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3rd Lieutenant Horatio Hornblower
Looking dashing in his blues
Intense eyes
Dashing in blues again
Funny lip thing…
Another from the same bit
A little bug-eyed
Same scene – closed mouth
A skosh more dignified
Squinty faced
Sort of tipsy, are we?
Froggy looking
In need of sleep...
...And getting some
Sticking out tongue
Wet cat
Self satisfied after a successful maneuver
Eerily resembling a teacher I’m not so fond of
Looking rather like his face is porcelain
In the rain
Nice profile
Up the rigging
In a really big coat
"Stop it, Styles!"
Quite soggy
Eyes are beautiful things

4th Lieutenant Archie Kennedy
“Thought you could use some help.”
In blues
In blues again
Looking a bit worried
A rather good picture
Same pic, bigger smile
On deck in whites
Appearing as though his patience is being severely tried
Does this remind you of Jefferson D’Arcy?
On deck
"It's not history that concerns me."
Raised eyebrows
Not sure what this is, but it's cute
Tight lipped
Approaching the captain
Truly gorgeous eyes

Midshipman Wellard
I love this picture
Clinging to ropes
Looking on in horror
An anime character? Nope! It’s Wellard!
Looking at the floor
Rather spaced out looking
Great eyebrows
Open this one and the last in quick succession and he looks like a fish
Asserting his authority (for once...)
Set jaw
A generally cute picture
Glaring at...someone
Concentrating on the hourglass
Little bit of a gasp
So cute...
Reporting on the activities of the enemy
Awww... Poor, poor abused baby
Looking rather more like Patrick Swyaze than Terrence Corrigan
What a cutie...
Eerily disconcerting
Detached again
Warning the Lieutenants
Perhaps not the best idea you've ever had, dear one...
Facing down Hobbes
"Out of my way please, Mr. Hobbs." (Yay!)
With somebody or other's respects
Don't shoot!
Lying on the deck
Covered in (someone else's) blood

2nd Lieutenant Bush
The first time we see him
Tipping his hat
On deck
Slightly displeased
A fairly good shot
Joining the mutineers
Does he ever smile?
Nice eyes...
Liberated from the brig

Other characters
1st Lieutenant Buckland "God! Holy God!"
Dr. Clive
The Renown
Captain Sawyer
"In time you may, indeed, thank me."
Styles looks down into the water
Kind of neat shot of Kennedy morphing into Hornblower

Group pictures
Hornblower, Styles, and a big rope
Blurry Bush, Buckland, and Hornblower
Bush, Buckland, and Hornblower about to be very wet
Está lloviendo!
A bit more rain…
Letting up
Horatio removes his hat…
And glares upward
Hornblower and Kennedy during a night watch
And speaking to the captain
Hornblower, Kennedy, and Bush
Buckland, Hornblower, and Kennedy
Buckland, Hornblower, and Kennedy again
Kennedy and Hornblower in blue
Bush, Hornblower, and Kennedy raising the anchor
One of my favourites – Kennedy stands up for Wellard
Wellard imitates Bush...
...makes Kennedy laugh...
...and gets reprimanded by Hornblower
"Sir! You will call him Sir!" Hornblower and Kennedy
Hornblower stands up for Wellard
Sawyer terrorizes Wellard
"You must intervene!" Kennedy and Bush
Kennedy and Wellard before punishment
"No hard feelings, lad" Wellard and Matthews
Bush and Kennedy on deck
Bush and Kennedy
Kennedy and Hornblower
Wellard and Bush
Casca, Trebonius, and Cassius Which would, of course, make Bush Brutus (I know I used this before, but it works so much better here)
The mutineers ambush Wellard
Wellard looks a skosh frightened...
Hornblower comforts Wellard
Lieutenants Bush and Buckland
Bush makes sure Wellard is okay
Bush's tongue and Kennedy
The peanut gallery
The community bathhouse
The mutinous dogs (in various states of undress)
"Heave!" (Miguel and Tulio...?)
Matthews and Kennedy
Hornblower and Bush kick their way to the surface

Retribution (Spoilers)

3rd Lieutenant Horatio Hornblower
Chewing on his hat
“I think you have your answer.”
Chuckling nervously
Oooh… Creepy. Didn’t need that reminder.
“Nothing’s changed.”
Securing the cannon
An interesting look
A bit embarrassed
Shut up, Archie
Disgusted look
In the tunnel
Is that you, Buddy?
In court
Talking to Archie
Choked up

