Firequest Borzoi Pedigrees

One of the little miracles of birth
*Many thanks to the producers of "The Borzoi Files" photo pedigree websource and those that participate in adding information. It is an invaluable resource for the borzoi community with over 139,000 borzoi entered into it
Firequest Litters
Click on the Litter to go to The Borzoi Files photo pedigree
Firequest "S" Litter, 4/18/92
Firequest "B" Litter, 3/31/97
Firequest "C" Litter, 9/26/97
Firequest "W" Litter, 10/1/01
Firequest and Vera co-bred "O" Litter, 7/31/07
Firequest and Chrysalis co-bred "British Novels" Litter, 6/15/09
Firequest and Chrysalis co-bred "British Novels, Chapter II" Litter, 2/16/13
Firequest "Z" Litter, 10/9/20
Firequest "J" Litter, 12/7/2023
Firequest and Chrysalis co-bred "Last Novels, Chapter III" Litter, 5/8/2024
My English Imports
Rodgivad Firequest, 1982
Livny Temptress, 1990
Olias Margaux, 1992
Am.Ch.Manitias Brilliant in Black, "Jeeves", 1999
Proud Owner Of:
Ch.Sterling Pickadilly Lilly, Lilly, 2005
Sterling Only the Black Rose, Moxie, 2011
Golightly Anika Sanhawke, Anika, 2009
Golightly Brolin Flashdrive Firequest, "FlashD", 2014
Teine All Fired Up, 2009
Kelcrest Red Diamond Sunset, "Katie", 2005
Midknight Sonnett, "Sonnett", 1998
Danica Ian, "Ian", 1980
Karistan's Morgan of Hathaway, "Morgan", 1979
Borzoi Club of America, Lifetime Member,
AKC Breeder of Merit
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