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I AM supplying maptiles (not many, mind you) for public use. Well, sorta. See, you shouldn't go around using other people's graphics... even if they give them to you for that purpose. What I mean is while it's okay to take SOME of the maptiles (not the entire sets) for use in a game, if you really can't make one that looks as good as mine (that'll be the day), the main purpose of these is to provide people an example of how to make semi-good graphics with little to no effort. Ignore that last thing I said. Anyway, each section WILL be divided into different types... for World Map Tile Sets, for example, the first type is a medieval world map, type two may be still medieval but for fantasy related, type three may be sci-fi, type four may be end of the world... whatever. Also, although there is a picture of each one you'll be getting, you'll need to download it in zip file. Because Angelfire is so... special... all pictures are in messed-up-non-OHR-friendly jpg format... so the bmps are in the zips. Then again, Angelfire is a free website provider, so I should be thankful... but I'm not. Ever since they had the brilliant idea of limiting our webshell size to like 35 bytes and giving us ads, things have never been the same (sniffle).

World Map Tile Sets

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