4th Lieutenant Archie Kennedy
With a telescope
Actually using the telescope
This moment really isn’t as good as a still shot
Like I said before…
The file name came from the noise my sis makes when she sees this picture
An admittedly nice picture ::Helga sigh::
“How long do we have?”
Why one should never cause harm to certain young sailors
Second in a series
More of same
Number 5…
Last one
Archie to the rescue!
Worried about Wellard
Not sure what this is about
“I’m afraid…” I don’t remember the rest of the quote
Boarding the ship
Aww… So much pain… (Recommended audio-enhancement for full effect: "The Burning Bush" [not the Lieutenant, the piece of score from PoE])
But he goes out laughing. Sort of (See above for music recommendation)

Midshipman Wellard
Don’t drop him!
A little dusty
Uh, oh…
And he’s scared again…
Sort of resembling a vampire
A Hornblower’s-eye view
Not a real fan of firearms
He looks so terrified!
“Both…eyes…open…” ;-)
Here goes nothing…
Is it just me, or does he look different every time you see him?
Running from imminent peril
Kind of blurry, but a rare smile
My baby’s so jumpy!
Another smile
Being terrorized by Hobbs
Coming up with a good comeback
Standing up for himself
Boy has some big teeth…
A little testy…
Now an action figure!
Glaring at Hobbs
On the cannon
Squinting upwards
He’s not your whipping boy, Sawyer.
“Welcome back, Mr. Kennedy!”
Mustering his courage
Talking back
[cries] (See above for music recommendation)

Other characters
Buckland. With a nice scratch on his head
Bush, ironically, in a slightly heroic pose
Hobbs and Captain Sawyer
Sir Pellew
Pellew looking smug
I love this guy
“If that’s damaged, it’s coming out of your pay, Styles.”
Styles congratulating Hornblower
“There’s good noose tonight!” ^_^

Group shots
Kennedy, Wellard, and Bush
Kennedy approaches Hornblower, Bush, and Wellard
Same group
Bush offers Kennedy the telescope (that thing got passed around quite a bit)
“Would you care to observe the enemy, Mr. Kennedy?”
Archie reacts
Some more
Hornblower and Bush firing
Matthews fires as Wellard looks down in horror
Kennedy and Hornblower
Kennedy and Hornblower, slightly worried
Kennedy and Bush
Kennedy, Hornblower, and Matthews looking up
“Look, Archie. It’s your friend from the tower.”
“How’d he get up there?”
Bush and Styles
Hornblower, Hobbs, Wellard, Kennedy, and Matthews hold a planning session
You can see Hobbs slightly better here
This seems like something that would happen to Rincewind, actually
Looking up the way Wellard was just dropped. Head down
“You have to fire!”
Matthews, Kennedy, Hobbs, and Hornblower run
And run
And run some more
Hobbs and Hornblower running
More from the new line of Hornblower action figures (Horatio figure with super inflate-o cheeks)
Kennedy, Hornblower, and Wellard (How I wish this wasn’t so dadgum blurry…)
Styles and Bush are a little surprised
::sigh:: My boys. Er… Our boys.
Hornblower, Styles, and Bush
Bush and Wellard with…you guessed it, the telescope!
Don’t tell me he didn’t play clarinet
Bush, Kennedy, and Hornblower
Niiiice hair on Horatio there
All of them, really.
It’s alive!
Bush and Hornblower
Most of the cast members who matter
Bush and Kennedy with the prop of the hour
I want to be this telescope.
Look at the cheekbones on this guy
Hornblower, Bush, and Kennedy answer Wellard’s plea
Kennedy and Hornblower – I simply *love* the hair
Hobbs and Wellard
Kennedy, Bush, Matthews, and Styles
“I remember when you were afraid of heights.” (eh…paraphrase)
Preparing to jump
Archie prevents Bush’s escape
A little credit for the stunt men
Styles and Matthews have a little disagreement
“Privilege of rank, Styles.”
Kennedy surfaces…
Hornblower surfaces…
A splash indicates that Bush’s alive…
And he finally surfaces
Quite soggy
Sweet Oxygen!
Matthews and Styles (I’m not the only one who thinks he looks like Tim Curry, am I?)
Wellard and Sawyer face their foes

An Even Chance/The Duel
Examination for Lieutenant/The Fire Ships
The Duchess and the Devil
The Frogs and The Lobsters/The Wrong War