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Chapter Three

I smell something. And it smells good. I haven’t had anything to eat since I was on that plane. My stomach growled and I rolled over, opening my eyes. It was dark outside and my headache was finally gone. I ran a brush through my hair quickly and tripped out the door. Literally. I heard Liv laugh.

I looked down the hall and saw about four men in there and I quickly ducked back into my room, shutting the door quickly. I cursed loudly as I tripped over my own bag and then opened it, throwing on tan jeans and a red sleeveless shirt. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. Then I opened my door and walked into the kitchen, to find them still all sitting there.

“And sleeping beauty awakens.” Liv said smirking.

“Bite me.” Came my sarcastic remark, I raised an eyebrow and looked around at the unfamiliar faces.

“Oh, these are some of the cast from lord of the rings.” Liv said.

“Dominic Monaghan.” One said with spiked blond hair.

“Elijah Wood.” Said another with brown hair (going everywhere).

“Billy Boyd.” Said the third who had a rather pointed nose. And finally the last said, “Orlando Bloom.”

And there was only one word that came to mind- hot.

I ducked my face to hide the small blush that I felt creeping up. However I think Liv noticed.

“My name is Michelle Tyler.” I said looking at Liv, to see her smirking and then touching her cheeks. I knew what it ment, I was blushing. Damnit!

“So where exactly are you from?” Elijah asked.

“Indiana.” I said quickly.

“Ah. I’ve never been there.” He said.

“Well I wouldn’t exactly call it a touristy place.” I said wryly. He smiled slightly and I glanced around looking for a clock.

“What time is it?”

“About seven.”

“What? I’ve been asleep for seven hours! Damn no wonder I’m so hungry.” I said. Everybody laughed and Liv put an omelet in front of me, along with a Mountain Dew.

“Ah, thanks Liv.” I said opening the Mountain Dew.

“So what am I going to do while you go to the premiere?” I asked between bites, while everybody stared at me like I was stupid.

“You’re coming along.” Liv said.

I stared at her and said, “What?”

“Yea, you’re coming along.” Liv said firmly. I put down my fork and stared at them all. I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and smiled.


I finished up my omelet and put the plate in the sink then sat back down.

I looked around at the four men when a cell phone rang. All of them checked their cell phones and it was Elijah’s that had rung.

“Hello? Yea they’re with me. Okay. Sure, we’ll be right there.”

Elijah clicked off his phone and looked at Dominic and Billy.

“They’re doing a hobbit scene. We need to leave.” Elijah said standing. I reached out my hand and said, “It was nice to meet you, I’m sure I’ll be seeing more of you.”

He nodded and shook my hand as did Billy and Dominic.

“So how was the ride over?” Orlando asked.

“I wouldn’t really know, I still had a hangover from the night before.” I said finishing up the Mountain Dew. He laughed and Liv shook her head.

“Out with Christina?” She asked.

I smirked and said, “You know it.”

“She needs to come visit I haven’t seen her in nearly four years.” Liv complained. Then Liv’s cell rang and she groaned and stared at it. She finally picked it up and said rather grumpily, “Hello? Mmhmn, okay. Yes, Peter, I’ll be over in a few.”

She hung up her phone and looked at us.

“Well I’m wanted at a photo shoot. Orlando, I guess you’re stuck here until I get back...your car’s still at the club. Mitch watch a movie or something.” Liv said grabbing her purse and heading for the door.

“Bye then.” I said. Liv smiled and shut the door behind her.

“Mitch?” Orlando echoed.

“Yea, it’s my long time nickname, everybody calls me that. So go ahead.” I said.

“Mm. People call Orli.” Orlando said.

“You sound like you’re not to fond of it.” I laughed.

He shrugged and said, “I dunno whether I like it or not.”

“So tell me about yourself.” I said going over to the couch while he sat on an armchair.

“Hm. I was born in Canterbury, Kent on January 13 1977. I graduated from Guildhall. I have a dog named Maude. And I’m very accident prone. I’ve broken a finger, a toe, an arm, both legs, a rib, my wrist, my back and fractured my skull 3 times. Then I was almost paralyzed when I broke my back, falling 3 stories onto an eavestrough.”

I stared at him and blurted out, “And I thought I was klutzy.”

He laughed and asked about me.

“Well...I was born in Evansville, Indiana on November 14 1978. I grew up in Indianapolis, and I have an older brother. My older cousin is Liv. I have a cat named Oliver, and my best friend is taking care of him for now, my best friend’s name is Christina. After highschool I went to a music school in New York. Then I moved back to Indiana with Christina. I met up with an old friend and we went out for nearly a year,” I grimaced as I thought of James, “And I dumped him right before I moved here because I knew long term wouldn’t work. My father was in the army and he trained my when I was little because somehow he knew how my life would turn. He died four years ago and my brother moved out and went to France to attend a cooking school. My mom is planning to move down here, because she’s always wanted to. Christina is planning to move down to attend Guildhall. And that’s about it.” I said.

I heard a knock at the door and opened it to see about a six foot tall package and the England style UPS man. He gave me a clipboard to sign and left. I sighed he had just left. How the hell was I supposed to get it through the door? Let alone the basement.

“What is that?” Orlando asked looking at the package, which was taller than both of us.

“My punching bag.” I stated simply as he glanced at me.

“And where is it going to go?” He asked.

“The basement,” I said, “Though how it’s going to get there I have no idea.”

He looked at it and said at a length, “We should take it out of the box, it’s not as tall as the box is it?”

“Nope. Okay I’m going to tip over the box so move.” I said that as I reached up, stood on my tip toes, and pulled. The box hit the floor with a loud crash and I flinched.

“Well that’s one way to do it.” Orlando commented on my handy work. I laughed and pulled it up right, it was about my height.

“Okay, I’ll take one side you take the other. By the way do you mind going down the stairs backwards? I really don’t think I should.” Orlando said.

“I don’t mind. Okay on three. 1,2,3.”

We heaved it down the stairs and quickly hung it.

“Whew.” I breathed then turned and gave the punching bag a good punch.

Chapter Four
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Dreaming of You