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Rebuilding Damaged Credit

Bad credit can happen to good people. Don't despair. There are ways you can get your credit back in shape. But you have to start working on it today -- and keep working hard to show potential creditors that you're serious about getting your credit back in order. As you do so, your credit score will improve, resulting in better credit offers and a substantial savings in money.

Get Started Now

Open new accounts and pay them off. Being able to repay a variety of new accounts is a key step in rebuilding your credit. That means that devising a strategy to open and pay off as many different kinds of accounts as you can is better than adding more debt to an existing credit card.

Start small. Rebuilding your credit can be similar to starting over from scratch, and starting small may be the easiest option. Credit cards from department stores or your local credit union can be useful.

Consider asking for help. If you can't qualify on your own, ask a friend or family member to cosign for a small loan or credit card. If you can stay current on a major credit card account or small auto loan, this will speed up the process of re-establishing good credit on your own.

Consider a secured credit card. They are guaranteed by a deposit that you make with the credit grantor. The cards offer the purchasing power of a major credit card. Just make sure the grantor reports payment histories to one of the three major credit bureaus so you're building your positive payment history.

Use your new accounts in moderation. And make payments that are more than the minimum. You can keep a small balance so that your positive payment history will continue to show up on your credit report.

Keep your balances low. Avoid carrying a balance that is more than 30% of your credit limit (creditors may view it as excessive debt that you may not be able to stay current with).

Check Your Progress

You have taken the first step toward rebuilding your credit. Now it's time to take the next. Do you know where your credit stands? Find out with Score Power®, it includes your Equifax Credit Report™ and your FICO® Credit Score, the score used by more creditors than any other to judge you as a credit risk.

Be Patient-the Payoff Is Worth It

It takes some time for your new credit history to gain momentum. You're demonstrating that you are not depending on certain credit cards and loans for your financial survival.

That's why opening and paying down accounts may make it a little easier to get more credit. With patience and timely repayments, you'll likely be able to build a new credit history that creditors will look upon favorably when making decisions about your ability to handle even more credit.


                       Credit Restoration Package                                

Good credit is essential in today's economy. Without it you cannot buy a home or car, obtain credit cards or build the financial future you and your family desire.
Regardless of your situation, now you can easily and effectively repair or improve your credit rating. 2-EZ Credit Repair provides full instructions and contains ready-to-use forms to correct every type of credit problem. You can even use Credit Repair to improve the credit rating of your business.

2-EZ Legal Credit Repair has been specifically designed for:

  • Anyone with any type of credit problem.
  • Consumers with no credit history.
  • Individuals who need to repair their bad credit.
  • Anyone whose credit is overextended.
  • People starting out after bankruptcy.
  • People who want to obtain credit or charge cards.

Get the forms and the formula to turn bad credit or no credit into a triple-A rating.

                                   All for only $49.95



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