Fleasures of the Plesh

“Mad, adj.: Affected with a high degree of intellectual independence.”- Ambrose Bierce's The Devil's Dictionary

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"And so hath the Argyle-Socked One succumbed to the deadly temptation of her growling ego..."

In the beginning, before fruitbats or cheeses, before the south of France became the north of Egypt (and vice versa), before there were even crossdressers- in that dim and dark beginning, when the creator of BARNEY was merely a destructive blob of energy, there was the Jehane, Omnipotent Authoress, Crier of The Word 'random', Writer of fics that are called by The Word 'random', Reader of Tamora Pierce, Phillip Pullman, and Robert Jordan, Eater of Much Pizza, and Keeper of the Sacred Words, 'Random', 'Muchos', and 'Interweb'. The Jehane lay comatose for many years, until, one not-so-special day in the late Eighties, while she lay dreaming rather near the planet Skairon in the galaxy of Andromeda, she took it into her head to be *ominous incidental theme music* REBORN, this time as a ninth-grade nearsighted argyle-socked freckled writer of random fanfics.

And so she was...

...And they still feel the shock waves in New Guinea.

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This is the ego page of a Tamora Pierce fan and Jareth/Ruki/Frodo obsessee. That ought to be an ample warning.

Version 2.0- Shroomville! Quite a big update, this time- all of my current fics worth a crap are up, including a few you'll never see on FF.Net due to legal reasons. *Cough, wheeze.* Also, I launched the Random page and added... THE SHROOMS! Aren't they luminescent?! (Just agree with me.)

Welcome to Fleasures of the Plesh, the personal webpage of Jehane Wizardborn, Also know as The Rogue, Eru, or the Bawdy Bitchstress of Hell. If you have no idea who she is, do not fear, for neither does she. However, this is a wonderful chance to get to know her! So, browse about, read her fics, and mail her about how bad they are! Or, if you so desire, skip to her other site and nose about there.

Today's Random Webpage was brought to you by the number 63!

~Jehane Wizardborn

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Random Pickings of the Day, my Precioussssssss...

Pointless Info
Jehane's OTHER Site

Email: the_rogue_ishida@hotmail.com