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Aquariums are a Cool Hobby

Fish aquariums are one of the best hobbies out there because they provide you with enjoyment and also a little education of fish and there natural habitat. There are two types of fish aquariums: saltwater and freshwater. Saltwater is what I currently have and am very pleased with it. Saltwater aquariums tend to be a tad bit more difficult than the freshwater due to the fragiliness of saltwater fish.

I am planning to start up a 120 reef aquarium that will accomodate clams, crabs, hard corals, soft corals, and a few polyp corals. It will be fully automatic with auto ph, salenity, and temperature. I will be posting some pictures as soon as it is up and running.

I have run into some problems as I have been caring for my 46 gallon reef system. I have found that Reef Central has been a lot of help for ich treatment.

I will list some help topics in the next paragraph.



  1. Take the infected fish out of the show tank and put it in a quarantine tank.
  2. Treat with Coppersafe for one week.
  3. Raise temperature up to 82 degrees in incriments of 1 degree per day.


  4. If you have an agressive fish in the tank and you want to add another fish do the following:
  5. Feed before introducing new fish.
  6. Rearrange aquarium ornaments.
  7. Try not to introduce fish that you know there is no way they will get along. Under Construction

    My Favorite Fish


    1. Maroon (White Stripe)
    2. True Percula
    3. Black and White Percula
    4. Clarkii
    5. Maroon(Gold Stripe)

      Tangs or Surgeonfish

      1. Pacific Blue
      2. Yellow Hawaiian
      3. Purple
      4. Powder Blue

        Keep checking back for further updades.

        Webmaster:Jeff Baldwin

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