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Hi everyone! I finally decided to do something about taking down both of my MSTs ::grumble grumble:: so I decided to make a website. (I know, it stinks.) Here you can find my first MST, "The Marauders and the Sorcerer's Stone", "The Marauders Singing Competition," an interactive karaoke contest where you decide the winners (and losers), and my other fic, "Cleaning Out the Attic". Also, I do intend to do MSTs for all five books. I know it will take me a while, (a long while), but I don't care.
Oh, and please send me a review by following the instructions below. I will post all of my reviews on a separate page and I will answer every single one on that page. Plus, if you include your favorite line from the chapter, I will give you part of the dedication of the next chapter : ). That's basically it. Thanks for visiting and please come again!

To submit a review, go to my profile, click on the title of the fic you want to review, scroll down to the bottom of the page, 'Submit a Review' should already be selected in the drop-down menu, click 'Go', and fill out the form!

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