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Other Gateways

Back to the guild

roll playing information

Dream silver


RP charectures

RP story

welcome to the gateway of dreams

hello and welcome to the Gateway of Dreams website,where your dreams take flight.

6/27/03 ~ beast200035 will be having a giveaway on the 30th

6/27/03 ~ Even though we still only have 4 members we have started the RP contest and there will be a page that will have whats happening in the rp and a record of everything that we have done

6/8/03 ~ we have made the charecture page! check it out! =)

5/29/03 ~ we have 4 members now and I think we should start posting on the message board who are charectures are put:
2)race/creature/monster whatever
3) a description of what she/he looks and acts like
also remember to answer the poll because this RP will probably take a looooong time. =)

4/27/03 ~ we just came up with a new thing called "dream silver" if you get enough silver you will be able to buy far just be active and you can get some silver or if you win a contest!

4/25/03 ~ sher814 is now on the council!

4/23/03 ~ Donation contest has started!!! check contest page for details ALSO the webbie is finally done!

4/12/03 ~ FIRST CONTEST!!!! This is a refferal contest. The first person to referr 15 members wins! more details on the contest page!

Member of the month
uses for dream silver
and more!

no idia what The Gateway of Dreams is?its a guild on the website called neopets. not a neopets user yet? then come here