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Death's Like Mercy

.: A strong scent of blood and decay fill your nostrils, to take a deep breath in these toxic wastelands of rott and death,would be fatal..bleached worms squirm over rotted flesh and bones,even feeding off off the living. A meal here is quickly accepted...far off in the distance cries of pain and pleads for mercy fall upon deaf ears. Mercy is but a weakness,that can kill you as easily as the inhabitants of this filth. You trot quickly over barren wastelands,blood rolling over the land,as if the grass was died dark red, bones with decayed flesh weakly hanging on them,scatter this land....
and some reffer to it as hell...

...your paws are quickly reddend from this filth,this land...home to some but a living hell to others,to betray this pack, would surley open your eyes to this. Dazed by the horrid smell,you see a black mist rolling over the land, it stops in front of you,seeming blocking you from walking any further...the mist begins to take shape.. a black female wolf,scars of battle spread over her body,with firey red eyes,haunting and unforgiving they seem to pierce through your soul... "Beware of these lands,and the horrible fate that awaits you...tell no others,and make no mistake,for even one could be costly.."with that the figure turns to mist once more,and seems to disappear from shake your head,the words playing over and over in your mind...make no mistake for even one could be costly :.

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