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Have a laugh

I realised that there was a lot wrong with the new design but it all seems to be fixed now. I'm sorry that this page takes longer to load but its because of the extra heading, I'll look into it in time. More pages soon...

Date: 8/11/2003
You gotta just love the new layout, let me tell you, it took a heck of lotta hard graft to get it just right, but I'm happy with it now. You really cannot understand how utterly annoying HTML can be until you actually try to create a site from scratch. It was also quite painful setting up the dynamic content in the Polls page, but I'm very proud of it now. Also, if you view the source code, you'll noice that there's no font tags at all, very sweet. I recommend any webmaster to use CSS, its fantastic. Oh, and if you do not have the font to view this page properly, then just mosey on over to the Fonts page and download them. Feel free to visit any new areas, but really I should shut up so you can go ahead and enjoy this site....

Currently Listening to.....Carrots, to see what noise they make. ha ha

Play good fun here
Vote yourself silly
staying here is better
not the holy kind
the great one!!