didn't work out for me. I treid so hard, and still failed pretty miserably. Thus, I shall take these classes at a community college and transfer the credits and then I shall get my BA in Archaeology. Which is useless.

     So what all this means is that I have moved back to Redlands to live at my mom's because I thought it would be easier than trying to stay in San Diego and get a job. WRONG! Sooooo wrong was I. We went to anime expo and the people at the hotel lied to me about how much the room was going to be, so I ended up paying a ton extra. That ate up all my savings. And I quit my job in anticipation of having my savings to rely on till i found a job. I thought since I was living at my moms I would have less expenses. Sigh. It's not working out well. I guess I'll just have to figure something out. I only have to deal with it until the wedding, and then maybe everything will work out just fine.

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