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The Legend of Dreka (and his family)

My Favorite Web Sites

Legends of Excalibur Webpage
The Legend of Dreka
The Legends of Excalibur Fansite

This is the legend of Dreka and his family members. Dreka is a character in the MUD game Legends of Excalibur. In Legends of Excalibur(LofE for short) we are required to write a bio. Well, eventually my bio got way too long, so Sharaz, the troll Knight of the Round Table, suggested I write my extended bio on a web page and to link it to the LofE website, link is below. So here is my page about the Great Templar/Crusader Dreka, his pet, and his other family members, his father Dreaf, his mother Gratrea, his big-sister Grathea, and his little brother Grasthik. The family is a race of giants called Cloud-Giants. I hope you enjoy my story. This Site is Currently Under Construction
